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be alert : usa,12/29/2016 FDA bans import of japanese food!! 台獨笨蛋
2017/01/27 12:58:49瀏覽233|回應14|推薦0

Got from my sister-in-law ...will taiwan medias post it?

in the beginning she thought it were rumour then she verified and indeed 12/29/2016 usa FDA post www.accessdata.fda.gov/cms_ia/importalert_621.html

alert for japan's radiation and nuclear contamination foods.

did 台獨笨蛋 care about taiwan people? they protect  themselves very well but full mouth liars allured taiwan people buy nuclear polluted from japanbastards so can get their filthy political benefits. why?  台獨笨蛋 want to kill all chinese in taiwan so in the future dirty LDW type can be the master in taiwan and no one against but be slavery for japanbastards.

Import Alert 99-33
   FDA Home Import Program Import Alerts Imports Alerts by Number Import Alert
- (Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

Import Alert # 99-33 Published Date: 12/29/2016  Type: DWPE
Import Alert Name:Detention Without Physical Examination of Products from Japan Due to Radionuclide Contamination.

Reason for Alert:
NOTE: Revision to this Import Alert dated December 27, 2016 removes products from the list of products restricted by the Government of Japan. The format of the product listing has also been amended. Changes are noted and bracketed by three asterisks (***).

Previous revisions to this Import Alert dated March 23, April 12, April 14, April 20, April 21, May 9, June 13, July 6, October 21, 2011, February 1, 2012, July 25, 2012 September 9, 2013, February 24, 2015, March 31, 2015, April 3, 2015, July 16, 2015, August 4, 2015, November 17, 2015, January 19, 2016, March 4, 2016, April 8, 2016, July 18, 2016, August 26, 2016, ***September 13, 2016 and October 7, 2016*** provided updates to the products and/or prefectures subject to detention without physical examination.

This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or product(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/09/30 16:07
研究称福岛第一核电站附近水质难溶放射性物质... 中新网9月30日电 据日媒报道,日本东京大学研究团队本月29日在英国科学杂志发表研究成果称,东京电力福岛第一核电站附近的河流,与切尔诺贝利核电站附近河流的水质相比,较难溶解因事故排出的放射性物质。研究小组中的东京大学地球化学专业教授高桥嘉夫分析称:“在水中难以溶解的话,放射性物质则不会被浮游生物吸收,通过食物链对鱼产生的影响较低。”





my question is if you swim and uncarefully swallow sea water which 放射性物质 mixed then even 放射性物质 didn't 溶解 but it still entered into your body. some 海鲜 living in the bottom of 矿物颗粒沉淀的河口附近, and very likely became others which not living in 沉淀的河口附近 foods, so 食物链对鱼 still 产生的影响... in the end also 对 people  产生影响. And if it reaaly stay in 沉淀的河口附近 that means more japanese suffered, but obviously it didn't because the sea/river tide washed it toward the sea... to the whole world.

2017/08/24 23:11

 美船员就福岛核事故起诉 要求日方设50亿美元基金...美国航母的船员等参与过东日本大地震支援的约150名在美居住者,以因福岛核事故遭受辐射为由提起诉讼,要求东电等创立逾50亿美元的基金用于支付医疗费等。



--japanbastards thought they can run away but it is usa master not asian countries who can't force japanbastards pay the bloody invaded, not mention taiwan idots still spoil japanbastards in taiwan.

2017/04/08 16:44



you see 中国外交部发言人华春莹3月16日表示,“日本政府在过去6年里对福岛核泄露问题要么讳莫如深,要么闪烁其辞,对日本国内外的担忧始终没有给出一个令人放心、让人安心的答复我们敦促日本政府本着对国际公共利益高度负责的态度,切实履行相关国际义务,及时披露准确可靠信息,不做危害海洋环境安全和他国民众健康的事。” while our 黑心蔡 for herseld filthy politic benefits to fool taiwan people eat japanbastards 核食物..

2017/04/01 10:00

--you see japanese knew very well about rotten japanbastards government did bad jobs, they don't trust the government millions liars. especially those suffered the cancers caused by nuclear polluted workers difficult get help. one of the worker can't but interview by china reporter without show his face in case suffer abusing by itself country.

 that is the current rotten japan government for too long control japan.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-04-08 16:49 回覆:



--this is japanbastards government the way dealing with the scandals, do you want to buy japanbastards products? do you believe you get tumour, cancers by polluted foods japanbastards government will help you?日本政府不仅罔顾他国民众人权,就连本国民众的生命安全也不放在心上。

2017/03/31 07:13
與台灣斷交的非洲國家小心了 銀行打官司討回64億貸款
--haaa those countries already desiring built relationship with china, 64億貸款 is nothing they can borrow from china and china can make money by 利息 even less than taiwan
it is 台獨笨蛋國要小心了 less and less countries supporting. pity taiwan people continue suffering 台獨笨蛋國 abusing.

2017/03/22 08:18


--recently usa still monitor itself sea polluted by japan 核辐射 and declared 量的风险几乎可以忽略不计 the serious problem is we chinese love sea food but not native americans. this and that polluted foods and water add up 量的风险 is quite high. didn't usa scientist declared soon the water fee jumps very high because too much polluted especially from japanbastards endless dump  核辐射 water into the sea.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 09:32 回覆:
correct: adrenal not ardenal
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 08:30 回覆:

量的风险 even existing in candy/sugar...

--after we married and found out my husband can't but coke, candy, cake...everyday. I tried hard finally reduced but can't stop. last year suddenly he got unbearable pain and nothing can cure, we also found out many ameicans got the same serious problems.

earlier usa media post the sugar related including substitute did cause serious problems I warned him, he didn't believe because no sign to him. I kept it and showed him this year he finally tried hard not eat candy and bought small size sweaten cakes. I would post the paper later days.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 08:42 回覆:


--myself is one of 免疫系统受损 that I may get in taiwan not after came to usa. And we all knew in the earlier taiwan existed many scandals which happened in china later. however in 1983-1984(?) as student in usa I got throid hyper problem because the salt problem. usa added chemical 碘  in salt for long time until 2003(?) you can buy plain salt in market.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 08:56 回覆:
the paper posted in "say you saw it in the senor news may 2015" reducing sugar intake can make you feel better...you may not realize it but your sugar consumption has likely increased over the last several years. beyond what you add to your coffee or the occasional sweet treat, you may be getting hidden sugar from an array of processed foods, such as ketchup and salad dressing...and all those additions can be troubling to your health...sugar is directly linked to obesity,tooth decay,dietbetes,fatigue,headaches,ARTHRITIS,ardenal burnout and physiological or emotional problems such as ADHD and PMS....don't use artifical sweeteners,..it's a grave mistake...that increase cravings for sugary foods...better eat honey, date sugar..from nature fruits/vegetables.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 09:00 回覆:

you see, it takes usa so long to find out the sustitude sugar would damage body health.

I hope china farmers, fertilizer companies, businessmen can realize usa has very short history IQ250, son't blindly believe anything usa random say say. our ancestors ways are the best for over 5000 years experiences.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 09:21 回覆:
what do you think about japanbastards could offer so high pay for usa Trump's treaton? because usa can be very easy blackmail japan for its nuclear polluted serious scandals. but what china, taiwan can get from japanbastards? nothing but eat japanbastards don't eat their nuclear polluted foods. china also should monitor well about japan polluted cars and its parts. japanbastards try hard to dump any nulcear polluted furnitues, foods, cars... into other countries especially taiwan and china.

2017/03/21 08:47


--the whole key why so shameless 台獨笨蛋國的國民 existing caused by 台獨笨蛋黨 cut off 历史 that's why 台獨笨蛋國的國民  IQ only 50--the most 笨蛋 in the world.

this year I'm busy watching china history related TV operas, knew more and more our ancestors stories, that's why the top class must love history which including my husband, LeeAo....

2017/03/18 02:06
从难民到核污染奴隶 被称“日本耻辱”的骗局似曾相识.. 据莫尼和德罗阿莱回忆,2015年1月至3月前往福岛进行“除染”工作时,现场约20人的工作队伍中,约半数人都是外国人,他们都被怀疑是在申请难民资格,包括印度人、斯里兰卡人、孟加拉国人等。






蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-18 02:10 回覆:





  日本核污染食品流入中国 我外交部:请不要危害他国民众健康



--china government is much better than taiwan rotten government, china suffered then would warn the other countries, taiwan is fuxk 黑心蔡 for herself filthy political benefits cheated taiwan people.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-18 02:12 回覆:
Never trust any usa's mouth saying which fills with millions liars.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-18 02:19 回覆:

I pray for china people no one 在日从事低薪“3K工作”(危险kiken,脏kitanai,累kitsui) especially 清理受到核辐射污染的地表土等污染物,这被称为“除染”作业。

don't buy any japanbastards' products that 日本人不吃,也只能外国人吃了.
it is not worth to sacrify your life and drag down china for your seriously damaged health problems caused by japanbastrds 恶劣骗局.孟加拉国难民侯赛因·莫尼和侯赛因·德罗阿莱就这样来到福岛县饭馆村。据日本《中日新闻》报道,日本的一位孟加拉国老乡将二人介绍给一位自称来自人才派遣公司的男性。这名日本男性对两人说,“除染是为国工作,因此可以延长签证”,莫尼和德罗阿莱信以为真。


蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-18 02:22 回覆:


--it happens in china now, shouldn't taiwan people monitor well any japan company in taiwan?

2017/03/16 21:22



--neve trust usa ways, what kind of stink dogs what kind of master. china people be smart, living in usa 20+years I found millions bugs I never trust usa government's capabilities. So stay away any japanbastards products. you never should believe small men as japanbastards.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-16 21:56 回覆:

2016年9月,深圳市市场和质量监督管理委员会市场稽查局的执法人员发现一些跨境电商平台上都在销售来自日本的食品,有奶粉、麦片、大米、 酒类等。网站的商品详情介绍中,这些食品产地一栏仅标明是日本,而没有更为详细的地址。

--china medias and TV news should frequently educate people about the scandals.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-16 21:59 回覆:
it happens in taiwan and now china, I bet it also happens in usa, black heart businessmen everywhere, people should protect themselves well.

2017/03/02 11:32
或导致眼睛受伤 资生堂宣布回收25.8万支眼线笔 2017年03月01日 09:39 来源:中国新闻网

中新网3月1日电 据日媒报道,日本知名化妆品厂商资生堂近日宣布,其生产的一款眼线笔的笔头塑胶部份有破损,使用时可能导致眼睛受伤,主动回收25.8万支。

据报道,这款涉事眼线笔名为“INTEGRATE killer wink gel liner”,包括黑色及茶色两种,均于2016年2月至10月在德国工厂生产。资生堂方面表示,暂时已收到三起相关投诉,估计是其在制造过程中出现问题,才导致产品破损。


--did taiwan people know it? did japanbastards took back from taiwan market?

do you believe 黑心蔡政府 care about taiwan people? my best advice don't spend money to buy 化妆品 it useless and could damge your body. my sister used lots, indeed looking beautifyl but in her 60s her face turned black/brown colour and mine still quite ok because I hardly use it since my 2 female classmates face was damaged by  化妆品..Hg in 1978-1980s.

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