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2017/01/17 05:21:26瀏覽243|回應14|推薦1

日欲为菲提供导弹 杜特尔特断然拒绝..very smart 杜特尔特, there is no need to waste huge money in useless 导弹 especially china could be other countres best friend--not small man japanbastards, 台獨 type, but a truely good friend.

you see we taiwan people paied for our dirty LDW type bought many japanbastards made and very expensive maintainence fee forever.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/09/16 16:27

杜特尔特或宣布戒严令 防止抗议活动威胁国家秩序 ...菲律宾各地抗议禁毒暴行的活动愈演愈烈,菲律宾的各个反对派也想趁乱搅局。据称,他们计划于9月21日举行针对杜特尔特的抗议活动。菲律宾防长洛伦扎纳称,若菲左翼势力反政府抗议活动中出现大规模暴力行为威胁到国家秩序,杜特尔特或将在下周宣布实施全国戒严。洛伦扎纳表示:“总统称,如果左翼分子举行大规模抗议示威,并在街上纵火,将破坏社会秩序,(我们届时)就可能采取戒严。”但洛伦扎纳坦承,现阶段全国戒严的可能性不大,因为反对派的抗议活动规模可能达不到预期,但仍不排除全国戒严的可能。

---杜特尔特 go go go, must get rid of opium-related 毒s. we chinese suffered it since British used it as an excuses invaded our china lands, today we still suffered opium-related 毒s. . we chinese all support you.

2017/06/22 11:23

巴拿馬總統瓦雷拉 telling the truth, it is 台獨笨蛋國 problem not china's problem.  瓦雷拉 did right job and bravery.

台獨笨蛋國  believed they can do anything they want and usa master would continue spiol them.

巴拿馬總統瓦雷拉(Juan Carlos Varela)21日在美國華府說,他曾告訴台灣最高層級的外交官(外交部長李大維)以及訪問巴拿馬的總統(蔡英文),若兩岸結束「外交休兵」,巴拿馬將轉向中國大陸;瓦雷拉並說,巴拿馬與美國關係堅強,但巴拿馬是主權國家,建立外交關係,無需獲得他國許可。瓦雷拉12日宣布,巴拿馬與中華人民共和國建交,與中華民國斷交後,台政府官員曾向媒體表示,曾透過美國居中協調,但仍然失敗。



蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-22 23:00 回覆:


--usa can't forever spoil 台獨笨蛋國 and one side black china any more, the whole world knew the truth especially those countries have offices in taiwan.

2017/06/03 18:52

美韩同盟裂痕扩大?韩媒:主要因为萨德瞒报风波... 美国民主党参议员迪克·德宾5月31日与韩总统文在寅会见之后对媒体表示,“关于‘萨德’的运送,电视新闻曾经报道过,并非是偷偷运入韩国”。他称,“韩国政府内部对于装备运送存在沟通问题”,“我不认为美国为了欺瞒韩国人做过什么尝试”。令韩媒尤其不安的是,德宾说,“我已向文在寅总统表示,如果韩国不想部署‘萨德’,我们会把9.23亿美元的预算用在其他地方”。,,先后担任过4次议员的德宾是参议院拨款委员会国防小组委员会成员,而“萨德”属于美国国防预算的一部分。他的话意味着,美国可能削减、甚至撤回“萨德”预算。有分析说,关于最近韩国内部出现的“萨德”部署以及瞒报争议,美国显示出了不满。但也有观点认为,德宾是美国在野党议员,他的态度可能与特朗普政府存在差别。vs  韩国青瓦台国家安保室室长郑义溶称,德宾只说美国国会日前就“萨德”预算问题进行了讨论,在韩国国内有部分舆论反对“萨德”入韩的情况下,美方不清楚该如何做,所以向文在寅询问看法。.调查对象除了国防部长韩民求和前青瓦台国家安保室室长金宽镇,还可能包括外交部长尹炳世与前代理总统黄教安。而随着调查展开,青瓦台与国防部的关系愈发紧张。除了瞒报事件,双方就“萨德”用地环境评估出现分歧。韩国防部计划进行小规模环评,但青瓦台认为要搞大规模的战略环评。如果按照后者的说法做,“萨德”部署很难在年内如期完成。..文在寅政府最近持续谈及准备重启开城工业园等话题,释放出改善南北关系的意愿,韩统一部2日还批准6批次对朝人道主义援助的申请。但美国则继续强化对朝制裁,该国财政部1日刚公布了最新的对朝制裁措施,这预示着韩美在对朝政策方面正在出现杂音。加上围绕部署“萨德”的争议正在持续发酵,这些都将可能使韩美同盟的裂痕进一步扩大。

--文在寅 should know usa's free meals can't forever sooner or later S.Korean has to pay the expensive cost. 2nd. china already ceate a stair for both usa .korean step down by punish N.Korean.
the best way is be honest and not greedy, what is S.Korean people want 文在寅 knew well or he won't be elected.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-23 12:30 回覆:


--韩国 got very serious problems that 总统 can't control 韩国 any more, it existing usa supporting underground shadow "总统" control the solidiers and threaton weapons.

2017/06/01 07:26

拿柯林頓作武器 杜特蒂粗言回擊雀兒喜...雀兒喜:這絕對不好笑,杜特蒂是藐視人權的殺人惡棍。我們必須不斷指出,性侵絕對不可以開玩笑.

杜特蒂:當他對批評他性侵談話的那些人開火時,他只不過是在諷刺他們,尤其是柯林頓。這些婊子,他們聽到『性侵』這個字眼就譴責我,就像雀兒喜。我不是開玩笑,我是在挖苦他們。聽聽我這次演講,我沒有取笑我自己開的玩笑, 我會對她說,妳那個當時做美國總統的爸爸在白宮跟陸文斯基還有其他女孩亂搞時,妳作何感想?妳有譴責妳自己的爸爸嗎?...指控美國士兵在菲律賓和日本性侵婦女,但未詳述細節。你們這些老美要小心一點,就像雀兒喜,因為妳是住在溫室裡。我再說一次,當柯林頓統跟陸文斯基亂搞時,怎麼沒看到妳作出反應的聲明?

--I really thought those have scandals family better not criticized the others especially 柯林頓 family, the couple did every bad things, have no rights to judge any others.

Hilary better keeps in mind

2017/05/10 07:36


vs 美国总统特朗普解除联邦调查局局长科米职务

--maybe it is a sign that Trump can go forward do jobd right---making friends wiith Russia, N. Korean...Iran? if usa still wants to the world police they have to perform FAIR duty, in stead of one side spoil its dogs but abuse others in usa black list.

2017/05/09 14:35
Smart 菲律宾总统杜特尔特 figured out what is the better way. Hope better and better relationship with china. I expect we can work out to get rid of drugs, guns, protect our living environment especially water pollutions... what's good for spending huge money in threaton weapons? but step forward living in a PEACE and sharing with colourful cultures....
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-09 14:53 回覆:

2014年7月24日,24岁的南加大工程学留学生纪欣然在夜间学习小组学习结束回宿舍途中,被格雷罗(Alejandra Guerrero)等人用棒球棍和扳手暴力抢劫殴打致死。被告在审讯中承认,他们将纪欣然作为攻击对象,是因为他们觉得“中国人肯定有钱”。在经历初审推迟的变数后,2016年10月13日,该案首名嫌犯格雷罗被陪审团一致裁定一级谋杀等四项重罪成立。

--it is usa medias on purpose over exagerated how rich china is that's why chinese became the bad guys target.

we can see the whole world born more and more evils that proves usa is the 3rd class can't do jobs right. Trump has a chance to change it unforturnately he is souranded by war-lovers can't make friends with Russia, N. Korean... usa still stays in 2nd world war due to history IQ not high.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-11 02:36 回覆:

以“一带一路”为支点 习近平“三招”破解世界经济难题 ...三年多来,以共商、共建、共享为原则,以和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢的丝绸之路精神为指引,以打造命运共同体和利益共同体为合作目标,“一带一路”建设从无到有,由点及面,取得了超出预期的进度和成果。

共赢共享 构建人类命运共同体...“一花独放不是春,万紫千红春满园。小智治事,大智治制。”

互利合作 中国方案造福沿线国家...“一带一路”不是中国一家的独奏,而是沿线国家的合唱。

贯穿血脉 “五通”让区域合作更加紧密 ...即政策沟通、道路联通、贸易畅通、货币流通和民心相通,以点带面,从线到片,逐步形成区域大合作格局


--I believe 杜特尔特 can verify the truth of 一带一路 in past 3 years, and it will continue...

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-14 15:19 回覆:


--郑和 is my another famous ancestor, I'm quite proud of him. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-14 15:25 回覆:

because of job I did take training class in 新加坡(can see 马来西亚), and the teacher also is chinese-related still can speak chinese. I had a good time there 14 days.

my father worked in 菲律宾. hope soon can see all countries souranded by china including Russia, N. Korean.

2017/04/07 09:08


--Aaaa very sad, 内贾德 is a funny guy, I like him.

2017/04/03 04:11


--smart 杜特蒂 knew how to help the majority people not continue paying endless 毒虫, while silly taiwan government set free criminals.

2017/03/31 07:16

--德國總理梅克爾 is smart...

英國 is greedy tries to get usa 100% supporting and still takes advantage from 歐盟 without pay.

2017/03/04 17:45

my husband has extremely pains went thru physical theorpy two times, didn't work, many kind pain killers can't help but cause stool problems..can't come out normal way, so have to take re-lax medicines for long time, in the end gave up pain killers. the doctor told him the last way is medicine shot into spines and estimated 3 times. he did the 1st shoot didn't help, then 2nd it reduced at least can sleep. however recently still would have strong pain.
we don't know the medicine shot in spine will cause any side effection. I don't know what kind of pain 杜特尔特 has. my husband was dianosed as radex spine umbosacral. and the needle shot is Lumbar epidural steroid injection 腰麻硬膜外类固醇注射.
when he inquired whether do the 3rd one, the doctor answered No, and that's it, any pain has to suffer.

it has been 9+ months, he thought he got cancer did colonscopy, MRI twice scan, X-rays in knee...but it's not cancer. the pain from lower back(hip), front leg, softly knee...

hope this informations could help you 菲总统杜特尔特. And wish you can stay away pain killer.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 09:05 回覆:

maybe 杜特尔特 should read the following...if he has dietbetti, headaches, fatigue,tooth decay, and suspicious ARTHRITIS deadly painful like my husband.

the paper posted in "say you saw it in the senor news may 2015" reducing sugar intake can make you feel better...you may not realize it but your sugar consumption has likely increased over the last several years. beyond what you add to your coffee or the occasional sweet treat, you may be getting hidden sugar from an array of processed foods, such as ketchup and salad dressing...and all those additions can be troubling to your health...sugar is directly linked to obesity,tooth decay,dietbetes,fatigue,headaches,ARTHRITIS,ardenal burnout and physiological or emotional problems such as ADHD and PMS....don't use artifical sweeteners,..it's a grave mistake...that increase cravings for sugary foods...better eat honey, date sugar..from nature fruits/vegetables.
you see, it takes usa so long to find out the sustitude sugar would damage body health.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 09:10 回覆:
when my mom lived with us in usa frequently complained her back pain. however I tried hard forbid her eating candy and no sugar added in my cooking meals. but she someties would stealing my husband candies without my knowing. however her pain is not so terrible as my husband. She is still alive as 93, dietbetti patient for long time.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 09:41 回覆:

correct: adrenal not ardenal.

--2-3 weeks ago, my  husband's doctor office called to inform he got kidney infection  but prescriptions for high volume vietmaine D and metaformin for helth related. I warned my husband switch to better doctor because the doctor gave me a weird feeling issued this and that new expensive medicines treats patients as white mouse. however my husband is quite dumb so stick to her. he didn't have bone density problem, but I do as asian woman.

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