蔡英文当局年金改革挟私心遭抗议 有人开始绝食...各教师团体痛批“蔡英文霸凌老师”“林万亿是晋惠帝”,...各地10万老师纷纷采取集体请假、集结游行、拍照上传蔡英文脸书等方式抗议。民进党大本营高雄,会场外抗议者超过万人,抗议者们一句“我们的现在是你们的将来”对负责安保的警察产生很大震动。15日,民进党大本营台南3000名现任与退休老师走上街头抗议。...台湾经济不断下滑是台年金困境的大背景。年金问题说到底是钱的问题。如果台湾经济持续繁荣,即使各界缴得少也可通过财政救济补助,或者让各界多缴点也不至于斤斤计较。事实上,当年台当局虽对军公教人员采取了系列优惠照顾措施,但仍只能吸引那些期待工作稳定的人,很多富有冒险与创新精神的优秀人才还是更愿进入公司,社会上对军公教的待遇眼红者并不多。
--indeed when I grauated(university) in 1980, teach job is not "hot" at all. IT computer related is the "hot" job and Lien built 6 months training class for the graduated students, I am the one passed the examine, Later I heard several my classmates also joined.. my salary always higher than my best female classmate who is 公务员, till rotten abien became taipei mayor(unfortunately my family misguided by my 2nd brother voted for A-bien), that one-man company illegally can bid city projects, then my IT company falling down.
是钱的问题 nothing else and 台獨笨蛋 shouldn't sacrify pity people for their rotten political benefits to please usa master and japanbastards. tey should cut down those filthy rich politicans officers first including dirty LDW, A-bien and 蔡霸凌, including Ma(i don't mind if he is much rich comparing before elected).
China did jobs right, government caught the highest level rotten officers first and now is time to catch lower level rotten officers. Please be smart learn from china's way.