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2017/12/07 06:29:13瀏覽141|回應2|推薦0
上合组织网络反恐联合演习再次在中国举行 【编辑:高辰】


--very good, and hope 地区 more and more 安全稳定 !!

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/12/15 01:19

last night my husband told me window update again. today i have difficulty to watch china news video and post my opinions in udn here. A day before WJ posted usa accused china.

usa still can't see why americans dis-believe usa government words but more and more chinese trust china government.

2017/12/08 02:17

haaa usa got huge pressure from international anger...so talking about 古巴 to explain why can't trust other countries...


  中新网12月7日电 据美联社7日报道,医师发现疑似在古巴“声波攻击”的美国大使馆受害者“脑部异常”;他们正在寻找线索,解释这些使馆员工听力、视力、平衡感及记忆受损原因。此前,古巴一直否认曾对美国外交人员有攻击行为。当地时间2015年8月14日,古巴哈瓦那,古巴首都哈瓦那的美国大使馆升起美国国旗,这是54年以来,首次在古巴升起美国国旗。


资料图:古巴哈瓦那,美国驻古巴大使馆前飘扬的美国国旗。 中新社记者 莫成雄 摄

  医师目前仍不知道受害者为何白质病变,也不知道究竟与他们的症状是否有关。美方官员不会透露是否24名患者全都发现有白质病变。不过未参与政府调查的哥伦比亚大学生物医学工程教授柯诺法谷(Elisa Konofagou)表示,从未有研究证明声波会改变大脑白质束。

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-08 02:42 回覆:

myself personal experience might be an answear to solve the puzzle.

in 200? one day in the morning i got up suddenly collapsed on the bed, except the head rest of my body like not existing. i also got very serious dizzy that the whole house was moving around. 10? days later finally can get up to see doctor, my primary doctor did many lab test can't find anything in the end sent me to do physical theorpy. the 1st day theorpist did evaluation and told me it didn't look like the disease symptons but follow the doctor order.

later my primary doctor left and it happened again but better than 1st time, this time i was sent to see neurologist after did MRI in my head. the neurlogist told me they found many white dots on my brain(白质病变?) and quite suspicious because ususally it would happen to long time diabetti/high blood presure patients and i have neither. so she did 脊髓 examined and found nothing. later yerars still got couple of times then stop.

i believe the psycho used needle-like hurt my head. the person also stole my medical records so i can't write down the disease name. my head also got this and that bruise/skin broken with pain...even this year.

i don't think 古巴 did but try to find out whether one of 美国驻古巴大使馆员工 is abuiser. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-08 03:07 回覆:

one of usa made scary movie, the ghost's head fill with needle-like.

usa has many abusers. my old lady told me friend she met in barber shop was murdered, and found by barbershop boss when the friend didn't show up(also quite old). they thought the murderer should be one of her relatives who is abuser-type.

and i found the news saying the dead's lying on bed but right leg was on the ground. I immediately point out the dead could be abused, if possible examined her  脚 .

because one night i felt very pain in my right 脚底部(felt some one bent my 脚底部 very hard) finally struggle hard to get up found the same weird thing right leg was on the ground(it never happened before). then the pain made me difficult walking for couple days.

it was not the 1st time but very closely to catch the abuser then it stopped for long long time until this year happened again but minor. i did suspect whether it were/is my husband  because he seemed frequently touch my 脚, for a long time i won't let him touch.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-08 03:16 回覆:

vertigo--the disease name.

If you have vertigo it seems as if the whole room is spinning round you.