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usa 治安堪忧 is caused by stupid 提案s, the question is who made stupid 提案s?
2017/12/06 11:33:54瀏覽382|回應12|推薦0
洛杉矶治安堪忧当地华人屡遭抢 都是提案惹的祸? 【编辑:吴合琴】
  中新网12月6日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,近年来,在洛杉矶圣盖博古地区,在街头随时可能被偷被抢,回到家也不见得完全有保障,因为歹徒有可能持枪闯入。日前,美国罗斯密市一位深夜下班回家的华人,一下车就被持枪歹徒挟持,随后歹徒连同屋内其他华人的财物也全部劫走。

--no wonder it became a diaster. when i reported the 3rd person frequently stole our things, i was lucky the estimation cost over $500 so the detective did come, and told me because it was over $500. And now stupid 47号提案 request 950. 

when i found Fry's didn't refund(charged twice) refrigirator fee charge then i reported chase bank(issued amtrak credit card) found out over 2 months can't help. even Fry's declared they paied but i didn't receive the money, ie it might bank did something wrong. 

the puzzle is who made such lousy irresponsible 提案? were people informed well? from what i saw it is all about 合不合成本 that's why 治安 worse and worse and many frauds.

( 在地生活北美 )
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2018/01/06 15:16

川普戰大麻 華人勝利曙光?





--川普戰大麻 indeed can increase 華人勝利曙光. i heard recently ILL crimes rate down, maybe it caused by bad weather or 川普 strongly accused it (and more jobs available) .

i'm not familar 加州, not sure whether more jobs released under more americans moved in. however it quite hard as already 合法化 those stores owners won't give up the filthy making money business.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-01-06 15:33 回覆:

主推本地大麻合法的舊金山「大麻加州合法化工作小組」主席艾倫(Terrance Alan)表示,川普此舉一定會讓一部分人對大麻「望而卻步」。他表示,「或許我們十年後來看,這就是一個小插曲」。他認為大麻的合法是不可逆轉的。艾倫建議,如果真的有所顧慮,就不要碰大麻,但如果是堅持大麻無害的「勇士」,就應該一起加入戰鬥。他也表示這是新一輪的「毒品戰爭」(War on Drugs)。

一直對大麻持開放態度的市議員希伊(Jeff Sheehy)也表示,川普政權的這一招完全是對「聯邦資源的浪費」。他表示,加州人口眾多,川普難道要把全州的人民的意志推翻?因為這是加州全民公投通過的結果。同時他也和艾倫持一樣的信念,就是不相信川普的政策會帶來什麼實質對大麻的收緊。

--any plants could be useful but also be poisen if over eating/taking. the question is most those 吸食人 always became 成瘾者 same as 吸毒者 and became worse and worse especially those young kids can't control themselves well. once they over 吸食 would be very easily kill other innocents either by car accident or robbery.

in my old house our pre-neighbour next to me is a single lost jobs for many years and is  吸毒者. the another neighbour next to him told me he is 吸毒者 i was shocked, he inquired me didn't i smell something i told him i did smell something when i kocked the man's door the problem is i don't know what i smell was drugs. he also told me those his vistors are his buyers.

my mom side a quite rich family when they were in china(lated came to taiwan) relatives also were  吸毒者(not all of them, one of my aunt had serious pain problem became  成瘾者), i was a kid with family visiting then during new year, i did see opium pipe but didn't know what it is until my mom told me. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-01-06 15:44 回覆:

one of our neighbour(taiwanese-so-called) during my childhood, he ran 中药店 became rich, his wife also was opium 成瘾者, very skinny and a gambler.

however we had fun with neighbours like friends no matter are taiwanese-so-called or from china, rich or poor. And kids playing together frequently, we really have happy childhood.

his beautiful daughter same age as my 2nd brother, she likes him a lot. many years later we still hope they can be together, but my 2nd brother had no willing. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-01-06 15:53 回覆:

the worst case I saw was when i worked in Sing-Chu 农改场(research) after graduated in 1980, one day my boss drived with us to visit the site(farmer lands), a kid with lots 眼屎 kocked the car window begged for money, my boss told me he is 吸毒成瘾者 and in the 农区 many kids didn't go to school but became 吸毒成瘾者 i was very shocked.

our dirty LDW didn't care at all....

2018/01/06 14:59

【華人社區治安】修改提案救治安 要靠選票翻案


洛縣警局局長麥唐諾(Jim McDonnell)是兩大提案的反對者。但他表示,47號提案當年是靠選民的選票投出來的,不能由立法機構說改就改,若要修改,也需要回到選民手中,用選票修改。他希望讓大家知道47號提案對社會帶來的改變,「如果大家永遠避諱提及它的壞處,那永遠都不能修復」。

洛杉磯縣警局天普分局局長David Flores表示,聽過居民抱怨車內盜竊、住宅區盜竊等財產犯罪,「但這些也都是選民們自己投出來的,現在很多人都後悔了」。天普分局前局長Coronne Jacob也坦言,曾遇過一位女居民承認自己給47號提案投了贊同票但後來後悔了,現在想寫信給政府,請求修改立法。雖然包括Change和Moveon在內的幾大簽名請願網站上都有南加州的民眾自發組織過「撤銷47號提案」(REPEAL PROP 47)的簽名請願,但聲勢很有限,都沒有搜集到足夠簽名。也許因為這兩項提案當年通過時都是以大比數絕對優勢輕鬆過關的,似乎「民心所向」已經很明顯,至今都沒有民選官員或社區領袖站出來組織過大型的撤銷47號提案的相關活動。在這種情況下,遭殃的地方城市和受害的居民們似乎只能自己想辦法自保了。...

--the most important is to find out who made 47號提案 and why. then those victims can email, mail to the person. the person must have power to do it and got many people voted for 提案. such 提案 never could happen in china because chinese in china are quite smart.

i wonder how many chinese-american voted for  47號提案. from my view the 1st generation immigrated usa are smarter than 2nd then 3rd generation because 1st generation were well educated in china/taiwan(but not last couple years caused by anti-china, the shorter history the IQ low), after that worse and worse.

2017/12/29 15:21


--Aaa finally americans can post their opinions about 餐廳發表評論, what about other rotten business stores who didn't refund clients money? physical theorpy told a liar who is doctor office recommand their paitient believed in network but not....

in the past i did wrote my bad experiences on microsoft and other stores  websites but most were blockaded. when i made complaints on BBB still no use because those rotten business companies are BBB clients, i bet those companies have to pay certain register fee.

same as dentists related organization, they charged dentists membership fee why would help clients? 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-29 15:27 回覆:


--i thought many years ago when i posted my husband was chased by crazy driver right after he registered 捐贈器官 when he renewd 駕駛執照  took eye examinene test. couple years later ILL anounced no more question drivers  捐贈器官 before take 駕駛 examines. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-29 15:31 回覆:


--any penalty if didn't 移除銷售紙張? who should  移除銷售紙張? i would say it is 車商 not buyer because it is very hard to 移除貼著的紙張 without tools. 

2017/12/26 03:08

芝加哥中国留学生频遭暴力劫车 警方支招防范 【编辑:吴合琴】

 中新网12月25日电 综合美国《世界日报》报道,美国芝加哥全城劫车案例激增,华埠也未能幸免。第九警分局表示,过去一个月以来,华埠及桥港区一带,已发生近十起劫车抢案,其中两名伊利诺伊理工学院(IIT)的中国留学生,在开车途中遭两部车包抄围堵,其中一名歹徒持枪强行拉下车上学生后将车辆开走,该遭劫车辆与车上3000多美元财物至今未找到。  

芝加哥第九警分局指出,这起类似“撞后抢”的劫案,发生在11月30日凌晨2时,两名均为23岁的中国留学生,刚从学校做完功课开车一起返回租屋处,车子开到26街与史都华大道(Steward Ave. )附近时,疑从学校就一直紧跟留学生福斯轿车的一辆黑色厢型车,突然从后面撞上来,两名学生随即下车察看。







蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-26 03:09 回覆:



  至于遇到“撞后抢”(Bump and Rob)时,警方建议最好确定旁边有其他车辆或行人时再下车察看,否则可直接开到附近警察局或繁忙街道区再下车,下车时也应谨记拿下车钥匙、钱包等重要物品。

--歹徒持枪 nothing can help you but try not carry any cash put in the car. when you drive make sure there are cameras in the streets. yourself should try not come out and locked the car and using cell phone camera take photos on 歹徒s, their cars, call 911...

you have to practise and prepare well before bad things happen to you.

just don't understand why so many bad news reported but still carry cash, this is why 歹徒s target at chinese.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-26 03:46 回覆:

研究称:旧金山破窗盗窃案多发 每17分钟1起

 中新网12月25日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,美国旧金山警方的数据显示,今年上半年,警方接到1.797万起汽车破窗盗窃案,等于每17分钟就发生一起;破窗窃盗案如此猖獗,在旧金山停车成为一大头痛之事。




  2.海崖区Lobos Point街1000号街区:267起,周五晚上8时,63%。

2017/12/22 22:56

芝百年銀行倒閉 1160萬「不保」
創建於橋港區的百年銀行「華盛頓聯邦儲蓄銀行」(Washington Federal Bank),日前無預警遭聯邦政府勒令停業後,15日由「芝加哥皇家儲蓄銀行」(Royal Saving Bank of Chicago)迅速接手重新開張,不過,由於新東家承接舊東家的儲蓄總額,出現超過千萬元的差距,造成在原銀行存款超過聯邦存保公司(Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,簡稱FDIC)25萬元保障上限的客戶,恐面臨部分存款無法領回危機。
已有104年歷史的華盛頓聯邦儲蓄銀行,分別在華埠附近的亞珠街(Archer Ave.)與28街附近,還有泰勒街(Taylor St.)與14街附近設有兩家營運據點,銀行雖然安全挺過前幾年金融風暴,近期卻因被聯邦機構列為「不安全或不完善執業」而最終被勒令關門。
聯邦存保公司於12月1日開始尋找該銀行的新東主,12月3日華盛頓銀行的第三代傳人堅巴瑞(John Gembara)意外在家自縊身亡,也為銀行留下許多謎團。
至於儲蓄金額超過25萬元的客戶怎麼辦?當聯邦存保試圖出售銀行資產時,在華盛頓聯邦銀行擁有25萬元以上存款者將成為債權人,屆時可爭取拿回存款,FDIC 發言人巴爾(David Barr)建議這些客戶應聯繫FDIC,直接與FDIC討論他們的存款問題並提出索賠申請。 FDIC電話(877)367-2718。

--very scary. we did inquire our banks and fidelity they all declared clients money are insured(more than 25萬元), now i am deeply suspect and going to verify again. we were told can open 3 accounts: one for me, one for  my husaband, o ne for both of us. And each can get 25萬元 secured. i'm going to contact FDIC to verify whether it is the truth. 

quite unbelivable with so low interest rate for many years bank still would fell down.

Trump reduced Banks security min. required that very likely more dangerous.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 23:43 回覆:

just called FDIC 877-247-3342 and told me if it is joint account we can get  total  $500,000 secured. and if we open another 2  accounts for each of us then can get $250,000 for each one.

 that means the same bank can get a million secured for 3 accounts.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 23:06 回覆:

帳戶保障不足 改放銀行保險箱?...銀行的「保險箱」其實僅是「保管箱」,一旦箱內財物遺失或損壞,不但不在聯邦存保公司 (FDIC)的理賠範圍,銀行也不需負責任。








--very scary, last i visited the bank inquire whether would happen 法拉盛銀行's scandal. she quaranteed it won't happen and have two keys together, their employeers have no way to steal. but now I deeply suspect she can't answear why it happened in   法拉盛銀行? 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 23:32 回覆:

Banks have traditionally offered consumers deposit products, such as checking, savings and money market deposit accounts, and certificates of deposit (CD's) , for which each depositor is insured by the FDIC up to at least $250,000.

ps official items issued by a bank (such as cashier's checks or money orders) Is Insured.

banks, along with investment firms, are also offering consumers a broad array of investment products that are not deposits, such as mutual funds, annuities, life insurance policies, stocks and bonds. Unlike the traditional checking or savings account, however, these nondeposit investment products are not insured by the FDIC.

ps government securities, municipal securities and U.S. Treasury securities also not insured.

China government should pay attention to those uninsured items.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-26 03:28 回覆:


--i would suggest you if you didn't buy good insurance like me(only bought the other side, not covered myself, the min. reuired) then gave up, you won't get 歹徒's car insurance company pay the repairing fee.

the best way is immediately called 911 and your insurance company and if possible write down 歹徒's licence plate and made photos(not come out).

i was visited physical theorpist and when i left, my car came out first from the parking, the other side suddenly her car tail hit my driver side car door. we did exchange insurance card information(i forgot i should call police first). i went to car dealer they made estimation and photos so i can request the other insurance company be responsible. i also notified my insurance company. And was told they can't help because didn't buy my side portion. so the hitter ran away because her insurance company is farmers insurance very "xxx". 

it is worse and worse, spend your time to practise.

2017/12/21 02:35
美纽约站台现辱华涂鸦犯众怒 华人呼吁州长严惩  【编辑:孟湘君】
中新网12月20日电 综合美国《世界日报》报道,美国纽约法拉盛莫瑞丘(Murray Hill)长岛铁路站台出现“华人失败者城市”(Chinese Loser Town)、“亚裔全用福利”(Asians All on Welfare)、“华人滚出”(Chinese Get Out)等刺眼的种族歧视语言,激怒亚裔小区,民选代表当地时间12月18日纷纷出声反击,谴责歧视行为,华人组织也致函州长,要求严惩。纽约州参议员史塔文斯基(Toby Stavisky)指出:“法拉盛是亚裔重建的!”国会众议员孟昭文也直言:“失败者和福利等相关字眼完全错误,表明作案者的懦弱和无知。”
  当地一记者于12月15日发现莫瑞丘长岛站台上出现侮辱华裔和所有亚裔的字眼后,各级民选官员迅速应对,数次抹掉歧视涂鸦,但仍有人不断加字,其中“华人滚出去”的字眼被抹掉后,“亚裔回家,这里太拥挤”(Asians Go Home, Too Crowded Here)又被重新写在站牌旁的广告牌上。
  Korean American Parents Association of Greater New York共同主席Christine Colligan,12月18日在站台前举行记者会:“这起仇恨犯罪让我们震惊,这是违法行为,虽然有人将其抹去,但不代表仇恨犯罪没有存在。”
  史塔文斯基在站台前表示,“这是仇恨犯罪,针对亚裔小区之后就是针对所有族裔”。她直言:“我记得1980年代的法拉盛是怎样的,是亚裔重建了法拉盛!”史塔文斯基已向管辖大都会运输署(MTA)的警方反映,将调出监控录像,“希望抓住罪犯,对他们加倍惩罚”。 孟昭文说:“莫瑞丘站台上的种族歧视涂鸦不光彩、令人厌恶,我们必须站出来谴责这种不可忍受的偏见,皇后区不容忍仇恨!”
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-21 02:46 回覆:
市议员顾雅明的小区事务主任Elaine Kim表示:“这不是我们第一次站出来强调法拉盛是欢迎所有族裔的团结小区,涂鸦出自思路不清、满腹怨言者的仇恨话语,我们将与警方合作,追究作案人。”
  皇后区法拉盛铁路站台日前出现辱华言论后,美华协会纽约分会(OCA-NY)12月19日致函州长葛谟(Andrew Cuomo),表示将和民选官员一起并肩作战,要求政府严惩种族主义的偏执行为。
--so many 3rd and low classes in usa are very easy born 思路不清、满腹怨言者的仇恨话语 kids.
in here we could say most are mexican immigrations, we don't fear and it is 2nd lowest crimes city in ILL, next to Naperville. recently i met mexican people and found they are very like chinese...quite friendly, one of old lady taught me swimming...
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-21 03:02 回覆:

finally i can 仰泳(back stroke) but  蛙泳Breast stroke 蝶泳butterfly stroke 以及自由泳 free stroke still can't succeed change breath. 

in taiwan high school and university I had very difficult to pass... for some reason won't forward but backward or still. it still happens when i 自由泳 but 仰泳 is ok.

2017/12/19 20:36

“退群”渐失信任度 “美国优先”引发国际社会担忧  来源:法制日报 本报驻美国记者 陈小方 【编辑:史建磊】 ... 近日,美国共和党公布了税务改革法案的最终敲定版本。据报道,该税改法案定于本周交给美国会参众两院表决,如果顺利通过,那将是美国30年来最大的一次税改行动,也是特朗普今年1月上台以来第一个获得通过的法案。

--桑德斯 is the one that we both would vote for him. however without guts to cut down  軍備-related i can't see how to reduce usa huge debts. certainly the rotten rich pay more taxes could help but we all knew 羊毛出在羊身上.

the society also has a biase if the middle-low class save penny then would be called 小气 but the rotten rich eat humburg meals would be 赞扬. when i heard Trump-type rotten rich ate humburg as their lunch/dinner meals i knew they won't help the poor at all.

this is why “退群” since 2001年,时任美国总统布什就退出了《京都议定书》. 而,特朗普的动作并没有结束。
  2017年12月3日,美国国务院宣布,美国决定不再参与联合国主导的《移民问题全球契约》的制订进程,称其“损害美国主权”。  此外,特朗普还威胁称要退出美伊核协定。
--特朗普接二连三的“退群”决定让世界不解。but i am very 了解 usa the rotten rich who ate humburg 不愿承担对自己没有直接好处的国际责任. they don't want to help usa the poor certianly won't help the world. in the meanwhile usa is deeply fear lossing their leader position so would spend more money in 軍備-related and usa knew some foolish countries willing sharing usa  軍備... so it worse and worse to americans and to the world.

yesterday my husband bought salami $6/lb, huge tax cut for the rotthen rich won't stop their greedy. i herad some declared those tax cut money going to pay their companies retirement funds. 

2017/12/16 23:09

usa 明年將稅改 這些準備要做好!...房子物業稅在新稅法生效後最多能抵1萬元稅金,因夫妻標準扣除額將變成2萬4000元,物業稅一年有兩期,建議可將明年第二期物業稅提前到今年年底繳清,增加可調整項目,達到減稅目的

...very confusion and suspect only the rotten rich hire professional can do it. each year we indeed receive 一年兩期房子物業稅, cook county:Feb and July, Dupage May and Aug.

I can't see how can 將明年第二期物業稅提前到今年年底繳清? pre-paied? how to know 明年房子物業稅 exactly amount(we won't know until receive 第一期物業稅 notify)? will county allow 2018 pre-paied and can IRS allows deduct  in 2017 without sue/punish tax-payer fraud? even if it allows you have to make sure more than 1萬2700元 ie you use 項目報稅 not 標準扣除額 for 2017.


--未能達到標準扣除額2萬4000元? what does it mean? from what i knew if items deduction less than 2萬4000元 then should use 標準扣除額 not items deduction. if items deduction more than 標準扣除額 then should use items deduction(such as you have car/jouse loans, huge medical expenses..) i think 會計師李崇正 tried to say 房子物業稅在新稅法生效後最多能抵1萬元稅金,原本一棟自用住宅貸款額100萬元產生的利息可抵稅,明年也將變成兩棟自用住宅貸款額加起來75萬元產生的利息才可抵稅。so pre-paied 2018 房子物業稅 貸款利息... in 2017. however i bet it would be a mess but usa freaky complex system might allow it, and the question is can you pre-pay except quite rich people?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-18 01:53 回覆:


--i think i would not in a hurry to donate before the end of year because very unlikely switch 標準扣除額 to 列舉式扣減 by 慈善捐獻 without  房貸/car 利息/huge medical expenses in 2017.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-16 23:09 回覆:


--電動車 i heard but not sure about 捐款新稅法. Again it's not worth for middle-poor class people but rotten rich. one year we heard about energy saving 抵稅額優惠 so we replaced sliding door and bought dryer machine both marked energy saving. but didn't know you have to buy certain "qualified" brands so we didn't get energy saving 抵稅額優惠 since then we have no desire to buy any 抵稅額優惠 related items. when we moved to here we almost replaced 抵稅額優惠 energy-saving Air condition(the company guaranteed  抵稅額優惠) the installed day they told us our basement not high enough so cancelled.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-16 23:27 回覆:

my experience told me never dream can get this and that 抵稅/tax cut down benefits as middle-low class from usa rotten parties. 

i didn't see but few americans bought more in here because ILL state tax jump up, will Trump's 稅降 can cover those jump up items(utilities, foods, state tax, house tax...)? i deeply suspect.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-16 23:43 回覆:

標準扣除額2017年1萬2700元, 2018是2萬4000元

--it didn't mean you get $11,300 put in your pocket. it is all percentage digital games. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-17 06:09 回覆:

I am oing to donate one of our car and computer-realted that can get tax deduction.

my car is 2001 has 91000 mileage, i was told can automatic get $500 tax deduction receipt and if the car sold by auction, the price higher than $500 then they will issue another receipt as sold price -$500. but i can tell you i only can get $500 no matter the quite good condition except the driver side door can't open from outside but inside, and battery very likely dead(3 months didn't use the car).

we have many compurts/notebooks and cable/connectors/modems, softwares... and i was told can get tax-deduct receipts by Dell-Goodwill recycle programs.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-19 02:58 回覆:
標準扣除額2017年1萬2700元, 2018是2萬4000元 vs 年收入15萬美元的家庭一年可節省稅負4千美元,收入7.5萬美元者可省2千美元。
--it didn't mean you get $11,300 put in your pocket. it is all percentage digital games. I would verify whether it is the truth that i can reduce between $2000-$4000.
Trump shouldn't punish ILL who voted/supported him by cut down Fed. supporting that caused 伊州州稅 jump up from 3.75%,提高到4.95% since 今年7月1日. that may pay more $900  for 收入7.5萬美元 to $1800 收入15萬美元. 
while 伊州民主黨國會參議員、參議院民主黨黨鞭德賓 Dick Durbin declared: 川普政府會大砍「社安福利」(Social Security)、「醫療計畫」(Medicare and Medicaid)以及「糧食劵」(SNAP)等眾多老人家仰賴的社福項目開支,以彌補財務黑洞,屆時造成的衝擊將會更大.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-19 03:13 回覆:


--from my view 選票 can't 挽就 because usa has huge debts that's the key.

as 德賓 declared 健保保費將水漲船高,此舉對歐記健保傷害最大,他說,根據國會非營利預算分析家估計,「稅改」將導致1300萬人喪失醫療保險。.緊縮白卡及「兒童健康保險計畫」..空有保險,卻找不到醫院、醫師願意提供服務.

健保保費高漲 even 有保險卻找不到醫院、醫師願意提供服務 already happened during Obama president. Obama is the one turned the poor 没病穷看病 while pity middle-poor class 有病不敢看, it called 劣币逐良币 and punish the pity middle-poor class who hate pay for nothing.

Trump at least tries hard to wavie the penalty. we always bought health insurance except lost jobs(203 years). And now  refuse to pay for nothing that would be 5 years+1 year with penalty. it is Obama's fault didn't calculate well.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-19 03:14 回覆:
correc : except lost jobs(2 to 3 years).
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-19 03:47 回覆:

美將砸逾2億升級軍事設施 俄嗆:滾出歐洲...川普12日簽署立法的2018年度國防立法,授權美國空軍部長在海外購買土地和建造設施。今年國防支出計畫包括在冰島、挪威及東歐大部分地區投入約2.14億美元(約台幣64.2億元)興建設施。這筆支出屬於「歐洲威懾倡議」(European Deterrence Initiative的一部分,而該倡議是在俄國兼併克里米亞半島幾個月後提出

俄國外交部18日呼籲美國將核武撤出歐洲,該部的防擴散和軍備控制司司長烏里揚諾夫(Mikhail Ulyanov)說:「俄羅斯將所有核武都撤回了本土。我們認為美方早就應這樣做。」

--usa is not a poor but 2 rotten parties continue spending huge money in 軍備 . this is why voting can't help pity americans because no one has guts cut down over-spending 軍備-related.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-27 00:18 回覆:

it reminds me in 2008? JPM.Chase told my husband would hire him as employee9the company made good money) but before christmas got earlier terminated contract notice. because one of CEO worked for Obama and made a deal to take over another big broken comany. even his worked dept was forced to close down.

at&t at least issues $1000 bonus because tax will cut down in 2008.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-27 00:06 回覆:

AT&T 才說要發1000稅改獎金 卻傳將裁上千員工





位於密蘇里州堪薩斯市美國電信員工工會(Communication Workers of America Union)6360號地方分會會長布朗柯(Joseph Blanco)耶誕節前接受當地電視台Fox 4訪問時說,無法理解為何有企業會在裁員的同一時間,又宣布要發1000美元獎金,還聲稱接下來會創造更多職缺。

--from what i saw 室內電話(landline)以及傳統服務項目部門 are out of date. 

會創造更多職缺? i heard at&t 獨家發售 華為旗艦機(即將在美登陸) , it is possible but may not so many jobs as lay off.

Trump forbid at&t to buy Wanner the only reason is at&t is ILL base company, Trump punishes any ILL-related. my husband also told me comcast(xfinity) can be allowed why at&t can't.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-28 18:30 回覆:

房稅想提前扣抵 要先收到估稅單

--cook county:Feb and July, Dupage May and Aug. there was a year we didn't receive it and so afraid over due date caused the penalty so i verified cook county website and saw the amount so mail a check.

Later we received penalty on 2nd 稅單 found the penalty for 1st one. i made a call then was told the amount i saw was previous year. that is you can't get 估稅 until a month before the due date. 

I don't think any county would for residents prepay 2018 estate tax can issue 2018 估稅單 earlier.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-30 10:24 回覆:

預繳省稅 恐白搭一場

--that means 蒙郡 needs money in urgent, prepaid won't get tax deduct benefits in 2017.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-30 11:46 回覆:


--this is a big question mark. just visited ILL dupage and cook county websites, very surprised both posted as:

Some taxpayers choose to prepay the First Installment tax for reasons such as winter travel or to increase their tax write-offs for the current year. Cook County taxpayers may choose to participate in the optional program of prepaying their First Installment taxes. The First Installment is an estimated bill equal to 55% of the prior year's total tax.
If your prepayment is received by December 31st, the First Installment tax bill which will be mailed in late January will reflect the prepayment. You may verify your payment status by selecting Payment Status after February 1. Please note that the Treasurer’s Office has authorization to reduce the amount of your check to prevent overpayment.

Disclaimer: Cook County real estate taxes are billed in arrears.  That means that the 2017 prepayment amount is EXACTLY 55% of the actual 2016 tax amount.  The Office does not know how the IRS will interpret Cook County’s system of billing in arrears and is not authorized to provide legal, financial or tax advice.  We recommend that you consult your licensed legal, financial or tax consultant prior to making any prepayment of real estate taxes.

--if i could use item deduction, would i pre-paied? No, IRS is the biggest trouble place i would not deal with.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-30 11:49 回覆:

as dupdage county :

The Treasurer’s Office accepts prepayments for the 2017 tax year (due in 2018) in the form of cash, check or credit card up until 4:30pm, December 29, 2017. The Treasurer will accept payments up to 105% of last year’s tax obligation. You may send a check via mail or make payment at our office

--it already too late, so didn't check whether has "Disclaimer" as cook county.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-30 12:02 回覆:

did both dupage and cook county 完成估稅的預付房產稅? i didn't receive the mails from counties. i wouldn't know both county websites allow pre-paied who adds fuction allow to pre-pay until now to verify after i read the news- 預付庫克郡房產稅 人數增近30倍

庫克郡財政局局長帕帕斯(Maria Pappas)28日到訪芝加哥華人諮詢服務處時指出,為因應新稅法並妥善利用列舉扣繳,今年預付房產稅的庫克郡屋主,由去年的1775人,飆漲到4萬8000人。她也特別提到,財局網站設有中文版,華裔屋主可多多利用。





財長辦公室接受四種預付地產稅方式,第一,登錄網站點擊「預付2017稅務連結」,搜索地址或房產PIN,輸入銀行帳戶或信用卡信息在線支付;第二,在網站下載稅單並郵寄至財長辦公室;第三,在線下載帳單後,到大通銀行完成支付;第四,下載帳單,然後到位於克拉克街(118 N. Clark St., Room 112.)的財長辦公室直接繳付。

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-30 12:13 回覆:

haaa it seems 庫克郡財政局局長帕帕斯 knew IRS very well. however keep in mind as far as i knew if any officer saying something didn't mean they are responsible for what they said, it is still YOU responsible for everything. most time you would hear "(you knw) i'm not tax profession, you have to contact your tax consultant". 

I think you can risk for IRS won't target at you if you are not businessmen, not the rotten rich, no rental income. after all IRS can't catch every one.

but me as one-china supporter I won't run the risk even it is very low chance to be caught.

that is if you are from china including taiwan you have higher risk to be caught.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-30 12:34 回覆:


答:簡而言之,答案為「應該不行」。根據國稅局(IRS)20日下午公告的預繳地產稅指南,關鍵在於民眾所住的當地稅務機關,是否已經完成2018年地產稅鑑價。另外,有「稅務基金會」(Tax Foundation)經濟學者則撰文指出,民眾自行推算地產稅該繳多少,是無濟於事的,重點在於必須收到地產稅稅單。




--i don't believe both dupage and cook county done 2017年內經過鑑價 because both only allow 1st installment not 2nd installment. especially dupage county can't tell what the exactly amount for 1st instllment but payments up to 105% of last year’s tax obligation.(when i tried to find more i even can't find prepay 2018 informations now)

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-30 12:47 回覆:

2018年房產稅 應否預付?






--i don't think dupage/cook county mailed 明年的房產稅通知 at least we didn't receive. from my experiences 不要為自己製造新的問題 especially for those middle-low class.

it always only the rotten rich won't miss a penny benefits, we as middle-low class better not dream it or you would 得不偿失 but pay the penalty.

2017/12/07 04:45

美国税改“惊动”了谁? 当地华人几家欢乐几家愁 【编辑:吉翔】 ...





--from my view i would say 如果美国减税 indeed 效果好 to lower down usa itself huge debts, 刺激美国公司的撤离(and not run away usa tax any more) to reduce many serial crimes in usa caused by stop working people that is good to the world especially china and japanbastards and other pity immigrations in usa. 

but will the beautified dreams come true? i don't have any confidence. so do 美国公司. what if it fails...lack of people willing to work and in the meanwhile forbid/get rid of immigrations, 治安堪忧 can't fix, many thief/robbery/诈欺骗子... criminals don't want to change their jobs... 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-07 05:02 回覆:

Obama did try to reduce chicago crimes by force/allure the black moving from chicago, in stead of living together. the governmnt pay partial renting fee so the black family can move to good areas(such as 203 district), banks have to hire more the black... does it work? 

Trump's way is to chase out illegal immigrations including those legal immigrations have very minor crimes. does it work? No. because many criminals are the native white and the black. in the past the north of 23th street in chicago was safe, it's no more.

did chicago lack of workers? it is but the criminals won't take the jobs.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-07 05:48 回覆:

【留学生受冲击 博士生:重新考虑科研之路怎么走】




--i'm not knowing 留学生-related taxes. if  留学生 can't get benefits from 个人所得税起征点(单身人士的免征额从6350美元提高至1.2万美元,家庭(已婚人士)的免征额从此前的1.27万美元调高至2.4万美元。), renting, medical-expenses(even we are not qualified because below the minimum expenses), or items deduction(we are not qualfied because no car/house loans) for tax-deductible. then should unite together either go to other countries or find schools better offer. as move to cheap renting houses i won't recommand because you might be killed.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-18 05:58 回覆:

401K上限減為2400元 退休生活雪上加霜...上班族401K退休賬戶撥付上限額度,將原1萬8000元和2萬4000元上限削減到2400元,目的減少因稅法改革導致聯邦稅收缺失

--企业为员工设立专门的401K账户,员工每月从其工资中拿出一定比例的资金存入养老金账户,而企业一般也按一定的比例(不能超过员工存入的数额)往这一账户存入相应资金。plus 退休投资延税 benefits.

I have no idea why has 1萬8000元和2萬4000元 two different 上限(because IRA and RIRA?), yearly (didn't look like monthly)?

before my husband retired it was  10% of salary and can't over $????  上限 if over 上限 that portion can't get 延税. certainly to get company's 比例 money we  save 10%, and now it's a mess because some portion are not  延税 but we are very likely forced to pay tax again when we began RMD(after 70 1/2 you have to withdraw money from 401K, IRA accounts, RMD is the minimum requested withdraw money and you have to pay tax).

earlier (less than 10%) we didn't have over 上限 problem. for those care about their 退休生活 they still would save money like we did (before it jump up to 10%). For those careless  they would spend money any way. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-18 06:23 回覆:

correct: 稅改 401k撥存上限擬大減 1.8萬→壓到2400元


--it seemed the writer didn't know well and misguided, what i smell  上限是1萬8000元/2萬4000元 didn't change but you have to separate into 401K-IRA(上限是2400元) and 401k-RIRA(over 2400元 portion) . it fixes the double pay tax problem. because before my husband retire the company has only one IRA account and caused we pay tax twice for over  上限 portion. 共和黨 has no guts to tell the truth and writers didn't know well or twisted on purpose.


--this is my husband always told me not much difference especially if you are carefully middle-poor  class, very likely the earlier you pay the better(keep simple is the better way, you won't over pay).

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 23:21 回覆:

correct: 别急着取消!美规定“没健保免罚款”2019年才生效  【编辑:吴合琴】

中新网12月22日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,尽管美国新税法在总统特朗普签署后,大多数条文于2018年才开始实施,但未买可负担健保(相当于医疗保险)免罚款的规定,要等到2019年才开始生效;健保咨询机构与专家提醒,已登记购买2018年健保的保户,不要急着取消健保,以免受罚。

  保险公司方面是否会因为新的税法做出变动?一健保公司发言人米勒(Colleen Miller)说,2018年该公司提供的健保项目不会做任何改变,只要在规定期限内,从该公司购买了新年度健保的保户,保险都会从明年1月1日起陆续生效。
  据当地媒体报道,国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)曾预测在未来十年内,健保人数会减少1300万名,不少专家认为,在取消健保罚款后,减少人数会超出预期。
  不过,传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)资深研究员莫费堤(Robert Moffit)说,罚款不是健保人数降低的主因,而是自认身体不错的年轻人与健康民众,选择退出健保者逐年增加。
  乔治敦大学健康保险改革中心的教授柯尔勒特(Sabrina Corlette)指出,取消健保罚款后,越来越多保险公司会因顾虑“投保者都是带病的”,慢慢减少所提供的健保种类,甚至退出公开交易市场,保户的选择也将越来越少。
  柯尔勒特分析,联邦所提供的奥巴马时期的健保税务补助(tax credits),或许也会继续提高,但最后很可能追不上保费涨幅,而资格不符联邦补助者,势必承受更庞大的保费压力。

--usa politicians/medias are full mouth liars. earlier WJ posted  保险人数大增 then why only  没健保免罚款 can't start in 2018  but 2019?

自认身体不错的年轻人与健康民众,选择退出健保者逐年增加? how about post 55-65  and 45-55, 35-45, 25-35, 15-25 percentage who 退出健保. if possible separately with employees, unemploee or retired. 

2017/12/06 12:55

美托管机构排队漫长 华人忧过世后脑瘫女儿生活 【编辑:孟湘君】
  中新网12月6日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,当地时间12月4日,纽约州发展性障碍人士事务办公室(OPWDD)华人家长论坛上,59岁的庐女士表示,其女儿24岁,患有脑瘫,生活不能自理。眼看自己和老伴一天天老去,担心身后无人照顾女儿,正在四处寻找托管机构,但都被告知需要排队。

--you can't ask too much, better 申请 asap. my husband has another sister who is kind of retard(IQ low but can 自理), he spent money to send her to 托管机构-type with one condition she never can marry again, she did make boyfriend but relied on her social benefit money in the end drunk and died in river. after that she didn't make any boy friend.

the same situation happens in china--年纪越来越大,不知道脑瘫儿女未来怎么办, i always thought don't worship 3rd class usa ways (because their poor mathematics can't calculate well). my classmate in taiwan her father was quite rich but got 脑瘫女儿, money is not problem, she hasn't marry and 脑瘫 sister did scare her husband-to-be away. 

i really suggest allow 安乐死 for certain conditions(脑瘫 自闭 serious 精神病..). do you believe 托管机构 employees would take care  脑瘫 自闭  精神病...?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-17 22:56 回覆:

i really suggest allow 安乐死 for certain conditions(脑瘫 自闭 serious 精神病..)
--what's good for let one kid got 脑瘫 自闭 serious 精神病... to drag down the whole family?
when i found the person frequently stole our things, i did inquire my husband whether caused by his retard sister(i thought she needs help for glasses, toilet paper, plates, bowels...), he denied and told me the  托管机构-type would offer daily necessary things including toilet papers, meals.... she needs nothing from us. when i found the person also stole money in my purse and when i bid the current house wrote a check the next day it gone i have to write another one(no wonder the person frequently stole our money-related statements...) i inquired him again, he told me his retard sister got funeral insurance, no reason any one would steal our money. certainly i never suspect his retard sister came to our house stealing but i do believe the unknown person existing and frequently came to our house to abuse me.

in the past i thought could be his youngest sister upsets that we didn't take care the retard sister, my husband told me he spent lots money for the retard sister including bought a house for her and parents, her funeral insurance..., my husband refused to do more, he is really pissed off the retard sister when the house was gone because the retard sister married to a very lazy husband then divorced.

till today i still feeling my husband denies the person existing but the person without fear wants to show me she/he came stealing and poisened me recently.

most the abusers would become killers especially they need something from the victim, they love to try many different ways to abuse their targets.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-18 00:07 回覆:


过:过分。犹:像,如同,犹如。不及:达不到。 解释为: 事情做得过头,就跟做得不够一样,都是不合适的。

--usa government give me the strongly impression manages things very 过与不及.

I thought my husband sufferes himself 过与不及 dealing things caused the person can take advange from him so abuses us without stop. himself also can't balance well.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-06 13:07 回覆:

in the past my husband family frequently got phone called that if his retard sister can't friendly with neighbours then has to move out. she has bad temper. 

I did tell my husband invite her and we ate outside, i ordered more so she can carry home. but my husband really can't communicate with her and i hardly understood what she was talking about. when we moved here i mentioned could invite her stay, my husband turned down and told me her bad temper better not involved right in the begining. he is right and i didn't see her bad temper still no bad opinions on her.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-06 13:40 回覆:
before we married he hardly mention his family side at all, so i didn't know he has a retard sister. however he did tell me he helped his family that's why no savings(he also didn't tell me he was broken and huge credt cards debts.) but could save $3000/mm. Again not until paied off credit cards debts then IBM sold his deptament to at&t, later bloody wars lost jobs... if not me save every penny we could become homeless and no job forever. (if you are homeless you hardly can get decent job in usa)
if i knew the truth i won't marry him at all. his another sister divorced and her daught requested $500 to pay law sued(forbid her husband used her company's compensation  money), my husband told me she won't return money i told him one time for all. but i told him it is impossible her husband can steal her money. when she died (cancer) my husband didn't attend the funeral because he knew her daughter would ask for money. Later i was told none donated money. later the daughter also divorced.
the worst is his younger sister family living with us without pay one penny but we have to pay their TV movies and expensive utilities because they didn't turn off lights/tv, didn't close doors in winter... many bad habits. I can't but get rid of them.
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