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Suggest Trump let americans join with medicare as many as possible.
2017/05/02 09:17:55瀏覽291|回應14|推薦0

my husband select Humana HMO and here is his claims for Trump reference.

$35 paied for professional visiting, $0 for primary doctor. X-ray is $35.

monthly medicare premium is $121.8 for 2017

many denied because doctor office/hospital over charged.

doctor/hospital... charges, insurance paied, patient paied.
04/12/17 CENSEO HEALTH LLC 99343 $325 $325 $0 Paid

details paid or denied by insurance
PRAC. ASSESSMENT $325.00 $325.00 $0.00 Paid
PHYSICIAN VISIT $0.00 $0.00 Denied

04/03/17 CHERALA, SUNDARARAJ R denied $0 
PHYSICIAN VISIT $125.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
SURGERY $750.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
X RAY $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
INJECTIONS $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
OMS $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied

03/08/17 AHMED, NAZNEEN $275 $114.72 $0 Paid

COMP META PANEL $47.52 $14.61 $0.00 Paid
CARDIAC RISK PROFILE $54.36 $18.95 $0.00 Paid
LABORATORY $22.06 $8.19 $0.00 Paid
CALCIFEDIOL $108.90 $41.89 $0.00 Paid
LABORATORY $13.60 $7.32 $0.00 Paid
HEMOGLOBIN GLYCATED $39.60 $13.74 $0.00 Paid

COMP BLOOD COUNT $37.62 $11.00 $0.00 Paid
PROSTATE SCREEN (PSA $56.94 $28.47 $0.00 Paid

02/28/17 CHERALA, SUNDARARAJ R $125.00 $39.20 $35.00

COMP KNEE XRAY $54.00 $12.04 $0.00 Paid
COMP KNEE XRAY $54.00 $12.04 $0.00 Paid

RADIOLOGY GENERAL $938.00 $80.16 $35.00

02/21/17 KHURANA, DEEPAK MD $135.00 $43.11 $35.00 Paid
specialists in gastroe

01/30/17 CHERALA, SUNDARARAJ R $125.00 $39.20 $35.00

01/27/17 KHURANA, DEEPAK MD $0.00 Paid
COLONOSCOPY $1,075.00 $193.72 $0.00 Paid
SURGERY $75.00 $5.88 $0.00 Paid

01/27/17 PRESENCE SAINT JOSEPH HOSPITAL $200.00 Paid 01/28/17
AMBULATORY SURGERY $8,337.65 $482.09 $200.00 
PHARMACY GENERAL $22.05 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
OR MINOR SURGERY $7,253.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
LAB GENERAL $97.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
LAB GENERAL $97.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
ANESTHESIA GENERAL $526.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
ANESTHESIA GENERAL $306.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
RX REQ DET CODING $31.70 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
RX REQ DET CODING $4.90 $0.00 $0.00 Denied  

01/13/17 LIPNICK, SHERYL L DO $95.00 $43.11 $35.00 Paid
center for sports orth

01/09/17 CHERALA, SUNDARARAJ R  $39.85
SURGERY $750.00 $214.69 $35.00 Paid
OMS $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 Denied
INJECTIONS $100.00 $19.39 $4.85 Paid
MRI,MRA, CAT, PET $30.00 $2.31 $0.00 Paid

( 在地生活北美 )
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2018/05/09 08:47

today we tried to verify whether my spouse's physical theorpy 18 sessions were approved as we were told by physical theorpist officer. very weird is the lady just read policy to us can't confirm it. the bad thing is how we as patient knew the policy well enough to identify  18 sessions were approved or not. why i so hate usa systems is patients/people are responsible for everything that quite lack of understanding the unclear rules.
Last time my spouse called before visited primary doctor that he wanted to do the anaual phycical exam. the primary doctor told him she won't do it because insuarance copany won't approve and cancelled this year. when he called the lady insist no cancel and must do it.
obviously no one knew what's going on. will my spouse pay huge for 18 sessions because some thing violate the rules? it happened to me before, and doctors/physical theorpist officers won't be responsible what they told their patients nor the insurance company.
i can see it worseand worse but rotten policticians got luxsuray insurance policy paied by tax payers knew nothing but make the systems worse and worse.
i really believe usa has no rights to attack other countries because itself such lousy systems can't be qualified as leader.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-05-09 10:59 回覆:

we did warn the physical theorpist what happened in last year that the precious theorpist applied 8 sessions but only approved 4 sessions then repeatedly another two times.

when he visited to do evaluation(which was approved by insurance company), i wanted the theorpist's officer to contact our insurance company 1st or we have to suspend the 9 sessions schedule, before we left the officer told us she made a call and was told all were approved. so he did 3 sessions and i don't feel confortable so called insurance company today. 

it worried me that we didn't know any change between this year and last year. earlier i was told primary doctor decides the physical theorpy, but this year the order was issued by neurlogist not from primary doctor which was different from last year. 

living in usa is very frustrated and scared because unknown huge medical expenses.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-05-09 11:35 回覆:

we did tell neurologist that we wanted the same physcal theorpist but when we made  appointment with  physcal theorpy officer she switched to another one without telling us(we did mention who we wanted). the new theorpist is ok but we don't know whether he familiar with our insurance policy and procedures. the counter officer also was not the same person, very likely a new comer that's why swiched without our permission. 

when we both talked to insurance company i also felt the lady was not so familar with our policy as before. all she told us is the doctor's order is valid for 90 days and if it over 90 days then needs a new order.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-05-09 12:09 回覆:
i had very bad experiences when my back-related doctor issued physical theorpy order, his officer guided me to the same building physical theorpy(ATI) and guaranteed they were in network. And ATI also told me the same. the 1st appointment i also called insurance company that the ATI branch address was in network. in the end it was not because ATI billed using another register code. the manager(she also was my physical theorpist from S. Korean) cheated me that all sessions were approved but it didn't. I did file coplaints to the state professional. i was told no need to pay but ATI hired collector continue bother us and in the end we received a call forced me to pay by credit card, charged me 3 times...later i suspected it was fraud when i called to dispute the phone already disconnected and can't find ATI company information in google search.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-05-09 12:51 回覆:

we kept received the neurolgist officer bill statements this year which we already paied the copay $30 whever my spouse visited doctor. it has same problem the counter officer was not the same one but new comer. to make sure i visited insurance copany website and found one weird thing that last time(visited 2/26) the neurologist issued order for immune shooting 5 days in hospital(Mar 26/27/28/29/30). however it became pain killer doctor's. he did visit pain killer doctor for some spine liquid test(Mar 19). 

these 5 days immune shooting charged insurance over $60000. fortunately my spouse paied $150. 

each shooting day took 2 hours for 3 bags(like slaty water) plus total 2? immune liquid tiny bottles. it did reduce the huge pain frequency. he also took circulation test recently. hope the problem diagnosed. from what i saw looks like virus attacking. physical theorpist told us it definitely not caused by diabetti.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-05-09 13:33 回覆:
Total billed $62,580.00 Plan pays  $11,304.05 Plan discount  $51,125.95
PHAR IV THERAPY [Total charge $1,039.00 Plan pays $165.02 Ycopy $30.00]x5
Service code   260 Plan discount  $843.98
PHAR IV THERAPY  [Total charge $564 Plan pays $75.58]x5 
Service code   260 Plan discount  $488.42
Lab general  Total charge $1,121.4 Plan pays $0 Service code   300 Plan discount  $1121.4
Lab chemistry Total charge $472 Plan pays $0 Service code   301 Plan discount  $472
the other amount $450 $438 $145  $145 $111  $108 $96 $77
Lab immunology Total charge $171 Plan pays $0 Service code   302 Plan discount  $171
Microbio [Total charge $794 Plan pays $0 You owe provider $0]x2
Service code   306 Plan discount  $794
other amounts $322 $300 $300 $296 $259 $157 
Lab other Total charge $126 Plan pays $0  Service code   309 Plan discount  $126
Lab cytology
Total charge $417 Plan pays $0 Service code   311 Plan discount  $417
Rx Req Det Coding [Total charge $9621.72 Plan pays $2019.24  Service code   636 Plan discount  $7602.48]x5
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-05-09 13:38 回覆:
correct : each shooting day took 2-3 hours(45 min/bag?)

2017/09/27 13:36


--for those medicare patients the only way could save money is by mail medicines thru insurance company. however some can't such as opium related pain-killer, you have to get prescription every time in person and only when doctor is available.

2017/09/16 08:19

在共和黨同僚再提廢歐記健保議案同一天,佛蒙特州無黨籍參議員桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)13日提出名為「全民醫療保險2017版」(Medicare for All Act of 2017)法案,提議只要出示政府的證明卡,即可獲得醫療照顧。

桑德斯這項提案相當於全民皆納入政府的醫療保險範圍,雖然得到至少15位民主黨同僚聯署,但他沒有提到財政來源;白宮發言人莎拉‧桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)針對此議案表示,「這個想法相當恐怖。」




桑德斯把他的提案簡單稱為「單一付款人健保計畫」(single-payer healthcare plan),將歐記健保現行的納保對象從65歲以上長者擴大為全部美國國民。按其內容,從緊急手術、處方藥物到精神健康等都能受到保障;18歲以下公民可以立即獲得「全民醫療保險卡」,雇主不再需要為員工提供健保,但要繳更多稅。

--桑德斯 finally did what I suggest Trump--let as many amercians join medicare as possible.

those working for Obama's healthcare can transfer for working in medicare.

這個想法相當恐怖? Not at all, save money from bloody wars for usa people, that would be plenty enough. make it simple so can reduce wasting money in freaky complex system. make it clearly and openly so people can avoid paying for ridiculous vampire doctors.

the only question is if it comes from the Republican maybe more easy pass.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-16 08:27 回覆:

儘管如此,反映了民主黨內的氛圍已出現改變,例如屬自由派的加州新科國會參議員賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)、保守派的西維吉尼亞州國會參議員曼欽(Joe Manchin)在桑德斯宣布提案內容前,已經表態支持。

而民主黨內有意角逐2020年總統大選的參議員,現在也為桑德斯的建議背書,其中包括新澤西州的布克(Cory Booker)、麻州的伊麗莎白‧華倫(Elizabeth Warren)等。





--政府過分干預你的醫療保險更恐怖? for the rotten rich you still can buy as expensive medicap and/or private insurance policy as you wish. for the pity middle class can't pay Obama's healthcare medicare-type is the best for them. as the poor should not get as much as they want for free. so why 恐怖? last time usa medias already reporting more and more the seniors select HMO in stead of PPO too. those "good-so-called" PPO only suit the rotten rich and high income middle class.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-16 08:33 回覆:
伯尼·桑德斯(Bernard "Bernie" Sanders,1941年9月8日-),代表美国佛蒙特州的联邦参议员,也曾任代表该州的联邦众议员桑德斯是一位民主社会主义,也是美国历史上第一名信奉社会主义的参议员,亦是近年少数成功进入联邦公职的社会主义者,但他并不属任何政党,故以独立人士身份出现在选票上。但由于加入民主党党团运作,故在委员会编排方面被算作民主党一员。

2015年4月30日,桑德斯正式宣布以民主党人身份参加2016年美国总统大选[1]  。2016年7月27日,桑德斯宣布退出民主党,以无党派人士的身份重返参议院完成当前为期6年的任期。[2] 


--we both support 桑德斯, unfortunately Hilary tries very hard blockaded him. if he were represent 民主党总统 then we both would vote him.

桑德斯 should have more guts to tell americans 錢從何而來, if the rotten rich refuse to pay more tax then let usa stop the bloody wars and use that huge money in usa people. what's good for pile up so many nuclear weapons in usa? can usa continue killing other countries people?
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-16 08:39 回覆:




蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-16 08:44 回覆:

Trump should spend more time in indoors business especially for people's healthcare.

I did offer him my advice but so slow to take any action. not much time left for Trump.

Maybe he should cooperate with 伯尼·桑德斯.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-20 09:17 回覆:
美共和党再尝试废除奥巴马医保 民主党誓言狙击 ...废除奥巴马医保“最后冲刺”的领军人物,是共和党参议员格雷厄姆和卡西迪,他们提出奥巴马医保的取代法案,规定各州在使用联邦资助上拥有更大决定权,同时废除人人必须买保险和企业必须为员工提供保险的规定。
--if I were Trump I would cooperate with 桑德斯. many  民主党 supporters prefer 桑德斯's not Obama's nore 共和党's. And if Trump cooperate with 桑德斯 then 民主党 won't win next president election again.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-27 13:15 回覆:

票數不足 共和黨廢除歐記健保法案取消表決

--not surprised at all. Trump thought he just mouth talk can make  共和黨 do the jobs. he didn't know he has to spend time work on it by himself.  he did nothing but more bloody wars and only could please those racial hatred supporters by this and that blockade.

however that's ok, at least he can prove usa can't change a bit but worse.

2017/06/24 08:42
為什麼「亞洲川普」民調不墜 比美國川普高明?
1. 菲律賓's ambitious and powerful Hilary and Clinton couple not yet born. Marcoz family were rotten but been caught. 
2. 菲律賓 do not have so much well fare benefits, not many illegal immigrated and try to immigrate people, so no need to cancel current society benefits.
but Trump has to that's why irritates the poor and those illegal immigrations-to-be.
--I'm sympathy on illegal immigrations especially from those countries suffered usa bloody wars and/or on usa black list.
however a country should be responsible for it's debts. I pray usa be a bit smart not treats other countries as its enemies.
3. 杜特蒂 fixed the inside county's problems 1st. but Trump still continue endless bloody wars as top priority.
4. I'm not familiar with 菲律賓's health insurance system but I bet usa is top one the worst in the world. A can't be cured lousy system, no one has confidence.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-24 08:49 回覆:




--because they both are smart enough and knew china is not war lover, china doesn't invade any other country but focus on economic develope to help itself and other countries  poor people. that's why even 民調不 high, demacratic party still can't win.

if usa medias smart a bit could let Trump has chance become the world leader by not force Trump issues this and that bloody wars and cold wars.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-25 13:19 回覆:

6月25日电 据外媒24日报道,“哈佛–哈里斯民调”所做的最新民调显示,美国总统特朗普的支持率长时间以来首次增长至48% 。

--if Trump can reduce the endless bloody wars, use the MONEY to solve usa health insurance problems then immediately jump 90% 支持率. Trump knew the rotten rich don't want to help the poor and shouldn't force middle-low class donate money for the poor but can't buy health insurance gor themselves then the only way is cut down bloody wars budget. the whole world people are sick of usa endless bloody wars. And no country wants usa issues wars in their country including S. Korean people.

韩首部反萨德影片公映:制作成本虽低 感动观众--(blue butterfly)
韩国:文在寅再度质疑“萨德”部署进程--still would install 6.
even 文在寅 can't keep his promises for his voters.

2017/06/23 07:04

「帶病投保(pre-existing conditions)」,新健保案會維持這個承諾,並不准健保公司對這類投保者提高保費。為降低其他投保人的負擔,新健保案准許人們做出選擇性的投保,而不像歐健保那樣,不管個人特殊狀況,大家一律必須購買「全險」。

--if 帶病投保不准健保公司對這類投保者提高保費 then why punish the seniors(60-65) to pay 5 times more, especially for those quite healthy such as me ? if 選擇性的投保 can help reduce t times more that's would be ok, but I don't think it can reduce that much, and I don't think insurance company can cover 不准提高保費's loss.

聯邦至少先停止撥款一年 for 家庭計畫 墮胎中心,並且不能用「白卡」支持墮胎, 個人如果決定墮胎,這是他們的權利,但是,應該由他們私人出資。--no against at all, either the man or woman should try to do surgery so no more preganant especially man. my parents doctor told my father that he should do it.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-23 07:19 回覆:

不再強制贖買健保...對無力購買健保的個人,參院版本的新健保案仍將保留歐健保的聯邦補助的部分; 不再強制公司為全職員工購買健保, 歐健保的不買就罰健保稅,富人稅、保險業稅等,都一併取消

--not great but better than Obama's because hoping 取消保險業稅 then 保險公司 can cover what their loss for those 帶病投保 so not increase those healthy 其他投保人的負擔 especially the seniors. however it is just a dream no such concious businessmen existing in usa.

ps 保險業稅? not sure it is what I thought--reduce companies tax.

富人稅取消 certainly should cancel 5 times 老人稅!!

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-23 07:30 回覆:

聯邦至少先停止撥款一年 for 家庭計畫 墮胎中心,並且不能用「白卡」支持墮胎, 個人如果決定墮胎,這是他們的權利,但是,應該由他們私人出資。--no against at all, either the man or woman should try to do surgery so no more preganant especially man. my parents doctor told my father that he should do it.

--many immigrations, young americans are quit irresponsible, reduce this and that well fare would help them be responsible for what they done. I hope Trump can reduce more well fare for those bad habits such as over eating, addict, drunkard, drug dealers, robbers, gun killers... so can encourage young americans and immigrations be good behaviours or you can't have this and that social benefits when you need it.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-23 07:38 回覆:

china did right job that in old time only one baby can have benefits, if china is rich enough and really need 2 babies certainly can allow 2 babies have benefits.

because in usa some the poor family continue have babies to enjoy free milk, Trump also should reduce it especially those on purpose "unmarried" to get social benefits--this is what I saw in here.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-23 10:40 回覆:



--it is very weird, according to my understanding if you are qualified for 白卡 then you don't need to apply 歐記健保. my best advice for young 擴大白卡投保華人--Trump's  對無力購買健保的個人,參院版本的新健保案仍將保留歐健保的聯邦補助的部分。Try hard to find a better job and supporting businessmen from china provide jobs for you. For those the seniors without medicare and can't work any more try hard to maintain your body healthy and if possible move to not yet broken states asap.

2017/06/20 09:52


--Trump declared his helth insurance system would make every american happy...I'm prety sure it won't happen now.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-22 12:06 回覆:

then the response...

As per our conversation today, our records confirms the  beneficiary designation on file is xxx(my name)...since the account inception 8/3/2011. ..We received a reconfirmation of the designation form executed on June 6, 2017. You will receive a confirmation letter in the mail directly of the beneficiary.

since I got it so my final email as :

thanks for your help. Sorry so pushy because it is IRS related and you know their severely punishments even tax payer did nothing wrong.
One time we were chased by IRS for 3 years when Charter One bank made a mistake about our IRA contribution while bank did contact IRS and sent fax to IRS couple of times in front of my face. No one knows how to fix a mistake not even IRS officers themselves. that's why I am so nervous about it and I am the one dealing with IRS with my poor english....

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-22 10:14 回覆:


--I don' know why Obama insurance company charged me $575(銅級) instead of $517.



--歐記健保 takes care the poor and force middle-low class became 無保族, even we had 歐記健保 before but forced to visit far away clinics/hospitals because of 銅級. what does it called? bad coins chased out good coins.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-22 10:32 回覆:


--more and more middle-low class 加入無保族, 歐記 declared higher and higher punishment, however Ibelieved 2016, 2017, 2018 would be the same. my penalty is $100/mm in 2017 and that is the same as 2016. it didn't jump because demacratic party knew middle-low class hate them. demacratic party is not smart didn't know how to lower down people's anger by cancel the penalty.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-22 11:53 回覆:

退健保被延误?加州华人遭国税局追税250.2美元 ...吴楚欣表示,她也打过国税局电话询问,告知详情,“这本来就很荒谬,因为我和先生都买了保险,没理由去买五天的加州健保,完全是加州健保惹的祸。但国税局说,他们就是依据1095-A表格计算的,最好的方法是找加州健保修改表格。”..工作人员说,她终止保险时间就是2016年1月5日之后,哪怕使用五天保险,也相当于用了整个月,所以要退还抵税额,最好的方法是补交证明数据申诉。...据她了解,申诉一般需要2个月时间,但当地国税局写明要在今年6月19日前交款,否则有滞纳金。她无奈之下只好和国税局商量,将补交税金的时间延迟到今年10月初,这才稍微缓解问题,“美国人办事效率低,希望加州健保能尽快通过申诉。”

--it is no use and waste time to dispute with IRS and 加州健保. such similar cases happened everywhere. '

recently we found out my husband 401K due to company switched booking to another investment companies and one of 401K due to retired so he transfered to IRA stil the same investment company. And then my name as beneficiary was lost in some time and we have no idea because the companies allowed on-line to verify beneficary information but then took over comapies didn't have the function.

 while MRD request sole-beneficary for the whole year when withdraw money or got penalty. we were forced to sign beneficary paper again, one of the investment company by my strongly request sent me a email in case IRS do bad things to us, the company also told us the law frequently changed caused it.

the other one still refused to provide the original my name as beneficiary.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-22 12:03 回覆:

here is my dealing with the company who in the end agreed to send me email to prove it.

1st. ...the lasting thing just tried to remind you that your company makes sure withdraw money(MRD) after my name as beneficiary on your all records. since we can't verify your website on line, and there is rules about MRD-your spouse will be your sole primary beneficiary for the entire distribution calendar year and is more than 10 years younger than you....

then we received the response but wanted us to talk to tax advisor. so 2nd time...

2nd. ...Sorry, you misunderstood my words. all I told your company is my wife's name as beneficiary since (modus)401K began. your company also admitted my wife's name is on record however for some reason not in all records. this is why when we contacted your company and sometimes they told my wife is beneficiary but sometimes your people denied. even the day we visited you(6/6/2017) you transferred phone to me also told one record has my wife's name but another didn't, we have no ideal what happened when modus transferred 401K into IRA to your company.
All we request is the MRD is taxable and your company may request to prove my wife's name as beneficiary for the whole year(2017).
it's not tax question we request you to help, it's you company didn't do the right thing and I want you company pay attention about it especially it is IRS related.
if your company can't fix the problem they made we are going to repot to the government and transfer our investment to fidelity, because your bad system....

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-23 02:58 回覆:

the worst thing about usa is this and that punish people who have no way to know what's going on--it is not control by people. patients have no idea what is the processing between insuarance company and clinics/hospitals but patients forced to be responsible. tax-payers have no idea how the company and booking companies transfered documents, and didn't know when IRS changed rules but tax-payer have to be responsible the penalty.

when my husband still working we can verify beneficiary on line. now booking companies disallowed. the company refused to provide original beneficiary email/mail won't tell us who is the beneficiary on record but mail blank form to assign beneficary again. Last time we were told can see it on line but it didn't, today my husband tried on line register beneficiary again but the same error--failed. so he decides fill the blank form. because the company won't do anything.

2017/05/16 18:25

白宮官員盼藉由川普首出訪 重振聲勢

--my suggest for Trump: 
1. in usa spend more time to make sure 美國健保 is better than Obama's and give examples asap, because even Texas worried going to pay more than Obama's that's why so many noices in usa. even my younger brother didn't know well. when I told him what's good for insurance companies withdrawed from Obama's? it's dead. Trump knew I knew but many don't. 
2.outside Trump should make friends with those countries in usa black listing. because the whole world tired of bloody wars, And most americans too. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-16 18:26 回覆:

it is usa should learn how to step forward so can be the world leader. if usa still one side spoils its dogs without FAIR then Trump won't get his 2nd term., because more and more bloody wars coming. 
Hilary declared her “共同前进”“美国崛起” I don't think she has the capability performe it because she is outdated. Trump should has confidence it is time to perform FAIR or can't be the leader of the world. to read our greatest KINGs stories, they would prove what I said. 

all the greatest KINGs after they became the strongest country then must perform FAIR inside and outside. before that the greatest KINGS need partners, sometimes when partners made mistakes can be forgiven. 
However can't forever spoil them or no law can be excuted, sometimes the greatest KINGs have to kill their loved ones. 
Can Hilary be the one? I don't think so. when I saw her very 傲慢的 manners I knew it. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-16 18:27 回覆:

I already warned Trump the less penalty the better. now I heard : 
1. you pay 20% more if 2 moths earlier didn't buy insuarance 
2. you pay $2000 if you didn't buy one year insurance, $3000? if two years... 
I really don;t understand why do it? we heard Obama's penalty caused by the REPUBLICAN, what's now by Democratic? I can help Trump to remove it. 

it is very simple to force Democratic calculate how much savings that retired can maintain their current living style for their rest of life? then you could tell people no need to punish them and wish them can go thru their retiring life, middle-low class are allowed without buying insurance so they won't become the poor to rely on society benefits in the future. I bet immediately americans support you, Trump. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-16 18:44 回覆:

the rotten definitely buy the best private health policy. the poor most pay nohing. only the middle-poor some to save money buy a house, some save money to make sure never become the poor. most because the ridiculous high premium for nothing, maybe Trump a bit better not very unlikely for the seniors as 5 times more even you are quite healthy.

Trump should keep mind usa companies charge the max., give the mini. 

we were cheated and bought annuity, gave 7% as bonus for 1st year, then 5% for 2nd year. after that always the min. guarantee interest rate 3.15%, even I still can buy 6% CD that period time. however the bloody Obama's health insurance charges 3 times on me. and my younger brother told me Trump's would charge me 5 times.

did Trump know why the seniors angered? usa two rotten parties have no right to punish americans for what they done nasty jobs so many years.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-22 12:12 回覆:

the other company so far still won't provide our original beneficary document or email.

I bet the company existing huge problems and don't want IRS pays attention to them so they ignored our same request. I told my husband don't transfer to other investment company or any conversion, so in the future we can report to IRS.

when you transfered out the previous company run away and you have no way to get your loss back.

2017/05/13 23:07

Trump should spend more time to make sure his 美國健保 would be better than Obama's.

just chat with my brother who told me in TX many worry the seniors would pay higher than  Obama's. even I explained to him that no penalty if the cost too high w/o buy, plus tax credits based on ages.

the key is whether insurance company support  美國健保 due to Trump reduced lots tax for them so lower down the premium ?

once Trump can explain why his  美國健保 can beat up Obama's then others are not big problems. Trump could hire chinese from china do the math. and provide examples comparing with Obama's. because most americans thught the premium much higher than Obama's.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-13 23:20 回覆:


--Trump focus on the seniors's health insurance such lousy opinin from 美媒 can be ignored because they are out of date can't see what the whole world people want, not even knew most americans want. Stick to your instinct that will make you, Trump, really make usa be a leader againn. why spend huge money on bloody wars? why not reduce it and use the huge money to improve usa health insurance serious problems?


蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-14 00:01 回覆:

美国医保法案将更替 中国首个留美健康险出炉 ...中国最大的合资(usa)财险公司安盛天平在北京举办2017健康险留学生新产品发布会,推出了中国第一个专门针对中国赴美留学生的健康险产品。该产品以全新的数字化体验、全美直付医疗网络及服务,填补了中国健康险市场细分领域的空白。

--I hope 中美合资健康险 can offer for the seniors in usa. however 中国公司 should know either you offer good deals with usa doctors and make a deal any denied service charges can't force patients pay.

my brother just told me americans especially the white for tiny problem(finger) they would visit doctors spend thousand(surgery) while chinese won't(most time could recovery).

in the begining 针对中国赴美留学生 is correct to familiar with usa system.

expect to see 中美合资健康险 in usa to solve usa serious and deadly problem.

2017/05/08 03:30

美国实行“以械养医”、“以药养医”  vs china 医药回扣几时休? 涉案医生:谁给好处多就用谁的

--rotten in usa became legal, and be honest living in usa freaky complex systems we all exhausted plus much less popullations. however in china any bad things hardly can run away millions shrew eyes and loudly mouths. what happen in china exactly happen in usa.

1.收提好处费为潜规则 2.好处费都会摊给患者. the difference in china “因收受医疗器械经销商的回扣,医院的好几个科主任都被查了,可医疗费咋还是那么高呢?”在河南省永城市人民医院就诊的患者李某眼里,医院的科主任被查了,应该就没人敢收回扣了,医疗价格就会降下来了,但收费还与以前一样。while usa government doesn't care if only if money stay in usa.

what is the solution? 强化监管挤压收费虚高..“‘看病贵’形成的原因较为复杂,与医疗收费整个过程不公开、不透明有关,既容易引起患者的合理怀疑,还容易引发医疗腐败现象。”河南程功律师事务所主任吴天阔认为,政府主管部门要通过强化监管机制建设,对医药器械的生产、流通、使用进行全流程改革,打破招标机构的权力垄断和医院的终端垄断,最大限度地挤压医疗收费中的虚高水分,确保患者的医疗负担只降不增。

--Trump can follow china's way to help his 美國健保 without fail.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-08 03:59 回覆:


--this is very likely why edward hospital doctors insist did so many lab tests on my husbands without listening to our begged for mercy(no job no insurance) just postponed a week later would have medicare.

however 医疗设备 been so long very likely not because 收回采购成本 but put money in doctors pockets because usa government cut down medicare charges, the other innoncents cover for bloody doctors loss.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-08 04:14 回覆:

07/01/16 PRESENCE SAINT JOSEPH HOSPITAL $200 colonscopy....

--I did colonscopy in 2008(?) too and bigger lumps than my husbamd. we both got 2 lumps. however you can see many items charged by doctors we have no idea why.

if it is not humana HMO insurance company denied those unknown charges, he would pay huge medical debts.

suggest china insurance company(should be government's?) cut down uncessary lab tests and doctors/hospital should response over done. in the meantime doctors/hospitals should record patients request...do exist some patients request this and that.. and doctors did warn the patients have to pay what they request uncessary lab tests.. for reference.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-08 04:25 回覆:

PS becarful, in usa doctors talked to patients lots and most patients have no idea what doctors talking about like us, then may noded their heads and/or say "ok" without knowing a huge medical charges after.

so, when recording make sure it is patients request not allured by crook doctors.

this is why my husband eye doctor charged $55 extra. I made a call 2 days ago informed the office we won't pay it and did talking to insurance company who told us denied item we don't pay.

our experiences so far we only knew medicare humana HMO(2016, 2017) did good job denied uncessary items, other than that are totally messed up especially working companies poor health insurance since Bush's bloody wars.

2017/05/06 14:46


--really? what about under 65? this year my 歐保 jump high to $500 even I am quite healthy still suffered 將近年輕人三倍的保費, if it were 五倍 then would be $833?

Trump should know the greedy usa companies will charge 五倍 even you are quite healthy 老人.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-06 14:58 回覆:


--in the past we always bought 健保(companies offered). the only we quit due to Bush's bloody wars caused jobs terminated. And we didn't have confidence how long can get job, and also disqualified for medicad.  my husband was hard working who should 承擔 our jobs loss?  he worked till Feb 2015 (69 years old).

this year I refused to pay $500 for nothing(歐健保另一個引起反彈的問題是,人們在付出高額保費後,卻仍然不敢去看醫生,因為很多歐健保的自付額((deductibles)很高,一年4000美元到5000美元並不稀奇。於是,買了健保,但是,4000美元到5000美元以內的看病費用「自付」。買了健保,等於沒買。) who should 承擔 this stupid 歐健保?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-06 15:20 回覆:


--Last year I got quite cheap 歐健保 and got fake doctor plus 健保公司 very poor service. those doctors/hospitals are quite far away. if possible I would refuse to pay, just waived 歐健保的懲罰 . maybe that's why 年輕投保者的人數不如預期...the same pay for almost nothing.


--it depends how better than 歐健保 or Trump won't get his 2nd term.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-06 15:36 回覆:

Trump should realize to know well neither 民主黨 nor 共和黨 government has capability do jobs right so the less 懲罰 pity americans the better for you continue to be usa president and government.

新健保案對企業的影響?各州可以分別向聯邦申請豁免歐健保中的10項硬性健保規定,例如產後醫療(maternity care)、醫藥費、精神治療等。說得白一點,女士不必再被硬性規定得買治療攝護腺癌的保險,男士不必被強迫購買預防乳癌的乳房X光檢驗(mammogram)保險。

--it should apply to all 買健保. the question is will crook 健保 companies willing reduce uncessary items for  all 買健保? they won't. they charge as high as possible. the 新健保《5件事你該知》writer didn't know usa crook 健保 companies well. it may apply to big 企業s because they can hire professional lawyer force  健保 companies lower down the 保費. but not  personal 買健保.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-06 16:32 回覆:

川普在眾院通過新健保案後,在白宮玫瑰花園會見共和黨眾議員。他說:「我們將贏得最後勝利。」他說,健保的保費(premiums)與自付額(deductibles)都將下降。自己買健保的人,可以得到抵稅優惠(tax credit),30歲以下為2000美元,隨年齡增加而抵稅額增加,到60歲時為每年4000美元(if income less than $75000),抵稅額並隨著家庭人數而增加,一家庭的健保抵稅上限(cap)是1萬4000美元。vs 不買健保就要罰款的懲罰,被取消了。



--I am stronly suspect in the end 健保的保費(premiums)與自付額(deductibles)都將下降.

奥巴马 assumed his affordable cam make every one buys insurance 但是,年輕投保者的人數不如預期,以至保險公司虧損過大,紛紛退出歐健保.人們在別無選擇的情況下,只有任憑健保公司宰割。買了高額保費健保,等於沒買。

Trump believed cut down medicad-related social benefits...使醫療裝置廠商、保險公司獲得大筆減稅 can 下降健保的保費與自付額. Do you ever heard businessmen tired of more money put in their pokets?

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