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take…leave / take…day(s)off 請假
take a leave或take a day off 請一天假
take a 3-day leave或take 3 days off 請三天假
I have 3 days off. 我有三天的假。
I’m going to take a day off.我將要請一天假。

personal leave 事假
sick leave 病假
annual leave 特休
official leave 公假
marriage leave 婚假
funeral/bereavement leave 喪假
maternity leave 產假
paternity leave 陪產假
menstruation leave 生理假
I was on leave for three days for personal reasons.
= I was on personal leave for three days.

ask for leave 向…請假
grant leave 准假
on leave 告假中
leave request form 假單
A: I’m not feeling well. I’d like to ask for a sick leave this afternoon.
A: 我有點不舒服,今天下午想要請病假。
B: Sure. Remember to fill out the leave request form and I will approve it later.
B: 好,那你記得要填好假單,我等等會簽。

call in sick 打電話到公司請病假
辦公室內常會用到這個片語,如果接到某個同事請病假的電話,要轉告其他同事,就可以說call in sick。
A: Why didn’t John show up today?
A: 為什麼 John 今天沒出現?
B: He just called in sick this morning.
B: 他今天早上打來請病假了。

fill in for someone 頂替/代理某人的職務
當同事請假,需要找人幫忙暫代工作,可以用fill in for這個片語,因為fill in本身的意思是「填空」,與「別人請假不在你補了他的空缺」意思契合。介係詞for後面加上代理的對象。
I will be away for a month on maternity leave and Tina will fill in for me until I get back.
我將請一個月的產假,在我回來之前 Tina 會負責代理我的職務。
或者,也可以使用更口語的講法cover for,切記一定要加介係詞for哦。我們很常聽到「你能不能cover我?」,但這樣的用法在英文是錯誤的哦。
A: Could you cover for me this afternoon? I have my hands all full and I need to pick up the kids.
A: 你可以幫我代今天下午的班嗎?我的工作行程全滿,而且要去接小孩。
B: Sure, no problem.
B: 好的,沒問題。

have one’s hands full 忙不過來、忙得不可開交
當你手邊有一堆待辦事項未完成,而又必須在時間內完成工作進度時,可以用 have your hands full 來具體地形容「應接不暇」的窘境。

說到「上班」,我們馬上想到go to work.,至於「下班、收工」怎麼說呢?其實用法很多元,甚至可以直接說 I’m going home. 使用哪一種說法是依習慣而定。
got off/knock off(work)
A: I’d like to speak to your manager.
A: 我想和你的經理說話。
B: I’m sorry. He just got off(work).
B: 很抱歉,他剛剛下班了。

另外,大家可能會想到leave這個字,但要注意它的用法哦。因為其實leave work/a job有時候帶有永久離開一個職位或工作的意味,像是:
Annie left her job and went abroad for further study.
Annie 辭掉工作去國外深造了。

leave the office
因此,如果要使用leave來表示下班,用leave the office再加上適當的時間副詞像是幾點、多晚會比較好,以免產生誤會。例如:
You can leave the office early today, but don’t make it a habit.
I’m still at work. I’ll call you as soon as I leave the office.

to call it a day
A: It’s almost 8 p.m. If there are no other comments, I’d like to wrap this meeting up.
A: 現在已經快八點了,如果大家沒有其他想法,我想結束今天的會議了。
B: Okay. Let’s call it a day. I could do with a drink.
B: 好,今天工作就到此為止,我實在想喝一杯。

wrap something up / wrap up something 結束、了結某事
wrap up這個片語最直觀是指「包起來」,形容購物時挑了很久「最終」選定中意的東西請店員包起來,所以也有了「結束、了結、收尾」的意思。
I’ll take it. Please wrap it up for me.
因此,上面例句中的wrap this meeting up,就是利用wrap up這個片語來說明「此會議結束」。

work overtime / do overtime
這是加班最常見的說法,也可以直接講它的縮寫 “OT”,有趣的是,overtime 除了有「加班」的意思,這個單字也可以代表「加班費」哦。
A: Hey, are you in the middle of something?
A: 嘿,在忙嗎?
B: Not at all. What’s wrong?
B: 沒有耶,怎麼了?
A: Do you have any plans after work? Let’s go shopping!
A: 你下班要做什麼?我們去逛街吧。
B: Sorry, I have to work overtime…
B: 抱歉,我今天要加班…

In the middle of something? 你現在正在忙嗎?
與“Are you busy?”相比,這句話比較強調「現在」忙不忙的狀態,意思等同於“Are you busy right now?”或“Do you have a minute?”如果想找人八卦、聊聊,或是想請人幫忙,這句話都派得上用場哦。

輪班的英文是shift,所以work(in)shifts指的就是「輪班工作、值班」,如果想請人代班,則可以用 take one’s shift 來表達。
day shift / regular shift 日班
night shift 小夜班
graveyard shift 大夜班
I have to work double shifts tomorrow.
I’m on day shifts.
Can you take my shift?

office worker/9-to-5er 上班族
如果工作性質不需要輪班,工作時間固定從早到晚,也就是所謂的上班族,英文就叫做office worker或9-to-5er哦。
Tired of the routine life of being a 9-to-5er, Jenny became a backpacker after she retired.

be on a business trip in 某地
be in 某地 on business
go on a business trip to 某地
go to 某地 on business
take a business trip to 某地
Lily was on a business trip in Hong Kong last week.
Lily 上週去香港出差。
I’ll go to Singapore on business next week. Is there anything you’d like me to get for you while I’m there?
I’d like to take a business trip to Europe.
How long will you be on a business trip in Korea?
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