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God has dominion over all his creatures.23年前,專家幫忙新設網站"來賓瀏覽數"開始就設定3299, 並告知上傳"更換資訊操作,及密碼"當時,我心就"Dominion多貓膩"了.唉!23年了,老套路還沒變,共產黨中國用上人民幣收買,就騙過美國人民選出"貓熊黨派"美國總統了? http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203

23年前,我"印象最深刻"的就是網站瀏覽顯示器數目設定,最後這年輕專家人一開始就幫忙設定3299, 並告訴我"更換資訊時"上傳軟體操作,及有關密碼..初剎那時,我心就Dominion多貓膩了,.. 唉!23年了,Dominion多貓膩老套路還沒變,原來共產黨中國用上人民幣收買,就騙過美國人民選出"貓熊黨派"美國總統了??? http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203

共產主義中國這魔鬼正用各種“人間天堂”可以解放和放縱人的所有慾望為誘惑,引導人遠離了神。唉!23年了,Dominion多貓膩老套路還沒變,原來共產黨中國用上人民幣收買,就騙過美國人民選出"貓熊黨派"美國總統了?曾經是維持世界自由民主偉大美國,現在快到了全面崩潰的危險了 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203     


 《如何發動革命》 圖文並茂解說: Picking a Theme: Getting the Right People Involved: Getting the Message Out: Choosing a Strategy挑選主題:讓合適的人參與:傳達信息:選擇策略也很詳細很有明確指導方式。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/113241884 "楚雖三戶,亡秦必楚". http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/117309330   

2011年2月17日中國茉莉花革命 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/127157150 中國人正傳讀"如何革命追求民主"中英圖文說明指導。再來呢? http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/113241884 


唉!又需要再麻煩"唐鳳"多費神了!!!同樣應用區塊鍊”Internet of Internet”言論自由與 ” Internet of Think”思想自由結合戰士授權證概念等應用必能讓共產黨習近平也可參加"顛覆共產黨"的"以太坊民主中華幣"以利追求"中國全面自由民主法治"。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/136912315  

唉!23年了,Dominion多貓膩老套路還沒變,原來共產黨中國用上人民幣,,就騙過美國人民選出"貓熊黨派"美國總統了?  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203     

 God has dominion over all his creatures.上帝主宰著他創造的一切生靈。23年前,新設網站"來賓瀏覽顯示器數目"一開始就設定3299, 並告訴我"更換資訊時"上傳軟體操作,及有關密碼.剎那時,我心就曾"Dominion多貓膩泥"了.唉!23年了,老套路還沒變,原來共產黨中國用上人民幣收買,就騙過美國人民選出"貓熊黨派"美國總統了??? http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203      

義務幫忙設立"雅柏空氣淨化機行銷網站", 這年輕專家人只用兩個下午即迅速完成, 
當時"雅柏空氣淨化機行銷網站", 內容含 "新訊息跑馬燈"背景音樂(瀟灑走一回 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ8Hxm2W5Ts )""公司沿革""產品優點""功能介紹""市場比較""零售辦法"及"徵經銷商辦法""瀏覽顯示器"... 等等項目. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203      23年,"印象最深刻"的就是瀏覽顯示器數目設定,這年輕專家人一開始就幫忙設定3299並告訴我"資訊更換時"上傳軟體操作,及有關密碼.. 
後來我馬上忍住了,想到這也是"取信外人"的很好辦法...  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203      
唉!23年了,Dominion多貓膩老套路還沒變,原來共產黨中國用上人民幣,就騙過美國人民選出"貓熊黨派"美國總統了?  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203      



Trump Never Loses! Fights to Win!黑夜會過,黎明必來:Trump. CAN HELP:Arrest 聯邦級罪犯張雲翔Clark Chang https://www.willseye.org/doctor/clark-chang-od-msa-msc-faao/ is wanted http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152758043 abduction of 3 BCCanadian children. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607

黑夜會過,黎明必來:目前美國和日本的媒體「偏向」好像拜登當選總統一樣,這是巨大錯誤。http://classic-blo.udn.com/alpineatks/153921840 美國川普總統遭遇的反川事件,超越了黨派界限,不僅是對總統職位的攻擊,同時也對美國立國之本的攻擊。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154141689

投資移民加拿大後:遭遇家人失蹤,住屋被偷賣,家產盜賣的結果.Oh ! CANADA  !加拿大弊端重重, http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853 使投資移民的我失去家人,住屋, http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687 家產被偷賣的吃人傷心地:溫哥華慈濟人通緝犯Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty Paul Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604-434-1431,FaX:0021-604-434-9433,Cell:00217788895306)Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687   

Michael Cooper, MP 邁克爾·庫珀國會議員(MP)

@Cooper4SAE   Member of Parliament for St. Albert-Edmonton聖艾伯特-埃德蒙頓國會議員。黑夜會過,黎明必來:CANADA Michael Cooper, MP  CAN HELP!Arrest Vanouver保羅張 Paul Chang 張書銘 is wanted abduction of children.  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152692075

黑夜會過,黎明必來:CANADA Michael Cooper, MP  CAN HELP!祈惠助就近聯絡被藏匿溫哥華23年多三兒女們助我父子女再歡相聚. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/103228008

 Trump. CAN HELP:Arrest  聯邦級罪犯張雲翔 Clark Chang  https://www.willseye.org/doctor/clark-chang-od-msa-msc-faao/  is wanted abduction of children.   http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152758043

1997年綁匪Clark ChangMay,UBC畢業的禮物聯邦級犯罪。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152752406   與不識英文的母親夥同綁匪multiplerealty Paul Chang張博欽國際綁架罪行http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/7364892

1997年最特殊的母親節禮物聯邦級犯罪。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152752406  兩自稱溫哥華慈濟人繼子張書銘,張雲翔於5月夥同不識英文的母親江明樺違法奪產及犯幼童國際綁架案逃逸至今.http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/7552333



CANADA Michael Cooper, MP CAN HELP!Arrest Vanouver保羅張 Paul Chang 張書銘 is wanted abduction of children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152692075
美國是245年前由非常信仰神的清教徒建立的,一切的法制和政府構造都是基於他們對《聖經  http://www.chinesebibleonline.com/ 》的理解。每一個美分上,美元上都有“我們信仰神”這句聖神的話。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203       共產主義魔鬼正用各種“人間天堂”可以解放和放縱人的所有慾望為誘惑,引導人遠離了神。曾經一度偉大的美國Dominion多貓膩老套路還沒變,原來共產黨中國用上人民幣,就騙過美國人民選出"貓熊黨派"美國總統了? 現在到了全面崩潰的危險。  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154618203     

中美GDP將在2028年黃金交叉!?高科技突飛猛進「中國威脅」迫在眉睫!? 美國政府屢遭駭…矛頭指向中國!?防毒公司也擋不住「國家力量」駭客!? 中共200萬黨員滲透全球!?無聲埋伏10多年…疫苗、MI6中共無孔不入!? 川普即將卸任好戲才開始!?發起對中「反擊儀式」將軍排排站大步前進!? 「川普主義」將框住拜登?國內問題甩鍋、軍事施壓南海 川普當美國英雄!? 歐洲帥哥球星也反中自斷中國代言!?足球員聲援維吾爾人不要中國錢!? 打麻將、寫春聯球壇到底多親中!?從講中文到反中歐洲足球隊大翻轉!? 黎智英綁鐵鍊遭鐵車護送嚇壞全球…歐洲硬起來歐中經貿論壇不開了!? 數千女間諜「淹沒美國」貼上高官!?美人計成功率90%荷蘭日本都上鉤!? 台灣媒體高層也遭中共女間諜滲透!?女共諜計畫刺殺軍隊總司令!? 間諜重複利用成公用情婦!?一女搞垮上海幫…中國的「情婦政治」!? ●今日關鍵看更多:https://bit.ly/3nc6yLn ●訂閱《關鍵時刻》頻道:https://bit.ly/2OlcnV7 ●支持《關鍵時刻》加入YouTube會員:https://bit.ly/31smots ●《關鍵時刻》粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/CTimefans #劉寶傑 #關鍵時刻 #中國 #拜登 #美國 #川普 #木馬 #報稅軟體 #梅克爾 #德國 #解放軍 #台灣 #國安 #間諜 #挪威 #日本 #5G   有聰明國民黨好友曾告訴我,http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/128276524 台灣人沒經歷過"國共戰爭""勦匪"老國民黨與老共產黨"間,總共近千萬亡魂的血海深仇,不知道共產黨瞬間翻臉後的殘忍! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125031736 其實丟幾個飛彈到共產黨中國習近平權貴們住宅區,必一舉交出"習近平首號戰犯"來自保!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/151001260   


再來呢?中國人在海外正熱烈傳讀的一篇的如何發動革命圖文及中英文並茂解說很詳細的指導方式。 再來呢? http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/113241884   哈!哈!哈!哈利路亞!祈願中國實現民主自由,中國百姓人人平安喜樂,富足祥和.奉主耶穌聖名禱告祈求.阿們 ! 中國權貴們內心皆有著「沉船計劃」正殺雞取卵式地,榨取社會所有剩餘價值,急想快速逃離中國。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/127028054 回想當初1895年"資源窘迫"的孫中山自率領乙未廣州起義至1911年武昌起義引發了各省宣布獨立,導致清帝退位,才花耗不到20年時間。對比中國六四天安門事件至今已30周年, 深有感現代中國人一代不如一代, http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/127035952 


逢九必亂,集權國家很少超過70年壽命。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/124775710  "楚雖三戶,亡秦必楚". http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/117309330 

全世界中國人正在熱烈傳讀的《如何發動革命》 https://ift.tt/2sUc0aH 圖文並茂解說挑選主題:讓合適的人參與:傳達信息:選擇策略也很詳細很有明確指導方式 紐約大學顏色革命培訓課程。http://bit.ly/2ECefHq 視頻教程(中文字幕)綜合了各國公民運用非暴力不合作運動成功推翻專制的經驗共十三個小時左右,希望大家認真學習借鑒這些成功民主運動的真正一線組織者、參與者的經驗。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/113241884

中國習帝制2020掰掰?http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125118195 哈!哈!中國上上下下,連廠商,都要溜之大吉,竟有傻子效忠中國!  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125147747   中國啊!中國!帝制了!  https://photos.app.goo.gl/NmL2XoVzNxrdYiAb6

海外中國人正在熱烈傳讀的一篇的《如何發動革命》 https://ift.tt/2sUc0aH 圖文並茂解說挑選主題:讓合適的人參與:傳達信息:選擇策略也很詳細很有明確指導方式。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/1132418842011年2月17日中國茉莉花革命 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/127157150 明確要求口號##有我們要結束一黨專政。 ##開放報禁、新聞自由、自由萬歲、民主萬歲..等 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/127051778  六四事件與孫中山起義類比,http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/113241884   唉!自己的國家自己救!現代中國人一代不如一代啊!  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/127035952哈!哈!哈!中國上上下下估習帝制2020說掰掰..  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125118195 百姓連廠商一有機會都要溜之大吉了,竟有傻子凌友詩進入中國效忠帝制了! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125147747
中國權貴們內心皆有著「沉船計劃」正殺雞取卵式地,榨取社會所有剩餘價值,急想快速逃離中國。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/127028054  聰明的國民黨精英好友,他衷心懇言勸我說,你是台灣人,沒經歷過,不知道共產黨瞬間翻臉後的殘忍!!務要謹慎小心!! 不要天真的自己憑恃"外省第二代",在中國有親戚,老朋友關照!!!正被囚禁的李明哲先生"是不是"外省第二代? http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125031736
全世界中國人正在熱烈傳讀的《如何發動革命》 https://ift.tt/2sUc0aH 圖文並茂解說挑選主題:讓合適的人參與:傳達信息:選擇策略也很詳細很有明確指導方式。 紐約大學顏色革命培訓課程。http://bit.ly/2ECefHq 視頻教程(中文字幕)綜合了各國公民運用非暴力不合作運動成功推翻專制的經驗共十三個小時左右,希望大家認真學習借鑒這些成功民主運動的真正一線組織者、參與者的經驗。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/113241884  圖擷取自e-hon  估中國北京習近平帝制2020說掰掰?中國人都知道的諺語"螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在後"列強環視的中國,若是"蘇聯連合巴基斯坦"夾擊中國,又緬甸,越南,南北韓周邊都蠢蠢欲動,且內緣新疆,西藏,蒙古,香港,廣東與中國北京"隙縫加大"...習近平體制可以撐幾天??? 因美國非營利組織智庫「哈德遜研究所」(Hudson Institute)首席研究員日高義樹:美國也認真要粉碎中國專制集權的共產黨 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125118195《如何發動革命》 圖文並茂解說: Picking a Theme: Getting the Right People Involved: Getting the Message Out: Choosing a Strategy挑選主題:讓合適的人參與:傳達信息:選擇策略也很詳細很有明確指導方式。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/113241884"楚雖三戶,亡秦必楚". http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/117309330 

中國習帝制2020掰掰?http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125118195 哈!哈!中國上上下下,連廠商,都要溜之大吉,竟有傻子效忠中國!  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/125147747   中國啊!中國!帝制了!  https://photos.app.goo.gl/NmL2XoVzNxrdYiAb6

中國深圳市政協委員卓越集團董事局主席李華、中國國家主席習近平姊夫合夥人也被深圳市紀委帶走協助調查 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/124415630

  • 唉!又需要再麻煩"唐鳳"多費神了!!!貧窮與貧窮線?紓困之亂何解?越弱勢的人群,教育水準較低、通常健康較差,越缺保障,建議或以國民年金保險及報稅資料由 AI 主動分析篩選協助通知可申請紓困的資格與名單。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/135134746


  • 唉!又需要再麻煩"唐鳳"多費神了!!!同樣應用區塊鍊”Internet of Internet”言論自由與 ” Internet of Think”思想自由結合戰士授權證概念等應用必能讓共產黨習近平也可參加"顛覆共產黨"的"以太坊民主中華幣"以利追求"中國全面自由民主法治"。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/136912315 

    香港反送中已有區塊鏈的兩大特色:去中心化(decentralized)、資料無法被片面竄改(indelible ledger),盼建立區塊鍊”Internet of Internet”言論自由與 ” Internet of Think”思想自由結合戰士授權證概念等應用於全世界人民必能讓共產黨習近平也可參加"顛覆共產黨"的"以太坊民主中華幣"以利追求"中國全面自由民主法治"。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/136912315

Method 1: Picking a Theme

To create a revolution, you need to unite people around a shared purpose. It’s possible to start a revolution, although it can take a lot of patience, organization, and passion. It will be more likely to succeed if you don’t wing it. A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, “a turnaround”) is a significant change that usually occurs in a short period of time.

  1. Find a central theme around which to organize your revolution. If you’re a Marxist, this may be a central belief that capitalism is the root of all evils because it exploits the working class.
  • You need to find such a central truth, whatever the revolution you are seeking. Find a way, in a simple sentence, to articulate your cause as a theory. Find a common purpose, and define it. Create a clear and eloquent message. What does your revolution stand for? What does it want to accomplish and why? Create a simple and powerful message that you can push out consistently.[1][2]
  • You will want a cause that connects to people’s deepest passions and their sense of right and wrong. Anchor this in what really matters and how it will create a better world.[3]

2. Identify a need for reform. You can only build your case for change if you articulate why the present is broken. In addition to theory, you can do this by seizing on a specific need or concern that is backed up with data.
  • Essentially, you are trying to articulate the reasons that change is necessary. Perhaps you want to change a single institution, like a school. Target a need or concern that is high profile and compelling. To use the educational example, this might be a high drop-out rate.[4]
  • Perhaps you want to change a government. If you can explain specifically how that government is letting people down – or endangering the environment or something specific like that – people will rally more to your cause.

3. Create concrete goals. It’s helpful for the revolution to know what it’s seeking to change. Legislation? A system of government itself? A simpler shaping of minds about a certain concept, like environmentalism?

  • Breaking down the goals into smaller changes can help the revolution make actual change faster. For example, you might wish you could eliminate poverty throughout the world, but helping some local families in poverty might be a better place to start. You will see effects immediately.[5]
  • You will need an action plan. This should be a written and/or visual model that can include responsibilities, activities, and timelines. Don’t just wing it. Sit down and plan. Measure progress, and use data constantly.

4. Come up with a plan to secure resources. Perhaps you will need operational support. You will need people who are willing to donate money or time to the cause.

  • Having a funding backer could be useful. Access to raw materials can also help. You will need to fund basic costs that you might not think of on the front end, such as postage, printing, permit costs, and a website. Seek donations.
  • You need partners. People with resources (people, intellectual, financial or otherwise) who can join in and assist the organization. Don’t try to do it yourself.
Method 1 Quiz

What should the central theme of your revolution do?

Method 2: Getting the Right People Involved

  1. Choose a leader and symbol.Put a charismatic face on the revolution. Revolutions can take off when there is a charismatic face of the revolution to rally the masses. This can be someone already known or just a person who is particularly eloquent or who has standing on the issue. You need someone or something to represent your rebellion like a symbol. For example: Katniss is the Mockingjay.
    • The leader can be the person with the original idea, or just a person who is courageous enough to take the heat.[6] Choose a spokesperson who is articulate and good on camera. Build rapport with TV and newspaper reporters to get your message out.
    • There are some who advocate making all decisions by group and staying anonymous with no clear leadership, so leaders can’t be targeted or jailed by the opposition. Remember, though, that having a charismatic leader can be another strategy, and if that leader is targeted and jailed it can, in some circumstances, rally the masses to the cause (as in the case of Martin Luther King Jr.)

  2. Recruit activists.You need the people who will organize and lead the movement. These people must be committed and willing to work in the trenches and to devote their hearts and time to the cause. Motivate people to join because they believe in the cause. Give presentations at coffee houses or music stores or other places where you think receptive audiences congregate.
    • The organizational team will require people with different skills and techniques. They will know how to interact with the media and how to get the masses to turn out for a protest. The average people might relate more to people like them than a charismatic leader. If they see other people they know or relate to joining in, they will feel more comfortable doing so themselves.[7]
    • You can not create a revolution with a single person. You need to remember the ground game. Creating a revolution is a painstaking process that requires grassroots organization. Build support and consensus: Nothing is going to happen if the only rebels are you and your buddies.This is an important step and the setup for either a successful revolution or a small civilian rebellion flop.
  3. Build partnerships with other people and groups. Seek supporters for your change. You will need people both inside and outside the institution or societal structure in question to have a better chance at achieving change. Don’t succumb to the temptation of competition.
    • Identify these people, and then seek their support. Pick people who are influencers and can themselves reach more people. Pick a mixture of people with different strengths. Build alliances, and link with other partners and people who are already working on the same cause or one related to it.[8]
    • To create change, you will need at least 15% of the population to create a shift. Bring new people on board your team. Don’t only turn to the people you know. Find people whose skills are needed.[9]Try to reach out to groups that are already organized and have membership lists and ground operations (unions are an example).

  4.  Recruit intellectuals. It’s easier to start a revolution if its causes are supported by intellectuals. This can mean professors, researchers, authors, artists, speakers, and opinion writers.[10]
    • Intellectuals can help build the rationale for the revolution by articulating compelling theory. They can provide facts that will build the case. Many revolutions ignite with a deeper seminal work, such as Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter to Birmingham. King wrote this letter while in jail in response to a public statement issued by eight white southern religious leaders. It became a central document of the civil rights movement that defused the opposition and rallied support.[11]
    • The intellectuals can also help create a coherent and clear vision that will excite the masses about what the future can hold. Intellectuals can articulate what the new world or system will look like.
  5. Turn to scientists.Polemics matters, but grounding the movement in science and data can be particularly effective.
    • Consider the global warming debate and how important science is to environmental movements as they seek to make their case.
    • Ground the movement’s cause in scholarly research that is respected in its field, including from those who are not directly involved in the movement. It will be much harder for the opposition to refute the movement’s arguments.
      Method 2 Quiz

      What trait does the symbolic leader of your movement need to have?

Method 3: Getting the Message Out

  1. Remember the power of art and music.The rationale for a revolution can come from all artistic realms and areas of pop culture. You don’t only have to focus on the written word.
    • Spoken word, poetry, music, and art – including public art – can advance your message and cause more effectively sometimes.
    • Some art can be lasting. Consider a mural painted in a community. Music has the ability to influence minds all over the world.[12]Try to humanize the movement. Make people care by telling the stories of real people whom the masses will identify with and care about.
  2. Embrace all of the potentials of the new media.You can also start a revolution through the quality of your own ideas. The Internet has given anyone the ability to publish and reach the masses.
    • Create a blog. Install WordPress or another blogging service. Write a blog, and push it out to the masses. In it, create the intellectual foundation for why change is needed, and explain how change will look and what it would mean for your audience.
    • Consider other formats. You might want to create a documentary. This can educate and motivate an audience. Don’t forget the power of shorter video. A You Tube series could help. Don’t have a one-prong media strategy. Use old and new media. Use the written word and multimedia like video. Use social media and blogs, but plant your message in traditional newspapers and magazines. Push your message out through multiple formats and mechanisms.
  3. Use social media to organize.Remember to harness the power of social media. Social media is a great way to get your messages in front of a lot of people.
    • You can use social media to build attendance and events and to reach a targeted audience.[13]
    • Remember not to only have a social media strategy. Revolutions are more successful when they organize both off and on the computer screen. Build support by handing out flyers and pamphlets, by word of mouth and advertisements and through today’s technology.
  4. Frame the debate.You can do this by choosing your words carefully. Choose your model of morality. In America, this is sometimes divided into “nurturant parent” or “strict father.”
    • Consider how words like “freedom” create emotional response.[14]Anchor your words to people’s needs and your overall mission.
    • Persuade through a mixture of pathos (emotional appeal), logos (appeal to reason), and ethos (ethical appeal). Build your case with logical reasoning and fact while adding in an emotional element.[15]
    • Demonstrate the popularity of the movement to the people in power, legislature, and military. The greater the popularity among society, the more the likelihood of violent repression is reduced.
  5. Expect that people will react different ways to change.Researchers have found five stages in the process of change.
    • The first phase is called “uninformed optimism,” and it’s the honeymoon phase of the project. There will be energy and enthusiasm at this point. However, problems will then crop up and “informed pessimism” results. Some change efforts may be abandoned.
    • In order to continue with the movement, you will need hopeful realism, the third stage. This sets in when efforts succeed even though there were some problems. Informed optimism is when confidence comes back because things are still progressing. Finally, rewarding completion develops when you can show concrete results, and communicate them.
Method 3 Quiz

What is an effective way to spread your message?

Method 4: Choosing a Strategy

  1. Take Action.This is the most important step because the revolution dies without it. You must take action whether it is a nonviolent protest or a sit-in or a boycott.
    • Your leader must motivate the support and dutifully work day and night to improve your revolution. But at some point, you need to do something, not just write about it or talk about it.
    • The power in place will defend itself, for that is the nature of power. Illegitimate “governments” are not happy about a rebellion from their people and will do anything to crush resistance. Remember, your goal is the heart of your operation, your consensus is the mind of the revolution, and the actions you and your support take are the hands of your revolution.
  2. Work from within.Gain decision-making positions in key institutions. Some of those who have studied revolutions, like Saul Alinsky, have argued that revolutions are slow and require patience.
    • Penetrate institutions that have power in society. Some of those can be churches, unions, and political parties. Gain influence within the decision-making ranks.
    • Once in power, use the new platform to create change within the system. [16]Adapt and be flexible. Revolutionary movements must be adaptable to shifting political circumstances. Resilience can be important.[17]
  3. Find a target.You will need a foil to define your movement. Choose a target and then personalize it. Then polarize it. Do not choose violence. In one research study, it was found that non-violent resistance campaigns are twice as likely to succeed.
    • Freeze the target by centering on the target, whether it’s an institution or a specific leader. Match your strong points against your enemy’s weak points. That’s according to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Perhaps the opponent has a stronger military, but you are cooler.[18]
    • Don’t ever cause harm to anyone else. However, you can create an eloquent case for change by focusing on the words and actions of a single target institution, group, or person.
  4. Study past revolutions.You can create a revolution that is modeled on some of the principles that worked before. History is replete with revolutions that succeeded. The American Revolution. The French Revolution. The Civil Rights Movement.
    • Revolutions often start by disorganizing the old or established organizations in society. Disorganize them by challenging their foundations and principles. Revolutions have happened throughout human history and vary widely in terms of methods, duration, motivating ideology, and the number of participating revolutionaries. Their results include major changes in culture, economy, and socio-political institutions.
    • Once the old is disorganized, the new is able to better organize. Determine your tactics. Remember that power is what the enemy thinks you have. Keep the pressure on. Use ridicule. Hold the enemy to its own stated rules. Switch tactics because tactics can lose effectiveness if they drag on.
  5. Try civil disobedience.Sometimes people decide that political channels are not working so they take to the streets in a show of people power.
    • For example, people have protested chemical factories in China and mining issues in Washington D.C. They have taken to the streets to protest what they see as police abuse.[19]
    • You can try to work within the system but when that’s not working, you can work outside of it, but in a visible way – a hunger strike, a mass protest.
  6. Plan the protest.Research the rules of public spaces. Pick the time wisely (probably on a Friday so people are available to go.)
    • Pick a spot that is in an area of public interest, pick a local political issue to activate people, and find a public space that can hold a lot of foot traffic. Research permit requirements and local laws and stay within them.
    • Make sure decisions are made by groups, and make booths or art in order to generate messages from the scene. Consider offering free services to show what society is taking away (like library books). Follow the law.
Method 4 Quiz

True or False: Revolutionaries should establish positive relationships with powerful social institutions.


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