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CANADA Cooper CAN HELP:Arrest Vanouve保羅張is wanted abduction of children.
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1997年最特殊的母親節禮物聯邦級犯罪。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152752406   溫哥華兩繼子張書銘(Paul Chang保羅張),張雲翔於5月夥同不識英文的母親江明樺違法奪產及犯幼童國際綁架案逃逸至今. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/7552333     


懇請貴惠指教,及盼大力幫忙!謹祝 平安喜樂 萬事亨通
alpineatks 主內許登昭(Teng-Chao Hsu a.k.a.Derek Hsu) ;SKYPE: alpineatks ; LINE ID : 0908006079 ;Cell#:0886939191134:
Canadian Immigration(18Dec 1991),

Canadian social Insurance#729-111-039,                                                                                            





Michael Cooper, MP 邁克爾·庫珀國會議員(MP)
@Cooper4SAE   Member of Parliament for St. Albert-Edmonton聖艾伯特-埃德蒙頓國會議員。

CANADA Michael Cooper, MP  CAN HELP!Arrest Vanouver

保羅張 Paul Chang 張書銘 is wanted abduction of childrenhttp://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152692075


U.S.A. CAN HELP:Arrest 聯邦級罪犯張雲翔 Clark Chang  https://www.willseye.org/doctor/clark-chang-od-msa-msc-faao/  is wanted abduction of children.   http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152758043 


自台灣誘拐3幼童出國及犯罪奪產台灣北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯張書銘(Paul Chang保羅張),與2805號通緝犯張雲翔都出現了!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/147484111 《美國之音》報導,聲明指出,該備忘錄建立在強大的台美民間聯繫,美國支持台灣有意義地參與全球關注的問題。報導指出,美國於1993年制定「跨國父母拐騙兒童法」,將把兒童帶出國或扣留國外,阻撓合法實施父母監護權的行為定為聯邦級犯罪http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152752406

找到了!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/145329782 台灣Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字2805通緝犯台灣誘拐3幼童出國及偽造文書奪產逃逸罪犯張雲翔 Clark Y.H. Chang(1974/05/18)出現了! https://www.willseye.org/doctor/clark-chang-od-msa-msc-faao/

威爾斯眼醫院 840 Walnut Street,Suie 920費城,PA 19107 Google Maps ODMSAMSCFAAO克拉克·1-877-289-4557

Request arrest-USA-new-jersey/自稱溫哥華慈濟人通緝犯clark-chang is wanted abduction of 3BC Canadian children.  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607

My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada V5G 3E1) was sold stealthily and torn down without my own awareness in 14 Jan.1998. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12478755
Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty自稱溫哥華慈濟人通緝犯Paul Chang(保羅張), is wanted abduction of 3BC Canadian children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067
RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca)investigating at the request of 17JAN2013. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853
1996年自稱溫哥華慈濟人溫哥華萬寶地產綁匪主謀Paul Chang(保羅張), 張博欽Paul Chang原名張書銘偽造地產贈與書預備犯罪證據.http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/4148206

1997年最特殊的母親節禮物聯邦級犯罪。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152752406   溫哥華兩繼子張書銘Paul Chang(保羅張),,張雲翔於5月夥同母親江明樺違法奪產及犯幼童國際綁架案逃逸至今.http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/7552333

1997年綁匪Clark Chang於May,自UBC畢業的禮物聯邦級犯罪。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152752406   與母親夥同綁匪multiplerealty Paul Chang(保羅張),張博欽國際綁架罪行. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/7364892

都現蹤了!自台灣誘拐3幼童出國後及續犯奪家產罪行的台灣北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯張書銘Paul Chang(保羅張),出現在溫哥華與2805號通緝犯張雲翔出現在美國! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/147484111  


請求幫忙協尋舉發於1997年6月24日傍晚自我台灣住家誘拐我三幼兒女藏匿國外至今23年多仍失聯的兩自稱溫哥華慈濟人實即Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯1972/06/16生 Paul Chang 台灣名張書銘Paul Chang(保羅張),和Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2805號通緝犯張雲翔 Clark Y.H. Chang(1974/05/18生)以伸張公義並盼助我父子女歡相聚. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163

都現蹤了!自台灣誘拐3幼童出國後及續犯奪家產罪行的台灣北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯張書銘Paul Chang(保羅張),出現在溫哥華與2805號通緝犯張雲翔出現在美國! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/147484111

都現蹤了!自台灣誘拐3幼童出國後及續犯奪家產罪行的台灣北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯張書銘Paul Chang(保羅張1972/06/16生) 出現在溫哥華與2805號通緝犯張雲翔出現在美國! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/147484111

CANADA CAN HELP : Arrest http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067 即 Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯張書銘 Paul Chang(保羅張),Vanouver Paul Chang(保羅張1972/06/16生)  is wanted abduction of children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152692075 2803號通緝犯張書銘 Paul Chang(1972/06/16生) Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687 

1997年6月24日傍晚,兩繼子禽獸不如我台灣住家,誘拐我三幼兒女藏匿國外,至今23年多仍失聯禽獸不如的兩繼子即自稱溫哥華慈濟人實即Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯1972/06/16生 Paul Chang 台灣名張書銘和Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2805號通緝犯張雲翔 Clark Y.H. Chang(1974/05/18生)以伸張公義並盼助我父子女歡相聚 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163

溫哥華加欣家庭旅館(7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4)大繼子 Paul Chang 張(又名博欽)書銘(SU-Ming Chang)偽造文書,和假買賣Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯現住處.Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com ,,Tel:00217788895306is wanted abduction of children. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067

Arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang (888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:00217788895306) is wanted abduction of children. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067

哈利路亞 敬盼在溫哥華的基督徒當帶領被藏匿在溫哥華加欣家庭旅館(7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4)工作的我3兒女們認識耶穌,相信耶穌,成為神兒女,期23年未見面的她們身心靈群皆能正常發展,我必銘記在心感激不盡! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/20024894

CANADA CAN HELP : https://twitter.com/Cooper4SAE 惠助聯絡被藏匿溫哥華23年多三兒女們助我父子女再歡相聚,恢復家庭及申伸張公義! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152686292

投資移民加拿大後:遭遇家人失蹤,住屋被偷賣,家產盜賣的結果.Oh ! CANADA  !加拿大弊端重重, http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853 使投資移民的我失去家人,住屋, http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687 家產被偷賣的吃人傷心地:溫哥華慈濟人通緝犯Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty Paul Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604-434-1431,FaX:0021-604-434-9433,Cell:00217788895306) Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687 

大繼子Paul Chang 張書銘與妻江明樺MING-HUA CHIANG 偷賣盜取許登昭加拿大家產相關偽見證及偽造文書資料:
[Chronological data documenting the embezzlement and selling of TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate and properties in Canada by SU-MING CHANG (a.k.a. Paul Chang) and CHIANG MING-HUA CHANG (Ming-Hua Chiang), done through perjury and forgery of documents]
一.TENG-CHAO HSU & CHIANG MING-HUA CHANG共有 4616 Halley Avenue Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1產權登記資料(證1, 證2).
1. TENG-CHAO HSU and CHIANG MING-HUA CHANG are the registered owner (Joint Tenants) of 4616 Halley Avenue in Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1. Note the Transfer of an Estate document, executed on October 26, 1989 (evidence exhibit 1) and the Land Title Registration Certificate, dated November 15, 1989 (evidence exhibit 2).
二.1996年與1997年Paul Chang張書銘即兩次曾偽造加拿大住家贈與書意圖奪產未果,(證3, 證4)
2. Paul Chang (SU-MING CHANG) had long have the intention to embezzle TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate and properties in Canada. Note the 2 Power of Attorney documents he had planned for TENG-CHAO HSU to sign in 1996 (evidence exhibit 3) and in 1997 (evidence exhibit 4). These POA were not given to TENG-CHAO HSU at that time, and were only discovered later from the stuffs left in his house. Nevertheless, the intent of Paul Chang (SU-MING CHANG) to have the power over TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate was already evident early on.
三. 1997年4月17日加拿大統一地產經紀鍾太太預做假見證的空白授權加拿大住家仲 介委託書予張書銘Paul Chang(證5,6).
3. Winnie Chung, a sales person at the President Canada Real Estate Services Inc, was supposed to be a witness to seller’s signatures. Instead, without witnessing the seller’s signatures, she had already pre-signed a Multiple Listing Contract to sell TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate at 4616 Halley Avenue in Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1. This amounted to perjury (false witness), which made it possible for the forgery done by Paul Chang (SU-MING CHANG) afterwards. Note the pre-signed witness to seller’s signatures by Winnie Chung (evidence exhibit 5) and the document was faxed on April 17, 1997 (evidence exhibit 6).
四. 1997年5月2日Paul Chang在鍾太太提出有預做假見證的空白授權加拿大住家仲介 委託書正反面製做偽見證及偽造簽名完成授權予鍾太太賣屋(證7,8).
4. Without informing TENG-CHAO HSU nor getting TENG-CHAO HSU’s authorization, Paul Chang (SU-MING CHANG) committed forgery by signing TENG-CHAO HSU’s name on the front and back pages of the Multiple Listing Contract (pre-signed by Winnie Chung as mentioned in #3) to sell out TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate at 4616 Halley Avenue in Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1. Note the “signed” contract was dated May 2, 1997 (evidence exhibits 7 and 8).
五. 1997年11月27日Paul Chang張書銘續進行偽簽名偽見證房地產買賣相關文件,仲介鍾太太說曾看到我三兒女在加拿大住家屋內熱鬧嬉戲, (證10, 證11, 證12).
5. Without informing TENG-CHAO HSU nor getting TENG-CHAO HSU’s authorization, Paul Chang (SU-MING CHANG) committed forgery and perjury by knowingly signing as a false witness (even though he knew the fact that TENG-CHAO HSU never signed) on the Contract of Purchase and Sale and related documents, selling TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate at 4616 Halley Avenue in Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1. Note the “signed” contract and documents dated November 27, 1997 (evidence exhibits 10, 11 and 12).
六.1997年12月12日Paul Chang在買賣相關文件上, 又偽造兩所有權人簽名並為假見證,達成以330,000加元等相關條件偷售出加拿大住家協議,加拿大住家交易訂金1997年12月12日支票(證13, 證14)
6. Without informing TENG-CHAO HSU nor getting TENG-CHAO HSU’s authorization, Paul Chang (SU-MING CHANG) continued to commit forgery and perjury by knowingly signing as a false witness (even though he knew the fact that TENG-CHAO HSU never signed) on the Contract of Purchase and Sale Addendum, selling TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate at 4616 Halley Avenue in Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1 at the price of $330,000 Canadian dollars. Note the “signed” contract dated December 12, 1997 (evidence exhibits 13).
七. 江明樺兩次找台灣薛欽峰律師一同製造偽造我簽名及假見證我加拿大住家房地產售屋文件於:
7. Required by the Land Title Office in the Province of British Columbia to have the signatures of the sellers notarized, Ming-Hua Chiang (CHIANG MING-HUA CHANG) sought the help of Attorney Chin-Feng Hsueh in Taiwan to notarize the document. But, in fact, they had committed forgery and perjury because TENG-CHAO HSU was never present to sign anything before the attorney. (Note related details below):
a.1998年1月13日 Huseh Chin-Feng (薛欽峰英文簽名) 7F No. 185 YEN PING South ROAD 見證 Deng chao Hsu (許登昭英文簽名TENG-CHAO HSU)在偽造我錯誤簽名的加拿大住家過戶文件上,以律師身份做虛偽假見證. (證15).
a. Ming-Hua Chiang (CHIANG MING-HUA CHANG) had the document notarized by Chin-Feng Hsueh the first time on January 13, 1998. Note questionable details: 1. The one who forged the name of TENG-CHAO HSU spelled the name wrongly as Deng Chao Hsu. 2. Attorney Hsueh spelled his own English name wrongly as “Huech”. 3. Attorney Hsueh also wrote a different number for the address of his office as No. 185 (instead of 175) Yen Ping South Rd. (See evidence exhibit 15).
1998年1月14日 Hsceh Chin-Feng (薛欽峰英文簽名) 7F No. 175 YEN PING South ROAD 見證 Teng chao Hsu (許登昭英文簽名Teng-Chao Hsu)在偽造我錯誤簽名的加拿大住家過戶文件上,以律師身份做虛偽假見證. (證16).
b. Ming-Hua Chiang (CHIANG MING-HUA CHANG) had the document notarized by Chin-Feng Hsueh a second time on January 14, 1998. Note the difference: 1. The one who forged the name of TENG-CHAO HSU spelled the name correctly this time. 2. Attorney Hsueh spelled his own English name correctly this time. 3. Attorney Hsueh also wrote the number for the address of his office as No. 175 Yen Ping South Rd. (See evidence exhibit 16).
c. Unable to find his wife and not knowing where she was, TENG-CHAO HSU had already filed a police report of Ming-Hua Chiang (CHIANG MING-HUA CHANG) as a missing person in Taiwan since October 13, 1997. He had no way to contact her all these years, and had no idea of what she was doing (like having someone forged his name on official documents).
八.1998年2月2日加拿大時間記載我加拿大住家產權被完成登記移轉. (證17).
8. Based on all the official documents retrieved later, it is evident that TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate at 4616 Halley Avenue in Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1 was sold through all kinds of forgery and perjury. Note the above said TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate officially recorded in the Land Title Office as sold (without his knowledge and authorization) on February 2, 1998 (evidence exhibit 17).
九.Paul Chang說明屋款支票具名江明樺 MING-HUA CHIANG & TENG-CHAO HSU之 說明(證18).
9. Paul Chang (SU-MING CHANG) instructed that the check must be made payable to MING-HUA CHIANG and TENG-CHAO HSU (evidence exhibit 18).
十. 江明樺與張書銘(現改名張博欽)SU-Ming Chang(a.k.a. Paul Chang)及Clark Chang張雲翔, 於1997年6月24日自台灣住家將當時原讀再興小學的我三親生幼兒女預先誘拐至加拿大住家,在達成偷賣地產及侵占該全部款項和家產後,即挾持我三兒女逃匿各地至今.
10. CHIANG MING-HUA CHANG (Ming-Hua Chiang) and her 2 sons from a previous marriage, SU-MING CHANG (a.k.a. Paul Chang) and YUNG-HSIANG CHANG (a.k.a. Clark Chang), abducted TENG-CHAO HSU’s 3 children who were students at the Chai-Hsing Primary School in Taiwan and secretly took them away to Canada on June 24, 1997. After they had completed selling TENG-CHAO HSU’s real estate (through forgery and perjury) and all his properties in Canada, they embezzled all the money and hid the 3 children somewhere till this day.
綁匪大繼子Paul Chang 張(又名博欽)書銘SU-Ming Chang當初當地產經紀的入門師父是現在溫哥華赫赫有名的鍾太太(Winnie Y. Chung)但鍾太(Winnie Y. Chung)卻實在是台灣偽造文書案通緝犯鍾太太(Winnie Y. Chung)http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/4122621
1.溫哥華赫赫有名的鍾太太(Winnie Y. Chung)偽造文書啟發人,到處登廣告,自稱是溫哥華第一名地產經紀.
繼子自稱溫哥華慈濟人溫哥華萬寶地產綁匪張博欽Paul Chang (台灣名)張書銘SU-Ming Chang(1972/06/16生),次繼子張雲翔 Clark Y.H. Chang(1974/05/18生)是盜產及犯幼童國際綁架案兩主謀 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/26725387

2.大繼子 Paul Chang 張(又名博欽)書銘(SU-Ming Chang)偽造文書,和假買賣主腦,開著名牌車自稱住百萬加元獨立屋,常在溫哥華大紀元登廣告,自稱是熱心服務,誠實可靠的地產經紀.Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604=434-1431,popo_85061@yahoo.com,Tel:00217788895306is wanted abduction of children. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067


溫哥華加欣家庭旅館(7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4)大繼子 Paul Chang 張(又名博欽)書銘(SU-Ming Chang)偽造文書,和假買賣Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯現住處.Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604=434-1431,popo_85061@yahoo.com,Tel:00217788895306is wanted abduction of children. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067


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