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2013/08/30 10:40:19瀏覽838|回應0|推薦9 | |
In English the phrase six-pack originally refers to a way of selling cans of beer – buying six cans joined together with plastic holders. And now, as a slang expression, it can also describe the shape of stomach muscles... on people who are very fit you can see six round muscles – which looks like a six pack of drink.
I've been going to the gym for a month now. I need to get my six-pack ready before I go to the beach this summer!
I used to have a six-pack when I was a teenager, but it seems to have got lost under all this fat.
"Six-pack"在英文裡最初的意思是指"六罐裝"的啤酒。但現在在俚語的表達上,我們可以說"六塊肌",在身材健美的人,腹部會有的六塊腹肌,主要是因為它看起來的樣子。 那身材不好,You have a one-pack – one huge beer belly! 所以大部份的人應該都是one-pack吧!也就是擁有"beer belly"啤酒肚!
From BBC learning English
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