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2013/08/30 04:25:03瀏覽368|回應0|推薦6 | |
When you make lots of changes to something so that it looks completely different, fresh, new and much better - you've given it a makeover. What verbs go with makeover? Have a makeover, give something a makeover, get a makeover, need a makeover. Not only people but also things can have makeovers.
Here are a few examples:
I was so fed up with the way my husband dressed. He looked so untidy all the time! I threw out all his old clothes and took him shopping for a complete new wardrobe. Now he's had a makeover, he looks as handsome as he did when we first met.
- This room looks so old-fashioned! It really needs a makeover.
- Yes, if we paint the walls and change the curtains it will look so much better.
"Makeover"指改頭換面或重塑!可以用在人的造型上,指某人煥然一新,截然不同的風貌!也可以指個性、房間、商品等的重塑、改版、革新、大變身或大改造!可以搭配動詞:have, give, get, need等使用。 如果只是妝容改變,那我們可以用make-up就好,用changed one's make-up來指改變化妝,要注意中間的橫線,少了它,make up是動詞,意指化妝,但用途廣多了;如果是連髮型服裝都跟著改變了,那就適合用makeover!
From BBC learning English
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