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2013/09/01 04:10:09瀏覽382|回應0|推薦3 | |
學個成語:"The writing is on the wall"
In English, we use the expression 'the writing is on the wall' when we want to say that something bad is going to happen to something or someone and there isn't much you can do about it. Like my football team. If it loses this match it is out of the championship. So that's what this expression is used for: to indicate that something will end up badly.
Here are some examples of how you can use this expression.
My auntie is really sad because she had to close her shop. To be honest, the writing has been on the wall for her business for a long time.
You know Mary. She's a party girl that loves the city but I heard her husband is shy and has always wanted to live on a farm. The writing is definitely on the wall for their marriage.
I haven't studied hard this year and I have been doing badly in exams. My teachers told me if I don't try harder the writing is on the wall.
"The writing is on the wall"可以說是凶兆,不好的事將發生在某事或某人身上,卻無能為力處理,而不是真的有人寫東西在牆上。這個典故來自於「舊約」但以理書第5章 (the Book of Daniel, Chapter 5),講巴比倫的覆滅,在歡宴場合中在牆上出現四個字,經由猶太預言家但以理解讀出來,指出是亡國的預兆!因此除了"The writing is on the wall"也可以說 "the handwriting on the wall", "the writing on the wall",或"Mene Mene"!
From BBC learning English
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