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2011/10/10 13:17:42瀏覽1111|回應0|推薦2

the young Proust is engaged in seeking his own voice as a writer. With characteristic wit Cocteau once described Proust’s actual voice as being amused, hesitant, marked by a system of river locks, vestibules, courtesies—not so different, then, from his later authorial style

When Pleas- ures and Days was being written, young Proust, the well-to-do, solidly middle class half-Jew, was at the height of his period as a fin de siecle dandy (世紀末的花花公子) always with a flower in his buttonhole 喜於鈕扣孔插花, a man about town who enjoyed frequenting the upper crust, as captured in the famous portrait by Jacques-Emile Blanche.

Jacques-Emile Blanche Portrait of Marcel Proust Oil Painting

Portrait de Marcel Proust [Portrait of Marcel Proust]

Jacques-Emile Blanche, an admired portraitist in the 1880s, portrayed Proust as a young man, aged 21, when he was still only a social chronicler. Blanche was then developing a brilliant, rapid technique; but this portrait is highly restrained and particularly powerful.

The young dandy is presented in a front view, in a hieratic pose (the painting was probably originally a full-length portrait). The contrast between the very dark tones of his suit and the background and the flesh-coloured face and collar, toning with the white orchid in his buttonhole, is particularly striking. The sharp outlines, the fluid paint, and the delicate strokes bring out a sense of inner feelings. Young Proust with his great dark eyes and sensual mouth is already a little more than a dandy: the perfect oval of his face and the pallor of his complexion give him a grave almost Christ like look. That probably explains why this portrait has remained the best-known and most accurate representation of the man who was not yet the author of Remembrance of Things Past. Proust kept this painting until he died in 1922.

成畫於普魯斯特年輕時, 那時的他急於受到上流社會的認同, 鈕扣孔的白蘭花 (至於是哪個品種? 版主不得而知, 故置數種類似的白蘭花於文末), 還要打上高級領帶, 留鬍鬚......那也是他開始於"宴會"(La BANQUET)雜誌發表短文評與愛上後來另嫁他人的表妹Amelie Bessiere的時候


Mexipedium xerophyticum
Phalaenopsis hybrid
Vanilla planifolia flower
Aerangis biloba, Angel orchid, 風蘭http://s804.photobucket.com/albums/yy321/nswong/aerangis_biloba_klm.jpg, Aerangis biloba, Angel orchid, 風蘭, (KLM)

Cattleya forbesii, 富比士嘉德麗亞蘭http://s804.photobucket.com/albums/yy321/nswong/cattleya_forbesii_klm.jpg, Cattleya forbesii, 富比士嘉德麗亞蘭, Fu bi shi jia de li ya lan, (KLM)

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