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2021/10/06 19:51:23瀏覽73|回應0|推薦0






 委員會主席Jean-Marc Sauve(左)在一個獨立委員會星期二在巴黎發表報告時,將報告副本交給法國主教會議主席Eric de Moulins-Beaufort天主教主教。

Thomas Coex/AP


據發佈報告的委員會主席讓-馬克-索維(Jean-Marc Sauvé)說,這一數字包括約3000名牧師和其他與教會有關的人員的性虐待行為--天主教當局幾十年來以 "系統的方式 "掩蓋了這些錯誤行為。調查發現,考慮到教會非專業成員(例如天主教學校的教師)所犯的虐待行為,法國受虐待的兒童人數可能會上升到 330,000 人。獨立調查於 2018 年由法國天主教會委託進行。 它花了兩年半的時間梳理法庭、警察和教會記錄,並與受害者和證人交談。這份長達近 2,500 頁的報告稱,“絕大多數”受害者是男孩,其中許多人的年齡在 10 至 13 歲之間。雖然委員會發現了多達 3,200 名施虐者的證據——在總共 115,000 名牧師和其他神職人員中——但它表示這可能是低估了。



 獨立委員會敦促教會採取強有力的行動,譴責 "過失 " "沉默"。它還呼籲天主教會幫助賠償受害者,特別是在那些年齡太大無法通過法院起訴的案件中。





受害者團體La Parole Libérée(解放之言)的負責人弗朗索瓦-德沃(Francois Devaux)說,這是 "我們歷史上的一個轉捩點"。

他譴責教會允許 "幾十年來大規模犯罪 "的掩蓋行為。


受害者協會Parler et Revivre (Speak Out and Live Again)的負責人奧利維爾-薩維尼亞克(Olivier Savignac)對調查做出了貢獻。他告訴美聯社,受害者與施暴者的比例之高,對 "法國社會和天主教會來說,尤其令人恐懼"。





 Sauvé譴責教會在2000年代初之前的態度是 "對受害者深深地、殘酷地漠視"。




法國主教會議主席埃裡克-德-穆蘭-博福特說,主教們對報告的結論 "感到震驚"。





普賴納案件導致前里昂大主教Philippe Barbarin樞機主教于去年辭職,他被指控在2010年代得知這些性虐待行為時沒有向民事當局報告。

法國大主教們在全國各地周日彌撒期間向教友們宣讀的資訊中說,報告的公佈是 "對真理的考驗,是一個艱難而嚴肅的時刻"。


6月,方濟各迅速拒絕了德國最傑出的神職人員之一、教皇的親密顧問萊因哈德-馬克思紅衣主教提出的辭去慕尼克和弗賴辛大主教職務的提議,因為教會對性虐待案件處理不當。但他說,改革的過程是必要的,每一位主教都必須對危機的 "災難 "負責。

About 333,000 children were abused within Frances Catholic Church, a report finds

October 5, 20218:23 AM ET


 Commission president Jean-Marc Sauve (left) hands copies of the report to Catholic Bishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, president of the Bishops Conference of France (CEF), during the publishing of a report by an independent commission on Tuesday in Paris.

Thomas Coex/AP

PARIS — An estimated 330,000 children were victims of sex abuse within Frances Catholic Church over the past 70 years, according to a report released Tuesday that represents the countrys first major accounting of the worldwide phenomenon.

 The figure includes abuses committed by some 3,000 priests and other people involved in the church — wrongdoing that Catholic authorities covered up over decades in a "systemic manner," according to the president of the commission that issued the report, Jean-Marc Sauvé.

 The head of the French bishops conference asked for forgiveness from the victims, about 80% of whom were boys, according to the report. The bishops are meeting Tuesday to discuss next steps.

 The independent commission urged the church to take strong action, denouncing "faults" and "silence." It also called on the Catholic Church to help compensate the victims, notably in cases that are too old to prosecute via the courts.

 The consequences are very serious," Sauvé said. "About 60% of men and women who were sexually abused encounter major problems in their emotional or sexual life."

 "We consider the church has a debt towards victims," he added.

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 The 2,500-page document was issued as the Catholic Church in France, like in other countries, seeks to face up to shameful secrets that were long covered up.

 Victims welcomed the report as long overdue.

 Francois Devaux, head of the victims group La Parole Libérée (The Liberated Word), said it was "a turning point in our history."

 He denounced the coverups that permitted "mass crimes for decades."

 "But even worse, there was a betrayal: betrayal of trust, betrayal of morality, betrayal of children, betrayal of innocence," he said, calling on the church for compensation.

 Olivier Savignac, the head of victims association Parler et Revivre (Speak Out and Live Again), contributed to the investigation. He told The Associated Press that the high ratio of victims per abuser was particularly "terrifying for French society, for the Catholic Church."

 Savignac assailed the church for treating such cases as individual anomalies instead of as a collective horror. He described being abused at age 13 by the director of a Catholic vacation camp in the south of France who was accused of assaulting several other boys.

 "I perceived this priest as someone who was good, a caring person who would not harm me," Savignac said. "But it was when I found myself on that bed half-naked and he was touching me that I realized something was wrong....And we keep this, its like a growing cyst. Its like gangrene inside the victims body and the victims psyche."

 The priest eventually was found guilty of child sexual abuse and sentenced in 2018 to two years in prison, with one year suspended.

 The commission worked for 2 1/2 years, listening to victims and witnesses and studying church, court, police and news archives starting from the 1950s. A hotline launched at the beginning of the review received 6,500 calls from alleged victims or people who said they knew a victim.

 Sauvé denounced the churchs attitude until the beginning of the 2000s as "a deep, cruel indifference toward victims."

 The report says an estimated 3,000 child abusers - two-thirds of them priests - worked in the church during the seven-decade period. That figure is likely to be an underestimate, Sauvé said. The tally of victims includes an estimated 216,000 people abused by priests and other clerics, he said.

 The estimates are based on research led by Frances National Institute of Health and Medical Research into sexual abuse of children in the French population.

 "Sometimes church officials did not denounce (sex abuses) and even exposed children to risks by putting them in contact with predators," Sauvé said. "We consider ... the church has a debt toward victims."

 The president of the Conference of Bishops of France, Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, said the bishops "are appalled" at the conclusions of the report.

 "I wish on that day to ask for pardon, pardon to each of you," he told the victims.

 Sauvé said 22 alleged crimes that can be pursued have been forwarded to prosecutors. More than 40 cases that are too old to be prosecuted but involve alleged perpetrators who are still alive have been forwarded to church officials.

 The commission issued 45 recommendations about how to prevent abuse. These included training priests and other clerics, revising Canon Law — the legal code the Vatican uses to govern the church — and fostering policies to recognize and compensate victims.

 The report comes after a scandal surrounding now-defrocked priest Bernard Preynat rocked the French Catholic Church. Last year, Preynat was convicted of sexually abusing minors and given a five-year prison sentence. He admitted abusing more than 75 boys for decades.

 The Preynat case led to the resignation last year of the former archbishop of Lyon, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, who has been accused of failing to report the abuses to civil authorities when he learned about them in the 2010s. French archbishops, in a message to parishioners read during Sunday Mass across the country, said the publication of the report is "a test of truth and a tough and serious moment."

 Pope Francis issued in May 2019 a groundbreaking new church law requiring all Catholic priests and nuns around the world to report clergy sexual abuse and cover-ups by their superiors to church authorities.

 In June, Francis swiftly rejected an offer from Cardinal Reinhard Marx, one of Germanys most prominent clerics and a close papal adviser, to resign as archbishop of Munich and Freising over the churchs mishandling of abuse cases. But he said a process of reform was necessary and every bishop must take responsibility for the "catastrophe" of the crisis

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