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人人需要愛(14)--Everyone needs Love(14)
2007/02/09 23:00:59瀏覽117|回應0|推薦22

有愛的小孩最健康 沒愛的嬰兒有病襲

The  loved-child is most healthy    Otherwise it has the invasion by diseases

教師與學生  雇主與雇員 長官與部屬  及同輩  間

Between the Teacher & student    Employer & employee   Official &  subordinate  as well as the same levels

再加添  作者與讀者 醫者與病患 捐者與受者 強者與弱者等錯綜複雜之關係

And more add the complicated relationship between the Author & reader  Doctor & patient  Donator & receiver  Stronger & weaker  etc., 

每一個層面的接觸 都有不同的情愫產生

Every layer's contact would produce the different feelings to produce

大家走進了一個同心圓   你 我 他 均是不可缺席者

All went in a same heart circle  you  me  &  he   No one could crossed out

性格的陶鑄    火煉 錘打 終於人劍合一足以抵擋那綠眼

The Mold-casting  Fire-refining  & Cold-driving of the personality    At last  the sword-man could resist the green-eyes

愛之火在每人的頭上如星 如月 如太陽 

The fire of Love sparkled on every head  likes  the  Star  Moon  &  Sun 

掩面閃避的黑暗  頓時宣告再不訪視人間

The  face-covered   Darkness flee away  &  instantly to claim he  will not visit the world again

( 創作詩詞 )
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