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2007/01/18 16:00:48瀏覽171|回應0|推薦25 | |
誰說你不可愛, 誰說你不可取 Who say you are unlovable, who say you are unacceptable 誰說你太矮,太肥,太笨,太窮,太沒品 Who say you too short, fat, stupid, poverty, unquality 誰有權以一種量尺去量人,一種磅秤去稱人 Who have the right to weigh people by one rule, one shedkel 我願接納你的全部, 包括你的優點及缺點 I will accept your whole parts, include your good points and shortcomings 因為在你變成翩翩彩蝶之前,必然是一隻正在爬行或冬眠的褐蛹 Because before you became a flying colored-butterfly, you must be a crawling or hibernating brown pupa 而我也絕非不食人間煙火的美妙仙女 AndIam never the wonderful fairy who need not to eat anything 在我們都看到彼此眼中的沙塵與樑柱時 In our eyes there are sands and logs reflected eachother's eyes 而那正是磨亮兩顆碩大珍珠的礪石呢? 好耀人眼目 Then, they just the grindstones to grit two huge pearls to shine the people's eyes 此刻, 我們都是白玉無瑕,一塵不染的出水蓮花 At present, we all the flawless white jade, sandless lotus blossom above the water 只要在雙方的包容與接納中,愛溶入了進來 Only the bears and acceptances in the midst of both parties, the love soluted in silently
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