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黑與白(4)--Black & White(4)
2007/01/03 01:40:18瀏覽359|回應0|推薦43

在陰暗的母腹中孕育      九個月後    終於有了一線光明

Nurturing in the dark abdomen of the mother  After the nine month  There is a light comes

太陽底下有什麼新鮮事     不過就是出黑暗入光明而已

What fresh news under the Sun     It just comes out of the  dark  &  goes to the light

入了世界 有死胡同 有貌似堂皇的深宅大院 更有吃人不吐骨頭的十里框場

Enter the world  there are dead alley  Fancied magnificent mansion and The long framed place to eat  up  the person's soul and body

白衣黑裙   白衫黑褲   白領黑袍   白綢黑車   一 路地白黑鍵  黑白鍵

Whiteblouse  blackskirt    Whiteshirt  blacktrousers   Whitecollar  blackrobe   Whitesilk blackcar    Along the way with white-black key   black-white key  

媽是白臉  爸是黑臉   要做白領   不做黑手

Mother is white face   father is black face   Should be the white collared class  Not be a black hand

日子就在黑與白中     交替         流失            停駐                邁入永恆

All the days are changed between black and white    To lose   Stopped by   Then enter to the everlasting years



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