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2008/02/07 23:28:50瀏覽201|回應0|推薦3
An Ocean of Salvation - Our first day in Yola, Nigeria
An Ocean of Salvation - Our first day in Yola, Nigeria

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Dear anna,親愛的安娜,

We just returned from the first meeting of this crusade. 200,000 people had flocked to the crusade-ground. 我們剛從這次佈道會的第一次聚會中回來.有二十萬人曾集中在佈道會場地上.These precious people were as hungry for the Word of God as fledglings in a nest for food. 這些寶貴的百生是飢渴於神的話語,就如剛長羽毛的小鳥在巢中尋求食物般.What a joy and privilege to preach the Gospel to this great crowd!是一個如此歡樂且擁有特權的來傳講福音給這一大群百姓! The altar-call for salvation was simply awesome. 單純之祭壇對得救之呼召是嚇人的.What a harvest of souls! 多麼好的一個靈魂豐收!It seems to me that tonight's response was one hundred percent! 今晚之回應對我似乎是百分之百!Have a look at the picture, which shows just a part of the crowd. 有一個圖片的樣子,它顯示出只是人群中的一部份!

The blind saw, the dumb spoke and the cripples walked!

The platform was surrounded by people, and it sometimes felt as if I was floating on a raft in a human ocean. 講台已圍滿了人群,而它有時令人感到似乎我在一人海之小艇上浮著.The miracles began to happen even before I prayed for the sick. All of a sudden divine bursts of mercy struck the people all around. 這神蹟開始發生,甚至在我為病患禱告之前.The blind saw, the dumb spoke and the cripples walked like the woman in the picture.像一個女士在圖片中,瞎子看見,啞子開口及瘸腿行走 Please pray for our meetings tomorrow and the rest of the week! It is a week of a Super-Harvest for heaven!  anna, thank you so very much for your continued partnership.


Join me in Houston, Texas on March 15, 2008

On March 15, 2008, I will be in Houston, Texas holding a special Impartation Breakfast Meeting. anna, I want to personally invite you to come and be a part of the this special ministry time.  Beyond the breakfast meal we will partake in together, I will share what the Lord has laid upon my heart and will personally pray for God's unique anointing for you.  These are very special meetings that I believe are only for a season.  I pray that you don't miss this opportunity!  I look forward to seeing you there!!

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Yours for Africa to be saved,

Reinhard Bonnke

Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN Team

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