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溫家寶鬆口 陳雲林不難啟齒
2008/10/21 12:22:56瀏覽4701|回應6|推薦34
















本篇英文文章由Taipei Times將上篇的中文文章翻譯而成

提供大家參考 http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2008/10/23/2003426714

Wen Jiabao set a good example for Beijing

By Li Hua-Chiu 李華球

Thursday, Oct 23, 2008, Page 8

More than a month after the Chinese tainted milk powder scandal was exposed, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (溫家寶) was quoted as saying in an interview with the US journal Science: “We feel distressed about the milk powder incident. We think that although the incident occurred in an enterprise, the government is responsible, especially from the perspective of supervision.”

One wonders if the reason why it took Wen so long to make such remarks to the media was because some facts remain hidden. There also remains some doubt as to whether tthe Chinese authorities are sincere about their intention to address the matter.

In a Western democracy facing a similar incident, the government would usually apologize immediately and begin an investigation, followed by disbursement of appropriate compensation. But after the scandal occurred, only the Sanlu Group and the Shijiazhuang City Government stepped forward to apologize, while Li Changjiang (
李長江), head of China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and other officials stepped down. This may have given the impression that the Chinese government lacks sincerity.

The tainted milk powder has sickened more than 50,000 infants in many areas in China and affected Taiwan and many other countries. The level of the officials who have stepped down so far seems insufficient given the seriousness of the matter, nor will it be helpful in providing satisfying answers to the victims. Faced with rising public anger, Wen had to set the tone for the level of official “distress.” Hence his remarks.

More important, however, are the issues of an apology and compensation.

It is a moral and political responsibility for the government to apologize for its mistakes. Since the scandal broke, only company and city officials, no higher-ranking officials, have offered any apologies.

The reason no Chinese leaders at the state level have apologized is that the incident has spread to every corner of the world and become a hot potato, with heavier responsibilities and demands for compensation than they are prepared to deal with. The reason the Chinese government has not officially apologized is to ensure it has enough room to maneuver.

Wen was probably sincere in his remarks and there is a real possibility that the Chinese Communist Party is trying to address the problem responsibly. As such, China should apologize and show a willingness to pay compensation. This is what a powerful and responsible country should do.

It is a legal duty to pay compensation. Chinese tainted milk powder has sickened more than 50,000 infants and killed four children in China. Taiwanese are worried about food safety and many companies have suffered serious losses as a result. The situation is not much different in other countries.

Chinese products have been questioned by people around the world. This is a serious business risk for China. If the Chinese government fails to properly handle the matter, its reputation as “the world’s factory” will be severely challenged. This will also be an extremely heavy blow to overall Chinese economic development.

Wen’s comments before Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Chairman Chen Yunlin’s (
陳雲林) visit to Taiwan later this year or early next year have prompted expectations that Chen will show sincere concern for Taiwanese.

An apology by China could go a long way to resolve cross-strait misunderstanding. Why is it so hard to speak up?

Li Hua-chiu is a researcher with the National Policy Foundation.



( 時事評論兩岸 )
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2008/10/24 15:20





2008/10/23 14:20
 這個世界的普市人權   人民有自決的權力



如果最終選擇是維持現狀    請問馬先生的媚中政策是否背離民意

馬先生一意姑行的結果只是加劇人民的分裂 破壞人民的團結 加速外資的外逃

有錯誤的政策  才有無辜的人民

任何民族都是愛好民主自由的  沒人喜好戰爭

台灣與中國已和平相楚近50年  這成果得來不易

請馬先生好好想一想    這些年來兩岸關係和平相處是靠什麼維持的

馬先生應該很清楚  根本不需和平協定

與土匪簽和平協定  笑掉人家大牙

西藏是一個活生生的例子   簽了有用嗎 ?

馬先生  請問你是 (碼啡) (海洛英) (酒精) 嗑太多了嗎 ?

Farking Chink-Comm.
2008/10/23 02:40
Fark them all....

taiwan is a part of China
2008/10/21 21:27
taiwan was,is,being a part of China

2008/10/21 17:34
taiwnese always so naive to "believe" or "trust" the government which even thier people won't choose to trust.

2008/10/21 17:01
這篇文章最大的謬誤在於 一廂情願的認為中華人民共和國是民主國家

並且認為他們會為了這樣的錯誤向一個鼻屎大的國家(?) 道歉