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2019/05/10 06:05:57瀏覽1294|回應4|推薦56 | |
四年的孜孜不倦,敦終於得到這項成就身為父母的我們 也與有榮焉雖然收到學校的邀請函, 但是因路途遙遠也就沒有去參與這次的盛會.貼心的老師知道 父母無法參與,特別拍了幾張相片上傳給我們.當我收到這幾張相片的 時候不自覺的流下了快樂感動欣慰的眼淚Curtis馬上 傳訊息給兒子告訴他"媽咪哭了!敦的回答竟然是"Already?" 臭小子這麼快就嘲笑他老媽!不過我在想在他畢業 典禮的那一天,我應該會哭的很慘吧!那真的就是出糗大了 隔了兩天又收到敦的訊息,要我去YouTube看他的影片. 當我看完了之後我又哭了!怎麼年紀越大越愛哭了呢!? 影片下的文字是兒子的隊友撰寫的,寫得真好,雖然只是被提名, 但是我也很心滿意足了!影片反反覆覆的看了好幾遍 每次看都會讓我不自覺的流下了眼淚.... PS:影片最後還有敦跳舞~~灰熊的可愛喔! 謝謝大家和我分享我的驕傲時刻! Cole Zielske 發佈日期:2019年5月7日 Austin was a three-sport varsity athlete in high school, and after planning on walking on to St. Olafs Basketball team, he found Ultimate. His athleticism made him an instant threat in the deep space, and his quick ability to learn made him a threat with the disc as well. He became a captain his junior year, and then proceeded the lead the team to two of their most successful seasons of the past four years. As a leader, he brought the work ethic of a varsity athlete and the competitiveness that fueled the team. He never worked for individual recognition, and never received the recognition that he deserved. He worked to improve for his teammates, and that is why he is the Berzerkers 2019 Donovan nominee. |
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |