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2019/06/02 23:51:05瀏覽655|回應1|推薦46 | |
Illumination Ceremony This ceremony honors the graduates as they transition from life as a student to becoming a member of the St. Olaf alumni community. The class lanterns will be placed on the Campus Green on Saturday and students are encouraged to locate their personalized lantern sometime during the day, leaving them in place until after the brief ceremony at 9:15 p.m. At the end of the evening, students may take their lantern home as a remembrance of their time on the Hill. 我認為這個儀式很浪漫!象徵過去,現在,未來的燈籠. 象徵從現階段到下一個階段的過渡時期.是不是很浪漫? 沒想到我認為浪漫的這個想法竟招人白眼, Curtis糾正我說這是個象徵的儀式而不是浪漫的儀式. Who cares? 我說浪漫就是浪漫... 人,幹嘛要一板一眼的,太無趣了.是不? |
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |