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※歡迎分享連結網址,禁止下載後二次上傳。※  共29頁.純文字版在最下方.


  1. 1.      Family (4)

‐‐ father (dad, daddy),  mother (mom, mommy), brother, sister

  1. 2.      People & Occupation (10)

‐‐ friend, boy, girl, baby

‐‐ student, teacher, nurse, farmer, singer, worker

  1. 3.      School (10)

‐‐ school, book, ruler, marker, chair, eraser, pencil, pen, desk

‐‐ notebook

  1. 4.     Colors (4)

‐‐ blue, yellow, red, green

  1. 5.   Numbers (12)

‐‐ one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

     eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve

  1. 6.   Fruits (3)

‐‐ apple, banana, orange

  1. 7.   Food & Drinks (13)

‐‐ cake, milk, hot dog, sandwich, hamburger, pizza,

     rice, juice, tea, water, coffee, egg, ice cream

  1. 8.   Animals (13)

‐‐ turtle, dog, cat, monkey, rabbit, frog, bird,

    fish, lion, elephant, tiger, pig, horse,

  1. 9.         Toys (4)

‐‐  doll, kite, ball, yo-yo

  1. 10.    Feelings (4)

‐‐ happy, angry, sad, good

  1. 11.  Appearances (4)

‐‐ tall, short, big, small, old, new

  1. 12.  Sports (3)

‐‐ swim, run, jump

  1. 13.  Ability & Talent (5)

‐‐ dance, sing, read, write, draw

  1. 14.  Other Verbs (9)

‐‐ eat, go, sleep, like, want, study, walk, wear, cook

  1. 15.  Houses, Apartments & Places (5)

‐‐ home, bank, zoo, farm, park

  1. 16.    Transportation (6)

‐‐ car, bike, bus, train, taxi, MRT

  1. 17.  Other Nouns (4)

‐‐ box, bag, name, dollar

  1. 18.  Weather (5)

‐‐ hot, cold, rainy/raining, cloudy, sunny

  1. 19.  Pronouns (9)

‐‐ I (me, my), we(our, us), you(your, you),

    they(their, them), he(his, him),  she(her, her), it

  1. 20.  Be verbs & Auxiliaries (3)

‐‐ be (am, are, is, was, were), do/does/did, can

  1. 21.  Articles (3)

‐‐ this/that/the, a/an, these/those

  1. 22.    Whwords (6)

‐‐ who, what, how, where, how many, how much

  1. 23.  Prepositions (7)

‐‐ in, on, at, by, from, under, next to, for

  1. 24.  Time and Days (5)

‐‐ time, day, night, today, week

  1. 25.   Health (1)

‐‐ sick

  1. 26.  Body Parts (9)

‐‐ ear, eye, mouth, nose, leg, head, hair, hand, face

  1. 27.    Subjects (6)

‐‐ math, PE, music, art, Chinese, English

  1. 28.  Nature & Geography (3)

‐‐sun, star, moon

  1. 29.  Clothing (10)

‐‐ jacket, shirt, Tshirt, jeans, dress, shorts,

    skirt, pants, shoes, socks



  1. 1.      字彙表字數的計算不包含括弧內的字詞。
    1. 2.    Be 動詞和助動詞 do, have, can, will, may 只列原形,其相關衍生詞均列在其後括弧內,如 be (am, are, is, was, were)
    2. 3.    代名詞(I, you, he, she, it, we, they)只列主格,其受格、所有格、所有格代 名詞和反身代名詞均列在其後括弧內,如 I (me, my)
    3. 4.    一般動詞均以原形出現,動詞變化不個別列出。
    4. 5.    形容詞均以原形出現,比較級及最高級不個別列出。
    5. 6.    名詞除了少數常以複數形式出現者( pants)之外,均以單數形式出現。
    6. 7.    若字彙已列入節慶字彙、日常用語或教室用語字彙時,為免重複出現, 不在此表出現。




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