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后羿射日、嫦娥奔月--Revised Bloom Taxonomy六層次提問設計
2019/08/26 04:31:43瀏覽542|回應0|推薦1

后羿射日、嫦娥奔月--Revised Bloom Taxonomy六層次提問設計

謝怡寧 2019.08.26.

后羿射日和嫦娥奔月的故事有二三十個版本,這一則改寫揉合各版精華,讓故事的起承轉合更具戲劇性、更有張力,也更合乎Story Grammar 故事結構法。

中秋節的故事可以設計的提問很多樣,依照Revised Bloom Taxonomy去分類,除了記憶和理解層次,更高層次的問題也很容易設計,例如:

1. Write some adjectives about these characters.(應用層次)

   Hou-yi: _______________________________

   Change: ______________________________

   Jade Emperor:  _______________________

   The Queen Mother Of The West:  _______________________

   Ten Golden Crows:  _______________________

2. The Jade Emperor told Change, "You can come back to the Heaven if you do something great for the people on earth."

   Afterwards, did Change do anything great? What are they? (理解層次)

3. Does the elixir of life really make Change fly to the moon? 

   What power or whose power makes Change fly to the moon? (分析層次)

4. Hou Yi changed over time. Please fill in a Befort-and-After chart. (分析層次)

5. Hou Yi killed the sons of the Queen Mother Of The West. Why didnt she killed him when he came to visit her? (分析層次)

6. Do you wish to take the elixir of life?(評鑑層次)

7. Retell the story in the perspective of the Queen Mother Of The West.(創造層次)

( 知識學習語言 )
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