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給阿孫的信 (11) 10/06/2019 思念的歌
2019/10/07 07:33:11瀏覽3886|回應3|推薦72



十年離亂後  長大一相逢
問姓驚初見  稱名憶舊容
別來滄海事  語罷暮天鐘
明日巴陵道  秋山又幾重






這首兒歌是漁民家庭生活的寫照。不只是漁民,每一個家的爸爸 (還有媽媽) 為了養家活口,必須出去賺錢。即使外面刮風下雨,也要辛苦奮鬥。賺了錢,才能買食物供你們吃喝,買衣服供你們保暖,買車子載你們上學,付學費供你們學習,這些林林總總的花費,都是他 (們) 勞心勞力所換來的代價。他 (們) 不求回報,只要你們健康成長,學有長進,就是最大的安慰。



世界恬靜落 (下) 來的時


窗仔外的風陣陣地嚎 (吼)

天頂的星閃閃啊熾 (爍)

世界恬靜落 (下) 來的時

我置 (在) 醒過來的暗暝 (夜晚) 想起著你

我置 (在) 睏未去 (睡不著) 的暗暝 (夜晚) 想著你


  火金姑 (螢火蟲) 提燈照過的田墘 (邊)

  竹林、茫霧和山埔 (沙洲)

猶有輕聲細說 (語) 的溪水

世界恬靜落 (下) 來的時



秋天來了,天高氣爽,是散步的好時節。上個月你們全家去西雅圖爬山,在松林裏漫步,看起來好輕鬆好愜意!爹地出差的時候,如果真的很想念他,不妨找媽咪、妹妹一起去散步,邊走邊談,聊聊學校、聊聊爹地,像那首你念過的唐詩 (韋應物所作) 一樣 (阿公改了它一個字):





[English Version]
Dear Nathan:
How are you? Your mommy called grandpa and said that your daddy is going to Seattle for business trip at the end of October. In the meantime she will also be on call, plus the daily transportation of you two children, it may be too much for her to manage. So she asked me to come to your home to help for about ten days. I figured that I have not seen you and your sister for three months anyway, therefore, I immediately concurred. When grandpa just think of seeing both of you, I am very excited already. Do you know why?
Because the two of you are growing up day by day, if we just miss each other for a while, grandpa can feel a great difference, such as growing taller? better manners? improved Mandarin? Grandpa is looking forward to receiving the surprises of each visit. Is there not a poem written by Li Yi of the Tang Dynasty that describes this mood? There were two cousins who ​​broke up for ten years since childhood and reunited after growing up:
After ten years of chaos, we grew up and met.
Asked the surname at the first surprising sight, and the name reminded the old look.
So many things occurred after separation to talk about, until the bell tolled at sunset.
You would continue your trip tomorrow via Baling Passage, autumn added layers of colors to the mountain and our minds were loaded with sadness.
Converting into vernacular shows the same contents as above.
Having not seen each other for ten years, of course the current looks of both sides are very different from those in the childhood memories. However, grandpa cannot wait that long, otherwise Nathan will grow up, grandpa will grow old, and by then Nathan will not recognize me anymore! Hahaha.
Not only you do grow up, but your heart is getting more and more sensible. When your daddy traveled a few times recently, you always showed some reluctance, which is impressive. This scene reminds grandpa to a children song I learned from the Chinese textbook at my elementary school:
It’s so dark, the wind is so strong,
Daddy went fishing, why isnt he coming home?
Listening to the wind roaring wild, I am really scared!
Daddy! Daddy! How worried we are!
As long as you come home early, it is okay even with an empty ship!
My good baby, Daddy is back.
Full boat of fish and shrimp, how much do you see!
Exchanging ​​fish for rice and cloth, everyone can eat to full and keep warm.
Daddy is not afraid of being tired, as long as everyone is well.
This song is a portrayal of a fisherman’s family life. Not just fishermen, every father (and mother) must go out to make money in order to support their families. Even if it is windy and rainy outside, they must work hard. After they make money, they can then buy food for you to eat and drink, buy clothes for you to keep warm, buy a car to send you to school and pick you up, pay tuition for your study, and these expenses in total is the outcome of their hard work. They are not expecting a return, but your growing up healthily and improving your learning are their greatest comfort.
Since childhood, you have been pampered by your father and mother, almost inseparable. But now that you have been able to take care of yourself gradually, Dad is more comfortable taking a short business trip. Although you feel reluctant, it is only a few days apart. When he leave home, being a big brother, you should be brave, help Mommy with the housework, take care of sisters living, so that daddy will not worry during his trip. Also, grandpa will come to help, everything will be alright.
When daddy is away from home, because he is unavailable to play with you, your home will be much quieter. When the surroundings are quiet, it is a good time to concentrate on your thinking. If you use your brain power to think, you will not be bored. But where do you start? Grandpa helps you get started: thinking about how to organize your room in an orderly manner, so you can find things when you need them; thinking about how to practice your basketball dribbling skills, such as switching hands, and moving forward and backward; thinking about how to develop the habitual interest in listening, speaking, reading and writing Chinese, because the more you learn, the more confident you are; thinking about observing and learning from daddy and mommy the spirit of being a courageous person, staying calm, never giving up, etc. All are good examples for the directions of your thinking. Take your time, you have lots of quiet time to think about it and decide how you want to do it. Remember, a good start already makes half of the success.
In recent years, there is a local Taiwanese poet named Xiang Yang. Grandpa likes one of his lyrics that describes his experience about quietness and missing.  Here it is to share with you:
When the world quiets down
Missing will make sound
Wind gusts outside the window 
The zenith star is shining and blazing 
When the world quiets down
I woke up in the darkness of night, thinking of you
I was awake in a sleepless night, thinking about you
Thinking of the path that we have been walking hand in hand
              the field side that has been illuminated by firefly lanterns 
              bamboo forests, hazy fog and wetlands  
There are still streams that whisper 
When the world quiets down
Note: () is the word that grandpa helps you translate Taiwanese to Mandarin.
This is a quiet night for the poet who was missing a good time of having a night tour with high school classmates. When the whole world quiets down, without outside interference, you will hear the voice of your heart asks: Who is the person you miss most? What is your most memorable thing? You would want to share that with the face that comes to your heart. 
Autumn is coming, what a good day. Sky is high and air is refreshing. it’s a good time for a walk. Last month when your family went to Seattle for hiking in the mountain, you were strolling in the pine forests. How relaxing and comfortable that was! When daddy is on the road, if you really miss him, you may want to ask Mommy and your sister to take a walk together, talking while walking, chatting about the school, chatting about daddy, just like one of the Tang poetry (written by We Yingwu) you learned (grandpa just changed one character in it):
Think of daddy in this autumn night, taking a walk in such a cool day. Pine seeds fall in the vacant mountain and the quiet people should be still awake.
Like the parks near your home, there are also many tall pine forests in Seattle. In the autumn night, strolling along the mountain side when the pine seeds sprinkle down quietly, it should be a beautiful scene. At this moment in Seattle, if your daddy is still awake, he must also enjoy the autumn scenery, and quietly miss both Nathan and sister.
Good night, wish you a good nights sleep......No worries, at the moment you wake up, daddy will be right back.
Miss you, 
October 6, 2019
Nathan was six years, five month and two week old

( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2019/10/09 00:09
洛城聞笛 ( 故鄉的月光)(YUNLONGLIN1) 於 2019-10-10 03:44 回覆:

在與阿孫相處的過程中所産生的革命情感,是無可取代的。每次要離開時,他都會問他爹娘:「阿公可以永遠住在我們家嗎?」一次我聽到了就回答他 (用英文比較傳神):"There is no such a thing called forever. But remember, my force is always with you."因為他喜歡「星際大戰」的故事,所以就借用了裏面的語言提醒他。希望,即使那天我們不在了,我們的「碎碎念」(嘮叨) 還能偶而在他的腦海中浮現一下,尤其是在游移徬徨的時候。


和煦秋陽(奇妙的事 , 菊花黃)
2019/10/08 23:38




洛城聞笛 ( 故鄉的月光)(YUNLONGLIN1) 於 2019-10-10 02:48 回覆:
不客氣,我也要謝謝您的鼓勵。和小孫子相處,就是和純真為伍,他們的童言稚行,時時帶給我們很多的驚喜。為了應付他們靈敏的反應,常常腦筋要練習急轉彎,也因此緩和了我們老化的過程。不, 有時都忘了自己的年紀,可謂「樂以忘憂,不知耄耋已至」,真個返老還童了。哈哈。

再次謝謝您耐心品嘗拙文,希望以後能多共享彼此心得。祝 文安

2019/10/07 17:36



洛城聞笛 ( 故鄉的月光)(YUNLONGLIN1) 於 2019-10-08 00:15 回覆: