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給阿孫的信 (7) 03/22/2019 木聚為林,柏乃成森
2019/03/22 08:13:15瀏覽3178|回應1|推薦55






「孤獨之柏」(Lone Cypress)

上次你們到蒙特瑞灣 (Monterey Bay) 做家庭旅行,你還記得那棵長在懸崖上的「孤獨之柏」(Lone Cypress) 嗎?它在十七哩路 (17-mile Drive) 一隅的陡陗岩壁上已屹立了250年,經歷過許多狅風暴雨,驚濤拍岸的考驗,至今仍舊安然無恙,四季長青,深情地俯視著蔚藍的海洋。








Dear Nathan:

How are you? Time really flies. Another month later, you will be six years old. Watching you grow up day by day, grandpa cant help but think of the process I went through to create the Chinese name for you. Today, grandpa wants to share with you its origin and meaning. Among them, grandpa has deep blessings and expectations for you.

When you were born almost six years ago, your mommy has already decided your English as "Nathan". She wanted grandpa to name you in Chinese according to this English name. This is a big challenge for grandpa.

Why? First, because your Chinese name will follow you for a lifetime, grandpa thinks that strokes should be simple, easy to write and understand which is most important. Take grandpas Chinese name as an example, it has a total of 37 strokes that takes a long time to write. At every exam when I was little, it took me so long to write my name while others had already moved forwarded to the question parts. Second, the Chinese name should be read similar to the English name. Third, the first and last names must be meaningful and coherent.

First of all, grandpa thinks that your English surname can be transliterated into Chinese as "柏", which means "cypress". It is a kind of temperate evergreen tree with scaly needle-shaped leaves and tall trunks. It is not afraid of strong winds and cold climate, and can grow to be tough in harsh environment. The Chinese often praised it with pine. For example, Confucius, the most famous educator in ancient times, once said: "Even in the coldest climate, never wither the pines and cypresses." It is through the fact that pines and cypresses in the coldest season will not wither, to describe a person who is upright and strong in the predicament, will not change his will and exercise.

Last time you went to Monterey Bay for a family trip, do you remember the Lone Cypress that grows on the cliff? It has stood on the steep rock at one corner of the 17-mile Drive for 250 years. It has survived the challenges of many severe storms and crushing waves, and is still safe, sound, evergreen throughout the seasons, and looking down on the blue ocean passionately.

The indomitable spirit of "Lone Cypress" is worth learning, but you will not be alone in the path of life. You now have many people including daddy, mommy, sister, grandpa, grandma, as well as relatives, friends, teachers, classmates around you, accompanying you to grow up; in the future, you will even encounter a lot of special people that interact, and work side by side with you.

The structure of Chinese characters is wonderful. If a tree is "木", two trees become "林", three trees are together as "森",and the word "森林" refers to "Forest" in English which contain many trees. Grandpa hopes that you will grow like a cypress, not afraid of suffering, not afraid of difficulties, always stand up and face the challenge. On the other hand, I hope that you can become a team player by cooperating with like-minded partners and supporting each other like the football team you are participating in now. Because team work is often very powerful, you will be able to achieve your goals in a more efficient way.

Chinese people often use breaking chopsticks to describe the importance of unity. A chopstick is easily broken, but the two together are not easy, and three or more are even harder. You see that "Lonely Cypress" stands at the forefront of the cliff, and just by itself has to bear strong wind and heavy rain pressures. Although it survived, how much effort it took was inevitable. However, the cypress trees behind the second and third lines are gradually gathering more and more, sheltering each other from the wind and rain, so the longer and denser the branches and leaves are more and more lush, finally becoming a forest. This is the benefit of teamwork.

This is how your name "柏乃森" was created-out of the cypress, then becomes a forest. Strong and independent; and integrated into the society as the backbone of the team. Grandpa has confidence in you! You can do it.

I hope you like this Chinese name. Its Interesting, it sounds like your English name, and Its easy to remember. In addition, the number of strokes is only twenty-three, much easier to write than Grandpas. 
A good Chinese name is a good start. Wish you
Continue the Efforts
Make Gradual Progress 

Miss You,


March 22, 2019
Nathan was five year and eleven month old

( 在地生活北美 )
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2019/03/28 01:31




洛城聞笛 ( 故鄉的月光)(YUNLONGLIN1) 於 2019-05-29 03:39 回覆:



我有一個堅持要子女學好中文的女兒。她雖然是 ABC (American Born Chinese),但自己堅持在中文學校裏上到高中12年級,即使高中課業活動繁重,也是堅持到底,沒有輕言放棄。這不是我們逼出來的,所以連我都蠻佩服的。多年前她就是用注音符號學的,她覺得比羅馬拼音發音比較準確,所以現在也決定讓她的小朋友上採用注音的中文學校。每週五晚上二小時,老師都是台灣來的,教學法非常活潑生動,小朋友學習興趣也很高昂,家長也幾乎都全程陪同參與,所以進步很快。她在督導功課之餘,腦筋也動到外公外婆頭上來,規定我們必須和阿孫講中文,要多介紹他們中華文化。可惜南北加州隔閡,除了 FaceTime 之外,不能常常見面對話,所以才想到用古老的方法,開始寫信附上注音給小朋友,讓媽媽先教著讀。最近阿孫的注音符號已經學得很好,希望暑假時可以自己來唸,然後開始寫回信,然後⋯常常是計劃趕不上變化,走一步算一步吧!

