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2013/02/08 06:27:50瀏覽597|回應1|推薦33 | |
夜雨寄西 問君歸期未有期。 臺灣夜雨漲春池。 何日再燃南窗燭, 共詩臺灣夜雨時。 02/08/2013 步李商隐「夜雨寄北」 原詩與英文譯詩附後。 並請比較指正。 夜雨寄北
君問歸期未有期。 巴山夜雨漲秋池。 何當共剪西窗燭, 却話巴山夜雨時。
夜雨寄西 Poem on a Rainy Night
I asked when you would come back. You said it couldn’t be decided. Tonight the rains of Taiwan outside are raising the spring ponds high.
When can we light once more the south window candle light, and talk about poems of ours on such a rainy Taiwan night? 02/08/2013 . 夜雨寄北 Poem on a Rainy Night (Post to a Friend in the North) . I should say it cannot be decided. Tonight the rains of Bashan outside are raising the autumn ponds high. When can we kindle once more the west window candle light, talk about feelings and so forth of such a rainy Bashan night? 04/20/2016
( 創作|詩詞 ) |