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2015/02/10 06:28:39瀏覽516|回應6|推薦43 | |
為何?何為? 有的國家或人民, 會賺很多的財富 給其國民或子孫。 有的國家或人民, 會留很多的債務 給其國民或子孫。 你家的情形如何? 有什麼問題發生? 我看到富的越來越富, 然後越來越爛。 有的甚至 貪得無厭。 我看到窮的越來越窮, 然後越來越爛。 有的甚至 群起作亂。 為甚麽? 怎麽辦? 英文原詩附後,並請斧正。 此詩版權公開,歡迎轉載。 Why We? How We? Some nations or persons earn very much assets for their nationals or descendants. Some nations or persons leave very much debts to their nationals or descendants. How is your situation? What will happen? I see the rich become richer and richer, then rotten and rottener. Some even become exploiters. I see the poor become poorer and poorer, then rotten and rottener. Some even become rioters. How come? How can…?! * Copyright open to the whole world. |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |