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2014/06/01 21:50:45瀏覽289|回應0|推薦34 | |
殤 祭 (天安門國殤百日紀祭 ) ( VII )
忽然間廣場的燈光全部熄滅了! 不一會槍聲又密集的響起! 同學們驚恐的臥倒或是爬起, 慌忙的躲避或是逃離。 機槍聲、坦克聲, 夾雜著喊叫聲、喊殺聲。 黑暗中只看到長列的槍口 與交叉的夷光彈網, 卻不知道又有: 多少的腦袋開了花, 多少的肚腹開了膛, 多少的肢體被打斷。 多少的骨肉被壓成醬。 很久,很久, 槍聲忽然停止, 坦克也跟著停息。 學生們甚是疑惑, 但也索索的慢慢爬起。 學運領袖與軍官交互喊了一陣話。 回頭招集同學們把隊伍排列整齊。 向右轉! 齊步走! 雄壯的國際歌 轟雷一般跟著響起。 大隊邁著齊一的步伐, 歌聲悲痛的震盪著夜空, 眼淚同腳步拍打著大地, 學生們有尊嚴的被迫撤離。 不久天色即將黎明, 東方透出晨熹。 有人可以看到: 天安門廣場, 以及長安街上, 是血泊到處, 屍橫各地!
戰鬥的佈署是有計劃的, 軍隊的行動是效率化的, 緊接著開來了運輸車輛。 一個一個的死者及傷者被丟上車, 一輛一輛的被運去無人知的地方, 秘密的予以處理, 嚴密的予以埋葬。 那些被戰車壓爛了的, 也被推土機鏟起, 連同那些壓扁了的帳篷及物品, 一堆堆的被聚攏起。 澆上了汽油, 噴著了火; 化作了熊熊烈焰,滾滾濃煙, 沖霄而去。 當悲傷的朝陽升起, 天安門廣場已是一片死寂。 除了一灘灘的鮮血, 一堆堆的灰燼, 已不見半個學生及民眾的蹤跡。 新樹立起的民主女神像也不見了; 偉大的毛像依然高掛在門頭上: 濺得點點的污斑, 帶著絲絲的冷笑, 邪邪的瞄視著下方-- 鬼域似的長街與廣場。
下午, 來了一陣大雷雨, 那雷如天崩, 雨如盆傾。 有人說是天老爺太憤怒, 也太悲痛。 一方面咆哮不已, 又淚流不停。 雨水也好, 淚水也好, 總之卻為劊子手們作了支應; 幫著他們沖走了血污, 加速把地面清理乾淨。 但是看那累累的彈痕, 處處的哨兵; 聞那殘留的硝煙, 散不盡的血腥; 更聽那街角的號令, 遠近的槍聲; 現在的天安門廣場, 仍舊是殺氣騰騰。 這場大屠殺的情景, 勢將永留世人心中!
☆ ☆ ☆ 英文原詩附後, 並請批評指正。
The Sacrifice
The hundredth-day sacrifice for those martyrs, who were massacred, at Tiananmen, on June 4, 1989. ( VII ) Suddenly! All those lights on the square went out! Soon, rose again the roar of tanks and guns! Those students were surprised and scared! Hurriedly they dropped down, Or jumped up to run. In the dim light of the Tightly arrayed nozzle fires And densely woven tracer bullets, With the deafening sound of the Weapons’ cackles and humans’ cries. No one could know: How many students’ chests were perforated, How many of their heads were exploded, How many were crushed into flesh pulp, How many, belly open, limbs broken. After a rather long time, Suddenly guns and tanks stopped! Students were very much bewildered; However, they timidly got up and watched. The leaders exchanged shouts with the officers, Then order their fellow students to line up into columns. After the command of, “Right Turn!” and “March!” The solemn Internationale Song Was thunderously started. The great column marched onward With thumping steps in good order, Sad voice shattering the night air, And hot tears spattering on earth. Soon, the darkness was fading. The eastern sky was paling. People who had the privilege Could painfully perceive: Along the Changan Avenue, On the Tiananmen Square, Blood was all over the area! Victims were everywhere! * * * The battle plan was well plotted. The army moved with high efficiency. A convey of trucks came closely in a hurry. One by one the victims were thrown on board. One after one they were all carried away. Secretly they were treated and buried. Those who were crushed by the heavy tanks And those squashed tents and supplies Were regionally bulldozed together, Formed numerous big piles. Spilled them with gasoline, Flame-threw them alight. Soon they were turned into Roaring blaze, rolling smoke, Billowing up into the morning sky. When the sad sun rose, Tiananmen Square is deadly silent. Except those pools of red blood And piles of black ashes, There was no any people and student. The new statue of Goddess of Democracy Had already been swept away. That old, odd, Mao’s huge portrait Was still hanging over the building’s gate. Painted with a faint, perverted smile, Presently speckled with paint and dirt, Was wickedly watching the street and square, Now were ghostly quiet and queer. There came a surprising, shocking storm in the afternoon: Lightning flashing, thunder clashing, and roaring. Rain spattering, splashing and pouring. Some said, Heaven was so hurt, so sorrowful also so furious. So He was weeping and howling. No matter whether it was tear or water, Anyway it was an aid to the army. It helped them to clean the ground, Washed the ashes and blood away. However, look at those bullet marks everywhere And those stern sentinels here and there. Smell the still drifting smoke of gunpowder And the long lasting blood odor. Listen to the near and far sporadic gunfire And military orders coming from the street corners. Now, the atmosphere of Tiananmen Square -- Was still a field of massacre! This event happened at the Gate of Heavenly Peace – Will be forever remembered! ☆ ☆ ☆
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