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2014/05/31 18:59:31瀏覽323|回應0|推薦29 | |
殤 祭 (天安門國殤百日紀祭 ) ( VI )
「戰爭」是暫時的停止了。 因為週邊的民眾與學生, 全散了,死了。 解放軍縮小了包圍網, 準備最後收場; 蓄勢待發, 劍拔弩張。 學運領袖們 衡量情勢狀況, 準備對策, 頻頻的會商。 為了挽救上萬條生命, 不作無謂的損失。 為了留下抗爭的火種, 保存東山再起的勢力。 他們勇敢的與軍隊談判, 再回頭苦勸同學們撤離。
雖然有少數人舉手贊成, 只有極少數起身離地。 大部份人都不為所動, 堅決的端坐在原地。 有部份同學又悲壯的呼口號, 有部份又悲痛的歌唱, 有些人只靜靜的呆坐, 有些人似乎又進入了夢鄉。 有的想起或是夢見自己的父母, 近住京城或遠在四方; 他們都是飽經憂患, 但卻永遠那麼慈祥。 十分的關愛, 百般的叮嚀, 千遍的祝福, 萬種的期望。 有的夢見或是想起自己的兄妹, 以及兒時的同學和玩伴。 那些恐怖與歡笑夾雜的歲月, 多麼青澀又艱苦的童年。 有的在思念或是夢會自已的戀人, 那令人心疼的情人。 那麼樣的清純, 但又那麼樣的不敢相信; 想掏心又不敢掏心。 那麼的俊美, 那麼的溫馨; 想忘掉所有的憂憤, 卻又偏多憂憤。 有的又回到自已的家鄉, 那心繋魂繞的故鄉。 秀麗的山河, 恬靜的農莊, 婉囀的鳥語, 迷人的花香。 但是也曾多麼令人驚恐, 令人悲傷。
英文原詩附後, 並請批評指正。 The Sacrifice
The hundredth-day sacrifice for those martyrs, who were massacred, at Tiananmen, on June 4, 1989. ( VI ) The battle temporarily rested. The outer circle of students and people Were all dispersed, or downed -- dead. The Liberation Army compressed their encompassment, Waiting to accomplish the final attack. Leaders of the students discussed fervently, frequently About their counter measures and tack. In order to save thousands of lives, No unnecessary loses or sacrifices; In order to save a revival fighting force, Or to keep the seed of democratic fire; They courageously negotiated with the army, Then persuaded their fellow students to retire. Although some of them raised their hands and agreed, Only a handful of them actually got up and left. Most of them still firmly sat on the ground, Continuously expressed their protest. Several companies again chanted slogans. Several battalions soon started singing. A small number once more fell into sleep. A big portion simply sat there thinking. Some thought of or dreamed of their beloved parents, Right in the capital or faraway in homeland. Although they suffered very much, They were always so kind. Ten times of tender love, A hundred times of tender cautions, A thousand kinds of good wishes, A million kinds of good expectations. Some dreamed or remembered their classmates/playmates, As well as their ever together brothers and sisters. What a tough and rough childhood and teenage. Those years of laughter mixed with terrors. Some were meeting their lovers too, That heart-griping sweetheart: So faithful, yet so un-trustful; Willing to show one’s heart, But they both dared not. So lovely, warm and tender, Hoping to lessen their worry and anger, But they worried and angered even further. Some went back to their native homes, That heart-dragging motherland. Beautiful rivers and mountains, Tranquil villages and farms, Fascinating flower fragrances, Melodious bird psalms. But, these often roused their fears! Also aroused their sorrows…. ☆ ☆ ☆ |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |