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2014/05/30 18:45:07瀏覽297|回應1|推薦25 | |
殤 祭 (天安門國殤百日紀祭 ) ( V )
經過了四十多天的遊行、請願、 靜坐與絕食等, 學生們都已十分的疲累了。 這一夜, 六月三日的深夜, 以至四日的凌晨, 廣場上「民主大學」開課。 很多人踴躍參加 熱烈討論此一課題。 很多人鑽進帳篷 或是幕天席地, 已安靜的入睡了。 北京城已是大軍壓境。 雖然他們並沒有進一步的行動, 但是感覺起來氣氛凝重, 很像是暴風雨前異樣的寧靜。
忽然間從西長安街 傳來了震天動地的機槍聲及坦克聲; 原來解放軍已接到了攻擊令, 正在向人民勇猛的進攻! 殺人者似乎是殺紅了眼, 向擋路者瘋狂開槍,毫不留情。 被殺者似乎是氣昏了頭, 他們直立抵抗,全不顧性命! 雙方的勢力簡直不成比例。 陣陣的機槍掃過, 輛輛的坦克衝過, 赤手空拳聯手阻擋的民眾與學生, 一排排的倒下去, 一行行的慘死輪底。 兵貴神速。 很快他們把天安門團團圍住。
廣場上的學生們都被驚起。 個個悲憤不已, 但卻無能為力。 他們只有排列整齊, 堅守在原地, 誓死以爭取最後的勝利。 「我們為救國家! 我們為救人民! 用鮮血捍衛民族尊嚴的時候到了! 用鮮血捍衛民主自由的時候到了! 打倒法西斯獨裁殺人者! 誓死保衛人權基地天安門! 為了國家、民族、自由、民主, 我們堅持要爭取最後的勝利。」
英文原詩附後, 並請批評指正。 The Sacrifice
The hundredth-day sacrifice for those martyrs, who were massacred, at Tiananmen, on June 4, 1989. ( V ) After more than forty days’ petitioning, demonstrating, Sit striking, hunger striking and so forth, Those students were very tired. That night, the night of June the third, Till the morning of June the fourth, An “University of Democracy” Commenced on the square. Many of those students joined the seminar And fervently discussed the subject. Many entered their tents Or lay in the open, Quietly retired. The great army was already Secretly arrayed around the outskirts. It seemed that they would not step further, But one could feel the atmosphere, Much like the strange silence Before a great storm Or blizzard. Suddenly! Exploded the Intense sound of machine guns! Loud cries and roaring tanks! They came from West Changan Avenue: The Great Street of Eternal Peace. It was the army carrying out the order! Started their ferocious offense! There were flames in the killers’ eyes, They fired at everyone in front of them. Fury inflamed the defenders’ heads, They stood upright to resist the army, Totally uncaring about their lives. But the forces are very disproportionate Between the two sides. After repeated sweeps of machine guns And side-by-side charges of heavy tanks, Rows and rows of people and students Were fallen to the ground, Or crushed under the track. They were all barehanded! Some were even hands in hands! Soldiers moved fastly. Soon they surrounded the square with fast bands. The students on the square were severely startled. Both their grief and wrath were so strong. Stationed and standing there silently and still, They swore to defend their last ground. “We want to save our people! We want to save our country! Now it’s time to shed blood, To defend our dignity! It’s time to shed our blood, To defend liberty and democracy! “Down with fascist dictators and killers! We swear to win the final victory! “For our people, country, liberty, democracy, We vow to win the final victory!” ☆ ☆ ☆
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