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2014/05/19 22:03:04瀏覽410|回應6|推薦42 | |
是否可以 不要說貧賤的人 都是懶蟲。 只有萬般無奈 才會熄心認命。 不要說自裁的人 都是孬種, 只有特殊勇敢 才會自斷自命。 我們沒有權力 選擇出生。 我卻贊成有權 選擇終生。 當你活的太苦, 或是病的太痛, 為甚麽不可 早了慘生? 當社會無能救你, 國家不准樂終, 為甚麽不可 自了殘生? 孬種貧賤的 會屈服於逆境, 卻沒有一個 會要自己的命。 . 就算是孬種下賤 我也不能在意。 生活在這個世界, 確像是在演戲。 有各種的角色, 都須要有人扮演。 每人都須安份, 把他的過程演完。 如果你的命運夠好, 既俊美又有天才。 你可扮英雄美人, 而贏得喝采。 如果你的命運欠佳, 既怪頭又呆腦。 祇能演儍瓜龍套, 而贏得嘲笑。 因為所有的好位置, 都被強者佔據了。 我無力把別人擠下, 而雀佔鳩巢。 . 我無智無勇無功無德, 作不了豪傑充不了聖賢。 我被騙被賣被毒被拴, 逃不出魔掌跳不出畜欄。 我這鬼病怪病難症絕症, 沒醫沒藥沒指望複元。 我是無親無夫無後無友, 沒有牽掛也沒人支援。 祇能作個孬種, 祇好安於貧賤。 這戲難演, 沒法演完哪! 榮耀歸你, 慈悲的上帝。 是不是可以? 請告訴我 寶貝的恩客。 你有甚麽建議?
各位格友,你好。 在facebook 老小子也有一個相似的網站。開始時每日都有數百人過訪。去年FB 改版後所有的統計都停了。FB告訴我須有三十人以上按贊才能恢復統計。事隔一年多竟只有一人按贊,不知是何道理。 各位如果覺得老小子的詩還值得推薦,拜託點擊此聯結www.facebook.com/kuo.pen.yung 到那裡幫我按個贊,看是否能恢復統計。費神與盛情,先此多謝。戈筆揚 敬啟。 英文原詩附後 並請批評指正 Do You Allow Me? * “Don’t say a poor person is one who wouldn’t endeavor. It’s who are ever broken wouldn’t make more effort. “Don’t say all suicide is the conduct of a coward. Only who is very brave can be his or her own killer.” “We have no right to choose our birth. We should have the right to choose our death. “When life is too hard, illness is too much a pain, Why can’t we choose to give it an early end? “When society cannot save us, and euthanasia is not allowed, Why can’t we modify the ethics and establish a merciful law? “Those sluggards or cowards might surrender to trial, But all of them may endeavor to pursue their survival.”
. “Even if it is a sluggard or coward, I wouldn’t care. I cannot care! People in this wide-stage world are really like various players. “If you have the luck and are born with a superior face and figure; you can be a star, play leading role, to win praise and cheers. “If you haven’t the luck and are born with an inferior face and figure; you must be a bit part, play bad role, to get laughters and sneers. “Since all the good positions are occupied by the powerful ones I have not the necessary power To displace or replace anyone. “As I haven’t the wit, virtue and valor; cannot be a sage, saint or hero. As I am firmly fettered in this parlor, my chance to freedom is a zero. “As I have got this devil damned disease, no medicine, method can make a cure. As I have no parent, partner, child, friend, who would care, or I should care. “So I can only be contented to be a poor persom, also a coward to commit sin. “The play is so hard to play. The character is so painful to perform! How can I sustain to the end? “Glory to you! My gracious God. Do you allow me? “Please tell me, my precious patron. Anything else I can do or be?” * Another excerpt from the author’s long poem “Sister Goddesses”, Also quoted from the monologue of Jouliu, the “prostitute”. |
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