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2014/04/29 09:05:55瀏覽405|回應5|推薦55 | |
雨 中 樹 (I) 雨中樹: 低頭、滴水, 昏眩、昏睡; 恍惚的作夢, 縮索的擺動。 有些還保有老化了的葉子, 或褐、或黃。 有些還保有萎縮了的果實, 或黑、或紅。 在風雨中 悲哀與傷痛。 在苦夢中 顫慄的抖動。
雙手托顋, 我坐在圖書館內。 透過緊閉的窗戶, 看著他們在園中受罪。 我的心情不甯, 身體緊張, 靈魂痛苦, 精神沮喪。 想起這個世界, 以及我懷念的家鄉。 想起我的工作, 以及那匆促的時光。 很多地方都有動亂。 很多人都在風雨中掙扎。 我的祖國以及同胞, 怎樣忍受風雨與暴政的肅殺。 想到我的志業, 功成之途遙遠; 要碰很多課題, 要闖很多難關。 半生業已虛度, 毫無成就可言。 又是一天的時間, 又是一年將完。
一陣強風驟起, 急雨加重他的打擊。 眾樹被大力震撼, 從昏睡及殘夢中驚起。 有的彎腰抓刨, 有些抱頭號叫, 大幅度的顫抖及搖動, 大滴的淚珠兒下拋。 樹枝掙扎搖幌, 樹葉翻飛落地。 痛苦的扭曲, 大聲的哭泣。 . 我把座椅移去窗邊, 雙手按著窗沿。 驚看他們掙扎, 靜聽他們哭喊。 我的心情更是不甯。 身體似受冰激。 靈魂越發痛苦, 精神似患重疾。 想起我的母親, 她或已年邁體衰。 想起我的妹妹, 她們應少衣無蓋。 我知這雨不會即停, 雖然這不是個雨季。 我必須冒雨步行, 才能回到我的住地。 我沒有雨具來抵抗這風雨, 還必須在宿舍裡忍受孤寂。 我多恨在苦雨中行走, 多希望能與親人團聚。
我縮頸弓背, 咬牙上路; 像是個猩猩, 也像那些樹。 全身濕透, 縮索邁步, 蹣跚踉蹌, 打滑失足。 爬起稍息, 站穩定神, 搶風抵雨, 再突困前進。
並請批評指正 Trees in the Rain ( I ) Trees in the rain: drooping, dripping, dozing, dizying, trancingly dream and tremblingly swing. Some with withered fruits, red or black, some with weathered leaves, yellow or brown; sad and sorrowful, painfully dream and pitifully sway. I sit at my desk, hold my cheeks with my palms; look at them through the closed window, look at them in the library park. My mind is upset, body distressed. My soul is sore, spirit depressed. I think of the world, think of my home place. I think of my work, think about the time pace.
I think of the turmoil as it’s in many lands; many people are suffering in rain and wind. I think of my native country and fellow countrymen; how can they endure, such a weather, and that a tyrant? I think of my tasks, needing to be done; many subjects to be chosen, struggles to be won. Half my life is spent, nothing is attained; one more day is expended, another year will end. A strong gale rises. Speedy rain intensifies. Trees are stirred and startled, awakened from slumber or senselessness. Some crook their trunks and blindly claw. Some clutch their heads, loudly howl. Shake and shudder terribly. Big tears splash and fall. Twigs and branches struggle and sway. Leaves and fruits flutter and fly. Painfully writhe. Pitifully cry. I move my chair to the window, press my hands on the sill. I look at them moodily, listen to them still. My mind is more upset, body feels chill. My soul is more sore, spirit is ill. I think of my mother, she’s old and frail. I think of my sisters, they need coats and quilts. I know the rain won’t cease, though it isn’t a rainy season. I have to walk in the rain to go back to my residence. I lack a raincoat and boots for the rain and wind. I must endure my rueful loneliness in the bachelor’s wing. How I hate to walk in the bitter wind and rain. How I hope, soon may reunite with my mainland kin. I contract my neck, clench my teeth, hunch my back, watch my feet. Like the bushes, like the trees, like a ship, like a chimpanzee. Drenching and dripping, I shrink and tremble. Toddling and tottering, I slip and stumble. Rising and resting, I steady and stem. Striving and struggling, slowly, I step…. |
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