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2011/11/13 13:25:17瀏覽1144|回應1|推薦1

Music background: 安平追想曲

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突然背後追來個「上氣不接下氣」的年青人,很禮貌的遞給我十塊,說: 「先生,您忘了拿走您投入的十元! 因為我的櫃子剛好在您的旁邊,我知道是您的。」原來我忘了拿回投入的錢幣,趕快拍拍他的肩膀,並鞠躬稱謝。


在台南最後一天早晨,依例,補充放在每個衣櫃內的除濕盒、拔掉屋內所有電器插頭,關好門窗。臨行前,再度到頂樓,跟阿爸的神位辭行。我鎖了大門。低頭離開那曾經充滿歡笑,現在已是人去樓空「阿爸阿母的家」,今天我走了 .... 這屋子又要回復半年的冷清,幸好有頂樓阿爸的神護,每次回去,一踏入正門,就會馬上感受一股溫暖。


穿過十字路口 .... 覺得無法負荷 (不知道是物重? 還是心重?),順手揮了輛計程車,改變「步輪」的初衷,請司机送我到「成大校區的勝利路側門」一程。用「步輪」的要走很久,坐「自動車」一下子就到了。

司机停車說: 「八十五元」。我打開袋發現,身邊沒有零錢,只有六張一千的,加上四個壹元硬幣。我拿了一千給司机,他說: 「真歹勢 ~ 嘸湯找」 (台語: 真不好意思,我沒有足够的零錢找您)

我帶著罪惡感,小聲的自言自語: 「糟糕,我只有一千紙鈔,怎麼辦? 」滿頭大汗,不知所措,没想到前面「運將」傳來: 「安挪,嘸要緊啦,呣免錢。」(台語: 這樣啊,不要緊啦,就不算您錢。)「不行」:我回答他馬上再強調: 「嘸要緊啦! 沒多少路。 」

啊! 鄉土老家,有太多的好人,給了我許多難忘的愛。我非常慚愧的踏出計程車門,低著頭繼續摸我的褲袋,希望奇蹟出現,給我摸出一張壹佰元鈔票來。摸著…摸著… 突然靈機一動,何不要他載我到 7-11換錢? 可是抬起頭,車子已經跑遠。

唉~ 我這個傻瓜真沒用!在北上,準備回美的火車上,我一直念念不忘這「運將」送來的溫情。一路上,努力的在思考,「到底還沒下計程車前,我可做,而沒做的是什麼? 」後來得到兩個結論;

第一, 應該給司机先生一千元,然後只收回他能找我的零錢,剩下的就當作是,回報他送我的那些溫暖。

第二, 為什麽沒有記下他的名字和電話,以便下次回台南時,再聯絡,當面謝還。




( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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My Story to Share
2011/11/16 18:01

Believe or not, I am reading your article in Taiwan. I have no friends or family here, just attending a business meeting. Here is a story I want to share: After a long flight, I arrived my hotel at 7am on 11/14/11, and had to take a taxi to the meeting. I had no NT and it was too early to exchange currency. It sounded like me, bad planning always :)). I had to ask the hotel to prepay the fare and charge to my room (hotel charge 5% service fee to do so). The hotel paid the driver 350 NT(estimated by the driver). It took us an hour to get through the morning traffic jams and find the place I needed to be. I was thinking 350NT for sure was under estimated. I wanted to tip him with some USD, but took out my wallet, all I had were $100 bills, quaters, and nicoles. Feeling so guilty I said good bye to him. He thanked me  and drove away. But soon he made an U turn on the very narrow street; he got out the car and handed me 50NT. "Sorry, I forgot to give your the change". I was supprised and said, "keep it" He had a big smile and said, " You paid more than enough. I know you don't have any NT, you can use it to buy a cup of coffee"

Days later, I am still wondering if the 50NT was a gift from him to a stranger who looked like needed coffee to wake up,  or it was really over paid fare? Either way, I admire him.

吉祥.即想(Usynergy) 於 2011-11-17 02:03 回覆:
Carol, thank you for sharing your story during busy business schedule. After reading your sharing, I am more certain that many peoples mis-judge Taxi driver (including myself). I was advised not to talk too much while taking Taxi during trip (so that one will not be ripped off). I must say that rip-off by Taxi driver in Taiwan has never happened to me. Contrary, they have been all quite friendly and polite to me. I notice that, in today's tough economic situation, Taxis moving on the street are mostly without passenger. Clearly, make a living today (and to feed family) as a Taxi driver by no mean is easy. Yet, rather than making income illegally or causing trouble to society, they stay on this tough job earning their hard money point-to-point on the road .... this kind of individual can not be too bad.