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給 Karen and Dave 的 Chrismas 問候
2015/12/25 04:50:08瀏覽1046|回應1|推薦58


Dear Karen and Dave ~

I still remember the first day we met each other in Annapolis. It has been more than three years.

Can you image that James will graduate in “couple of months? “ Time flies!


This picture was taken in May 2013. Plebe no more!


He signed 2-7 in Sep. 2014 – Two years in school and serves 7 more years.

He chose to be a Marine Pilot. That is his dream. He wants to be a pilot when he was the 3rd grade. Then he enthusiastic about becoming Marine before getting into USNA. Now another 2-7 – Two years training and 7 year service.



Since this is his dream and choice, I believe and also pray that he will stick on his path and dream. May God guide him and protect him. I also pray that he can hear and listen to God’s voice more clearly and recongize where God leads him and follow him every day.  


We are very thankful and grateful that James has you as sponsor family. You treat him as your child, as a young man and a friend. Thank you for your love and kindness. We appreciate it.


In this holiday and joyful season, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and wonderful year to come.


Sincerely Yours,

H.Y  and Amy




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2015/12/25 18:57
