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遊唱詩人:Gordon Lightfoot
2023/05/05 00:10:00瀏覽1476|回應0|推薦73

Gordon Lightfoot,或許是我的低沉嗓音,與他有幾許相似之處,第一次聽到他的歌,就有一種親切感,於是開始尋找他的唱片專集,開始注意他在媒體與排行榜的消息,偶爾會聽到余光或凌晨對他的介紹。

他並非大紅大紫的歌手,比起在商業流行大受歡迎的 John Denver 或 Bob Dylan,他的唱片銷售量要差了許多,他是一位十分低調的民謡歌手兼作曲家,膾炙人口的歌曲不少,Early Morning Rain,For Loving Me,Sundown,If You Could Read My Mind,Raining Day People,都算是商業成功的作品,而 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald 則是最能代表他用歌來敘述故事的功力,真正喜歡他的歌迷,著迷於他帶有詩意的歌詞和出神入化的組曲。

他的 Canadian Railroad Trilogy,反映出他對大自然河川山林的熱愛,他出生在加拿大,就算是在最紅的時候,他依舊留在熱愛的國家,而沒有投身於能使他大紅大紫的美國市場,淡泊名利,一心作好及唱好自己的歌,世上有幾人能有如此胸襟氣度。

Bob Dylan 曾給 Gordon Lightfoot 如此的評語:沒有任何一首他的歌,是我不喜歡的,每一次聽他唱歌,我都希望能永不停止,我試著去模仿他的作詞作曲,但是卻無法成功。這是極高的推崇。

對於不熟悉他的音樂愛好者,可以去找他的 Gord’s Gold 這張專輯,相信您會如我一樣,很快的入心著迷,他的歌聲故事情懷,常常是在我鬱悶不開的時候,最好的舒緩劑,由年輕的時候開始,我就是他的歌迷,二十多年前,在美國聽了一場他的演唱會,沒有什麼特別來賓開場,就是讓他的音樂滿足歌迷,令人陶醉,幾十年來,他的音樂不時的在家裡播放。

51 勞動節,傳來了他的死訊,令人黯然神傷,年輕真好,每個人都活得健健康康,無憂無慮,上了年紀,這幾年,自己的親人或是仰慕的對象,一個個凋零,驚覺自己也將慢慢走上了終老之途,真不能想太多,不能停滯不前,趁有精神勁兒,把握時間,好好享受每一個當下。

Gordon Lightfoot 的這首 Minstrel of The Dawn,沒想到從大學開始就十分喜愛的這首歌,而如今我雲遊四海的人生哲學居然融入了他的歌詞內涵,有一種冥冥中,令人莞爾的巧合!

The minstrel of the dawn is here

To make you laugh and bend your ear

Up the steps youll hear him climb

All full of thoughts, all full of rhymes

Listen to the pictures flow

Across the room into your mind they go

Listen to the strings

They jangle and dangle while the old guitar rings

The minstrel of the dawn is here

Not too wise but oh so free

Hell talk of life out on the street

Hell play it sad and say it sweet

Look into his shining face

Of loneliness, youll always find a trace

Just like me and you

Hes tryin to get into things more happy than blue

A minstrel of the changin tide

Hell ask for nothing but his pride

Just sit him down upon that chair

Go fetch some wine and set it there

Listen to the pictures flow

And follow the fingers where they go

Listen to the strings

They jangle and dangle while the old guitar rings

A minstrel of the dawn is near

Just like a step n fetchit here

Hes like an old time troubadour

Just wanting life and nothing more

Look into his shining eyes

And if you see a ghost, dont be surprised

Like me and you

Hes tryin to get into things more happy than blue

The minstrel boy will understand

He holds a promise in his hand

He talks of better days ahead

And by his words your fortunes read

Listen to the pictures flow

Across the room into your mind they go

Listen to the strings

They jangle and dangle while the old guitar rings

The minstrel of the dawn is gone

I hope hell call before too long

And if you meet him you must be

The victim of his minstrelsy

Hell sing for you a song

The minstrel of the dawn

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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