Mings is unrivalled in San Francisco
Top one “Vegi Fried Rice”
Originally, my majestic wife is a nitpicker for healthy diets. During the stay in San Francisco, there were merely two Chinese restaurants, “ Formosa” and “ Yen Ching” at first, but nowadays, there are more than one hundred restaurants in Shortly Bay Area. We have dined one and another continuously. Whenever we see the ads, we dine out at once.
If the cuisine is too distasteful to eat, we will say” Goodbye” to it forever.
Of course, if the cuisine is delicate and delicious, it will be our pleasure to invite friends to enjoy the meal.
During the recent years, my majestic wife has tended to have vegetarian diets for the purpose of staying healthy; instead of being a follower of Buddhism.
The meals of Ming’s has already reached the top-grade level in Shortly Bay Area, Palo Alto; no wonder all seats are occupied by eminent guests.
The restaurant boss is the top one who manages the restaurant in the proper way.
My majestic wife never gives praise easily, but she praises unceasingly to the “ Vegi fried rice.”
Give it a try by yourself and you will know how delicious and special the cuisine is.
This article is translation from the article(明苑獨步舊金山 2010/10/02 阿丁正傳一文) below by Miss Helen Hu
明苑獨步舊金山 2010/10/02 阿丁正傳
緣起, 老婆大人是一位對飲食非常挑剔的人, 在舊金山35 年中,
從最初的僅有的兩家 “福祿壽” “燕京” 到今天灣區上百家的餐館,
陸續都有光顧, 常常看見廣告, 立刻前往捧場, 如果, 難以入口, 那就是,
不要說”再見”囉 ! 當然, 廚藝高超的,
那就是和友好們一道前往 大快朵頤,享受一番. 近年老婆大人
開始頃向素食, 未依佛門, 純為健康. 灣區中半島 Palo Alto 明苑的餐點已達高檔水平,
無怪經常高朋滿座. 狀元老板娘, 經營得法. 老婆大人輕易不說一個好字的,
對那 “素炒飯”讚不絕口. 有空去一試便知.