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瑞士法裔創作歌手[派崔克朱維]──流行/靈魂/迪斯可舞曲──[Swiss Kiss/瑞士之吻]
2024/03/24 02:03:00瀏覽181|回應0|推薦3


瑞士法裔創作歌手[派崔克朱維]──流行/靈魂/迪斯可舞曲──[Swiss Kiss/瑞士之吻



From on top of a mountain peak
High above the land and sea
I am sending my love to you
By the way
Howve you been?
My its so, but *** one (?)
Cause Im thinking bout your charts (?)
I would love to be with you now
But I know, yes, I know
That some day youll be with me always
Until then

SWISS KISS... heres to you
SWISS KISS, my love
SWISS KISS, Im sending you
Cause I know that one day
Youll be with me to stay, yes to stay
Until then...

SWISS KISS... heres to you
SWISS KISS, my love
SWISS KISS, Im sending you
Cause I know that one day
Youll be with me to stay

From on top of a mountain peak
High above the land and sea
I can picture us doing things
Having fun all the way
Doing things that are happy and gay
Until then...

SWISS KISS... heres to you
SWISS KISS, my love
SWISS KISS, Im sending you
Cause I know that one day
Youll be with me to stay, yes, to stay
Until then...

SWISS KISS... heres to you
SWISS KISS, my love
SWISS KISS, Im sending you
Cause I know that one day
Youll be with me to stay...

From on top of a mountain peak
High above the land and sea
I would love to be with you now
But I know, yes, I know
That one day youll be with me always
Until then...

SWISS KISS... heres to you
SWISS KISS, my love
SWISS KISS, Im sending you
Cause I know that one day
Youll be with me to stay, yes, to stay
Until then...

SWISS KISS... heres to you
SWISS KISS, my love
SWISS KISS, Im sending you
Cause I know that one day
Youll be with me to stay, yes, to stay...



1979年4月,28歲半的瑞士法裔歌壇紅星派崔克朱維(Patrick Juvet,1950-2021)發行第五張大碟──英語專輯[Lady Night/夜晚女士Barclay出版)

由Jacques Morali製作,以時興的迪斯可為主.

Lady Night](登上法國專輯榜冠軍,義大利#18, 瑞士#18


Swiss Kiss/瑞士之吻]為大碟第三單曲

派崔克朱維+Jacques Morali+美國V. Willis合寫

Jacques Morali製作成一首流行/靈魂/迪斯可舞曲

旋律琅琅上口,節拍活潑,派崔克以類似比吉斯(Bee Gees)的高亢白人靈魂假音詮釋, 營造出一股舞廳的迷幻朦朧氣氛














Paris Olympia 1979





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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