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義大利歌手[蓋瑞.洛]──義大利迪斯可/合成流行舞曲──[You Are a Danger/你是個危險人物]
2024/02/17 18:03:00瀏覽128|回應0|推薦5

義大利歌手[蓋瑞.洛]──義大利迪斯可/合成流行舞曲──[You Are a Danger/你是個危險人物]


So you think you can pull my leg
So you think you can fool me around
All your life youve been changing bands
But I wish you would stay here sometime

You seem to be sorry
But show no emotion
Without any worries
Without destination

You are danger, baby, youre a stranger
Sensibility is out of reach
You are danger, baby, youre a stranger
But I like the way you cant be beat

On the road youll recall your words
And your eyes saw the people dancing
All your life youve been changing rules
Never knew what tomorrow might bring

You seem to be sorry
But show no emotion
Without any worries
Without destination

You are danger, baby, youre a stranger
Sensibility is out of reach
You are danger, baby, youre a stranger
But I like the way you cant be beat

So you think you can pull my leg
So you think you can fool me around
All your life youve been changing bands
But I wish you would stay here sometime

You seem to be sorry
But show no emotion
Without any worries
Without destination

You are danger, baby, youre a stranger
Sensibility is out of reach
You are danger, baby, youre a stranger
But I like the way you cant be beat

You are danger, baby, youre a stranger
Sensibility is out of reach
You are danger, baby, youre a stranger
But I like the way you cant be beat




1954年6月生於羅馬的蓋瑞.洛(Gary Low)為義大利歌手.原名Luis Romano Peris Belmonte.

1982年.28歲的蓋瑞推出首支單曲[You Are a Danger/你是個危險人物](Il Discotto*Baby Records出版)

由Paul Micioni, Pierluigi Giombini創作

Paul Micioni, Peter Micioni製作成一首義大利迪斯可/合成流行舞曲.

節奏輕快, 旋律琅琅上口.


[You Are a Danger/你是個危險人物]登上西班牙單曲榜冠軍

瑞士#7 比利時#25 荷蘭#42

此曲沒在洛的首張大碟,最先放在他1984年專輯[Grandes Éxitos/精選]



















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