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美國音樂才子[王子]初試啼聲之作──放克/R&B──[Soft and Wet/軟與濕]
2019/07/05 12:21:45瀏覽584|回應0|推薦18

美國音樂才子[王子]初試啼聲之作──放克/R&B──[Soft and Wet/軟與濕]

Hey, lover, I got a sugarcane

That I want to lose in you,

Baby can you stand the pain

Hey, lover, sugar dont you see?

Theres so many things that you do to me

Oh baby!

All I want to see is the love in your eyes (hey, lover)

And all I want to hear is your sweet love sighs

All I want to feel is burning flames (hey, lover)

Tell me, tell me, baby, that you feel the same

Tell me that you feel the same way I do

Tell me that you love me girl


Wed be so lost, in our mouths, the best, I feel it everyday (every way)

You feel so wrong, be alone, if you just follow somebody someday


Soft and wet

Soft and wet


Soft and wet

Soft and wet


Every time Im with you, you just love me to death

Oh weee, baby. you leave me without,

Breath! Oh, baby! Oh, yeah


Youre just as soft as a lion tamed (hey, lover)

Youre just as wet as the evening rain

How will I take it when you call my name? (hey, lover)

Your love is driving me,

Youre driving me insane

Crazy, baby

Oh, girl

Crazy bout your love


Soft and wet (U know)

You are soft and wet (Oh, sugar)

Your love is soft and wet

Soft and wet


1958年6月, 美國音樂才子王子(Prince)生於明尼蘇達州的明尼亞波利斯

原名Prince Rogers Nelson

母親是爵士歌手Mattie Della  父親是爵士樂手/詞曲家/鋼琴家John Lewis Nelson


1975年加入樂團94 East

1976年與製作人Chris Moon灌錄一張試唱帶 與商人Owen Husney簽下經紀約

後者讓他再灌錄一張試唱帶 作成新聞包(press kit) 引起數家唱片公司的興趣 最後與華納兄弟唱片(Warner Bros. Records)簽下合約

華納給王子三張大碟創作控制權, 並保留其出版全益

王子搬到加州, 籌備首張專輯[For You

1978年4月  大碟正式出版

王子參與九首歌曲譜寫(除一首與他人合寫) 編曲 製作 並擔任27項樂器演奏



首支單曲是6月推出的[Soft and Wet/軟與濕] 由王子與Chris Moon譜寫

前者製作成一首融合Funk, 合成流行與R&B的歌曲, 被視為 Minneapolis sound的源頭

節奏活潑, 王子以尖細的假音詮釋, 成為他未來許多歌曲的特色

Soft and Wet]登上Billboard單曲榜#92 副榜──靈魂榜#12


For You]因為歌曲的迴響,登上Billboard專輯榜#163 副榜──靈魂專輯榜#21

2016年王子過世, 再度回到Billboard專輯榜 並創新高#138

另外也首度打入英國榜#156 法國榜#200





Unreleased Version



Second Unreleased Version



1980  Live



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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