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美國歌壇天王[法蘭克辛納屈]──音樂劇/傳統流行抒情曲──[Some Enchanted Evening/某個迷人黃昏]
2024/04/13 06:03:00瀏覽303|回應0|推薦7

美國歌壇天王[法蘭克辛納屈]──音樂劇/傳統流行抒情曲──[Some Enchanted Evening/某個迷人黃昏]


LyricsOscar Hammerstein Ii
Richard Rodgers

Some enchanted evening you may see a stranger
You may see a stranger across a crowded room
And somehow you know, you know even then
That somewhere youll see her again and again

Some enchanted evening, someone may be laughing
You may hear her laughing across a crowded room
And night after night, as strange as it seems
The sound of her laughter will sing in your dreams

Who can explain it, who can tell you why
Fools give you reasons, wise men never try

Some enchanted evening, when you find your true love
When you feel her call you across a crowded room
Then fly to her side and make her your own
Or all through your life you may dream all alone

Once you have found her, never let her go
Once you have found her, never let her go



1949年4月 由美國猶太作曲家理查·羅傑斯(Richard Rodgers)&猶太作詞家奧斯卡·漢默斯坦二世(Oscar Hammerstein II)根據漢默斯坦與Joshua Logan的書籍改編音樂劇[South Pacific/南太平洋]在紐約百老匯開演, 大受歡迎

劇中歌曲佳作不少, 其中最有名的是[Some Enchanted Evening/某個迷人黃昏]

這是首三節韻文的show tune獨唱曲, 由男主角Emile演唱(原唱為音樂劇男主角──義大利男低音Ezio Pinza)



1949年,33歲半的美國歌壇天王-’瘦皮猴’法蘭克辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)發行個人版本的[Some Enchanted Evening]

這個音樂劇/傳統流行抒情曲版本由指揮家Axel Stordahl指揮管絃樂團伴奏



[Some Enchanted Evening]登上Billboard單曲榜#6 成為辛納屈眾多音樂劇翻唱名曲之一.

不過筆者聽過的第一個[Some Enchanted Evening]並非平的詮釋

而是芭芭拉史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)在1993年[Back to Broadway/重回百老匯]的版本.



1949 Version





1963 Version



1967 Version




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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