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2007/06/21 08:36:19瀏覽461|回應0|推薦15 | |
體貼,誠懇,熱情的一對佳偶,讓Li-Li B&B的屋子也充滿了 愛意!
與開懷的笑聲,這些就是Li-Li B&B最大的目標,如今逐漸實現! 因為這樣的意義,我們更愉悅的想創造更好的品質與傳達愛的真諦. Rianne將於今年八月語言學碩士畢業,她告訴我透過這樣的學習, 更加了解各國語言的不同結構與文化,也增開了一扇窗,窺見其中 的奧秘與美妙!她還介紹我歐元硬幣的設計,硬幣上歐洲各國都 設計自己國家的特色圖案在硬幣的一面, 另一面則放置歐元的統一設計. 聽Rianne描述荷蘭的經濟,法令的規定,不僅人性化,民主化, 到處是各有特色的百年房屋建築,連街道城市都很美麗喔! 非常嚮往能到荷蘭一遊, 我告訴她...如果到歐洲我會先選到荷蘭一遊! 之後,Rianne會寄荷蘭的照片給我,屆時再與大家分享!!!
戀愛中的情侶,Rianne & Francois 洋溢著羅曼蒂克 與幸福 ! Guest CommentsJune,18-20/07Dear Li-Li and Kevin,Thank you (clankjewel)for your warm hospitality.We really enjoyed our stay at your B and B.We loved the food and the room is beautiful (mooi).Kevin's advice were very appreciated and we are grateful(clankbaar)for his advice. We have him to thank for thosepretty pictures of the Falls(which we will send you).You helped make our memories of our stay precious andwe will always remember our first anniversary fondly.Rianne and Francois |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |