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歡迎胡浩德大使 成為高雄市榮譽市民與高雄市對歐洲文化觀光榮譽大使
2010/08/11 11:58:28瀏覽2137|回應0|推薦2


歡迎胡浩德大使  Mr. Menno Goedhart




我們的好朋友荷蘭貿易暨投資辦事處代表胡浩德代表Mr. Menno Goedhart即將退休。胡浩德代表熱愛台灣,任內關注台灣的歷史與文化,極力促進台灣與荷蘭的關係功績卓著,更已在台灣購置房產,決定退休後定居台灣。在管碧玲委員的推薦下,高雄市政府於89日下午230分在市政府三樓貴賓室,由陳菊市長頒發榮譽市民證書與胡浩德代表,並聘胡浩德代表為高雄市對歐洲的第一位榮譽文化觀光大使。

9日下午630分,由管碧玲委員召集邀請,由立法委員管碧玲高雄服務處、高雄市歷史博物館、高雄市健康城市協會、高雄市水當當婦女關懷協會、高雄市中醫師公會、高雄市中藥商公會、高雄市診所協會、宏洋文教基金會共同主辦,在高雄市歷史博物館,舉辦高雄市各界朋友歡迎胡浩德代表及夫人胡瑛莉女士Mrs. Ingrid Goedhart伉儷的晚會。晚會出席者非常踴躍,除了各主辦單位的會員幹部踴躍出席外。有副市長林仁益代表市長陳菊出席,市議員康裕成、趙天麟、連立堅、蕭永達等;及前環保署副署長張豐藤、前內政部次長林永堅;出席的里長也有四十多位,高雄市許多公會的理事長、企業主也踴躍出席,高雄市特色商街的理事長、幹部也全部踴躍出席,會場擠得滿滿的,氣氛非常熱烈。


歡迎荷蘭胡浩德大使晚會立法院管碧玲委員致詞全文 9989 

Deputy Mayor Lin; Ambassador Menno Goedhard and his wife Ingrid; Honored guests; good evening:

First of all, I would like to thank you all for participating in this event tonight. Just this afternoon, Ambassador Goedhard has accepted the award as the
Honorary Citizen of Kaohsiung City and as the Cultural Tourism Ambassador (of Kaohsiung) in Europe. Tonights event is not only a gesture of welcome and appreciation, it is also an opportunity for all of us to get to know Ambassador Goedhard.

在今天這個盛會,我更想稱呼胡大使為Daganau,稱呼夫人為Lavos。大使在台灣8年期間遊遍台灣及離島,與台灣民眾及原住民成為很好的朋友,他不但加入鄒族,有個鄒族名字Menno Voyu;他也被魯凱族承認為魯凱族頭目,名字為Ama Daganau。這個名字主要是紀念一百多年前的一位荷蘭人,那位荷蘭人與魯凱人頭目女兒結婚,最後成為魯凱族的一份子,還成為頭目。大使夫人則被取名為Lavos,意思是指「綠葉上清晨的露珠」。從今天起DaganauLavos,已經是我們高雄人的兄弟與姊妹了。
On this special occasion, I would like to address Ambassador Goehard as Daganau and his wife as Lavos.In the past eight years, Ambassador Goedhard has travelled around Taiwan and nearby islands, became good friends with the people of Taiwan and with the Aborigines. He has joined the Tsou Tribe and gain a tribal name called
Menno Voyu. He was also recognized as a Rukai Chief by the Rukai Tribe, named as Ama Daganau; this name is to commemorate a Dutch who married the daughter of a Rukai Chief more than one hundred years ago; the Dutch became part of the Rukai Tribe and became a Chief. So, wife of Ambassador Goedhard was also given the name Lavos, meaning the morning dew on the green leaf. As of today, Daganau and Lavos are already integrated members of our Kaoshiung family.

There has been a long history between the Netherlands and Kaohsiung. During Dutch rule, the inhabitants of Honmau Port were dependent on the mullets, as they are the most important catch and was coined a very special titled called the
Blackgold; the mullets were valued like gold. So, fishermen are required to own a license and pay taxes in order to catch mulletsthis policy has been passed down until the Ching Dynasty.



With the experiences travelling around Taiwan, Ambassador Goedhard has put together the book titled
The Real Taiwan and the DutchTravel notes from the Netherlands Ambassador. The book included various local cultures and natural habitats that are worth visiting; also recommended the best cultural spots and local cuisines. This book has both English and Chinese versions, and all proceeds will be donated to victims of the Typhoon Morakot for reconstruction. So, Ambassador Goedhard is in title to be named as the Ambassador that understands and loves Taiwan the MOST. We have purchased 100 copies to donate to some libraries of middle and elementary schools in the hope that they will induce and promote the understanding of this Ambassador who loves Taiwan.

Another incident has shown the attention of Ambassador Goedhart on Taiwan. On May 31st of this year, when I questioned the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan on the fact that the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs has listed the
Netherlands Trade and Investment Office in Taiwan,” “Netherlands Embassy in Beijing,” “Netherlands Consulate General in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Shanghai all under China, on its website; which is an official declaration that Taiwan is Part of China. Official request was sent by my office on May 28th to the Netherland Trade Investment Office in Taiwan. Ambassador Goedhart replied personally on May 31st guaranteeing that correction will be made. The information on the website was adjusted on June 2nd, which goes to show the positive attitude of Ambassador Goedhart to Taiwan as a whole.

It is not surprising that Ambassador Goedhart has decided to make Southern Taiwan his home after retirement; it is fortunate for Taiwan. Lastly, I would like to wish everyone good health and prosperity.



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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