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台灣是人間天堂, 還是人間的地獄??? (二) 解決台灣問題; 必先解決台灣教育體系, 而可能彈劾多數台灣法官
2013/05/15 07:27:59瀏覽1140|回應2|推薦1


如果我將是台灣領導人的顧問。我可能彈劾, 彈劾罪行動損害社會或解僱, 如果 法官只由台灣總統任命,無需台灣立法機構通過憲法程序, 多數的台灣法官而 重新訓練剩下的法官, 不知道台灣是常見的法例 (common-law) 或法令法例 (Statutory law)。從台灣媒體提供的信息,我不認為台灣法官都知 道,如果有 的話,如何解釋, 詮釋,適用和 執行法律。

告訴我,如果我錯了,台灣法官是不制定法律並應用自己制定的法律而不是立法機關。法律是立法機構定下來,受戒或創建的, 並不是法院。法官應避免推論從以前 的法規或憲法或解釋小說劇情來決定被告徒刑, 轉而專注於確切憲法上寫著。

這是不可能解決台灣的社會問題,而不先解決台灣殘破的教育系統。此外,台灣 應設置高標準任何人想要從高等教育畢業的專業人才。前總統陳水扁聲稱他的一名律師,台大法律學位。我不認為他了解如何運用法律及法規制度是。在我看來,台大或台灣院校誤人子弟, 自欺欺人。

I was born near a lake with the deep blue colored water and waves of its inside lake and crossing the other side of a lake is the thick and massive deep green forest covering the mountains around the lake. I heard my mom and aunt talking about my great grandfather's two brothers were beheaded by Gaoshan clan. My concern is that the early generation of sacrifice, and the next generation destroyed.

If I would be a consultant of the Taiwan leader or leaders. I may impeach, an impeachable offense is actions damaging to the government or dismiss majority of judges, if the judge is appointed by the President of Taiwan, without legislative bodies through constitutional procedures and re-train the rest of the judges, I do not know that Taiwan is a common law or the Statutory law. From information provided by Taiwan media, I do not think that Taiwan justices know how, if any, to interpret, construe, apply and enforce laws.

Tell me if I'm wrong, if, it seems to me, Taiwan Justices make the laws and apply their own laws, not legislatives. The law is laid down, ordained or established by legislative body. The legislative body is to make, alter, amend and repeal laws. judges should avoid drawing inferences from previous statutes or the constitution or interpretation of the novel plot to determine the defendant imprisonment, instead focus on exactly what was written.

 It is impossible to Fix Taiwan social problems without fixing the broken Taiwan educational system. In addition, Taiwan should be set high standards of anyone who wants to graduate from higher education. Former President Chen Shui-bian claimed that he's a lawyer, a law degree at National Taiwan University. I do not think he understood how to use the system of laws and regulations. it seems to me, Taiwan University or Universities of Taiwan do more harm than good to younger generations and it is typical of human or school Self-deception.

                                       Part 2/2

Jennie PC Chiang/

江佩珍 05/14/13 美國
( 時事評論教育文化 )
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