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If some Nobel Peace Prizes given were some kind of a joke?? by 江佩珍
2010/10/09 10:30:10瀏覽416|回應1|推薦2

I have never respected Norwegian Nobel committees. I thought that some Nobel Peace Prizes given were some kind of a joke. Liu Xiaobo’s case is more related to legal issues than human right or political prosecution as information provided by our media. Thus, the Nobel Peace has nothing to do with Human right.

Human right is more related to people’s right been abused by unlawful detention without the due process of law which should be an exercise of the powers of the government as the settled maxims of law permit and sanction, and under such safeguards for the protection of individual rights. However, the peace is the tranquility enjoyed by political society internally, by the good order which reigns among its members, and externally by the good understanding it has with all other nations.

Perhaps, Norwegian Nobel Committees should change a Nobel peace to Nobel human right which more fit well with Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo’s case. However, I will think that Taiwan President, Ma Yin-jue, more fit well in Nobel Peace prize according to a criterion of the peace definition.

China dose need to evolve its judicial system to protect and to respect its citizens’ right yet Norwegian Nobel committees should not use Nobel prize as a too to destabilize Chinese society as more than 1.3 billion population, it can not change its society over night. Furthermore, last time a public opinion poll which was conducted by AMERICAN POLLSTERS that 85% of Chinese were happy with their Chinese leaders as well as its society and claimed that China was in right direction. Democracy is fine line between chaotic society and freedom. Human right or Freedom must be reasonable regulations and prohibitions, by its constitutions and legal systems, to impose in the interest of its socety, I would have rather lived in China with gradual evolvement of its social system than chaotic society, such as India, Mexico, Pakistanis, etc.

This article has also posted in Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and in my blog in Chinese United Daily News as well as China Times.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 10/09/10 美國

( 時事評論人物 )
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If some Nobel Peace Prizes given were some kind of a joke?
2010/10/14 06:07


Good point and well said