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Why China won’t come to the table on the trade talk with US? (中文版將於10/18/2018發布)
2018/10/16 09:03:33瀏覽3637|回應0|推薦0

      The Chinese government must realize that dealing with a mercurial President Trump will not produce any results of a trade talk. So, why should China bother to come to the trade talk with US?  Chinese leaders are very confident that they will win this trade war with US. Aside from many trade war tools of confronting US, the high-end and hi-tech transformation of Chinas manufacturing industry that will increase competitive pressure for the United States and the United States may completely lose its potential lucrative market in China as rapid growth in Chinese domestic consumption. President Trump Vice-President Pence launched a bogus attack, without evidence to the fact, against Beijing for its tactics ahead of November’s midterm election will not solve escalating trade tensions between US and China but will lose mutual trust, and then lose any chance of future dialogue or international cooperation on global issues, North Korea is an example.

      President Trump claimed that trade wars were good, and easy to win.” However, American can not win this trade war with China. President Trump like Gen. MacArthur is brilliant but has a poor judgment. Gen. MacArthur was full of confidence in his ability to defeat China without knowing China’s capabilities and military power during the Korea war and ultimately added to his abysmal failure. President Trump overestimates his bargaining power and underestimates China’s determination and ability to cope with any challenge from the United States. President Trump should understand that the time is not in American side, longer trade war drags on, the worse the United States will be, not China. By year 2020 election, Americans will feel the pinch and the President Trumps presidential bid will not be too bright.

      All the companies are profit-seeking businesses, President Trump should understand, as a businessman, many labor-intensive entrepreneurs would not return to US. As per my own experience, American workers just can not compete with Chinese workers in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Please refer to my article "A consequence of the Trade War" posted on my Blog, Facebook and Weibo Jennie 609 on April 07, 2018. I have been running a home furnishing company for over 25 years and time has changed over the past three decades, most of American consumers want to buy the quality products that they can afford it, in another word "cheap". If products imported from China are subjected high tariffs in the United States. Then American entrepreneurs simply move their company to or import from other non-tariff countries to maximize their growth and profitability but there may not be the quality currently offered by Chinese manufacturers. However, for the future growth of some large American companies, the Chinese market is more important than the US market.  Again, neither country can come out a winner if there is a trade war between US and China. Although China may not win in the short term, America may well be the loser in the long-run as the table turns again. Furthermore, President Trump’s Protectionism will ultimately hurt the United States itself.

      U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross signaled on Friday of Oct. 05, 2018 that a "poison pill" provision in the recently completed pact with Canada and Mexico may be replicated in future U.S. trade pacts, such as those with Japan and the European Union. President Trump administrations are fanciful and unrealistic. For Canada and Mexico, the US market may be more important than the Chinese market. However, for the future growth of the EU, including Germany, France and UK, the Chinese market may be more important than the US market. If the United States wants these countries and regions to sign anti-China clauses, it must be ruthless under the original capital. I totally agree with President Xi Sino-US trade frictions show that unilateralism and trade protectionism are rising, it is not a bad thing for China. It forces China to follow the path of self-reliance. China will ultimately rely on itself.”

       It is a critical moment, Taiwan should not make any provocation against mainland China in an attempt to win Taiwanese independence as the united States use economic power to pin down China no longer exists. Taiwan President Tsai’s government should not be manipulated by unscrupulous foreign forces to the deadly trap of the Taiwan Strait conflicts. Taiwan DPP government should understand if over-escalated military conflict erupts in Taiwan Strait. Taiwan will be devastated by the war, not the United States or any other country. A detailed narrative of my dream, please refer to my article “The War” posted February 06, 2018, the attack in Taiwan would take place between October and November. I was hungry, fatigue, terrified and confused. So, I could not pin down the exact month. The weather at the time of the attack in Taiwan was chilly and sun rays were weak. 

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍, 美國 


CC.: President Trump, Vice-President Pence, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, leader of China and Taiwan and leaders of the countries indicated in this article as well as Chinese media.

( 在地生活北美 )
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