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For Those Chinese Who Are Desperately Trying To Come To The US. (中文版於08/23/18發布)
2018/08/22 09:34:45瀏覽3303|回應0|推薦0

Many Chinese desperately want to stay in or come to the United States with all the multifarious ways, even entered the United States by the way of jumping plane, escaped from the Chinese tour group, even some Chinese smuggling crossed Mexico-US border. My ancestors came to Taiwan from China and everything started from scratch. My two great-grand uncles were beheaded by then the indigenous peoples of Taiwan. Many my cousins are tall and have red or brown hairs, on my Mom's side, I have dark brown hairs. Therefore, my ancestors went to Taiwan, it must have been before Zheng Chenggong, a military leader of Ming Dynasty, and the Netherlands. Yes, I consider myself as a Chinese and Taiwan is still a part of China.

What I am worried about is that many Chinese who actively challenge China's established doctrine, policy, or institution without clear country direction for their own ambitious? Unfortunately, for some so-called dissidents, this is the way to the United States. I do agree with Chinese website about “the Allegations of Sun Wenguan's collusion with foreign forces.” If he would have been interviewed by Chinese media, things would be completely different. His complaint will be protected by freedom of speech, and I believe that Chinese officials would not bother him. I don't think this has anything to do with suppressing independent voice. We don’t know how many under-covered CIA officials work at Voice of America and he is very susceptible to manipulate by foreign forces, especially when Sun Wenguan, like many Chinese, desperately wants to come to US. If said Mr. Sun Wenguan’s behavior would have occurred in US, I do not think that American government will tolerate it. The so-called Russian collusion is a good example. For an example, former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson’s wife Valerie Wilson, a CIA operations officer, used her husband as a foreign diplomat to cover up her identity.

 Chinese should be fortunate that they are not like refugees from many countries who have a massive inflow to the United States and children are taken away from their parents. President Trump's separation of migrant family is cruel and inhuman treatment for those asylum-seekers who may have gone through severe suffering from society of anarchy, chaos, gangs of armed and brutal thugs, panic, starvation and horror. I want to know where the voice of the American human rights organization is to criticize President Trump inhuman treatment of those asylum-seekers. Human rights should be universal and the American human rights organization can not pick it and choice which country they want to criticize and which country they want to keep silent. I am so grateful that China is not like those anarchic states, ruled by criminal gangs and brutal thugs. For population of 1.379 billion, China has lifted million Chinese out of poverty and became the world's second largest economy in just over three decades. The proper function of the Chinese government contributes to social and financial stability which plays a vital role in the economic growth. Democracy is not just shouting slogans or just elections. Democracy is between the chaotic society and freedom and democracy or election can be root cause of civil war or the onset of civil conflict in many African countries. In order for democracy work or work properly, democracy must closely associated with proper function of the government, such as sound constitutions and legal systems impose on interests of community as well as the level of the education. I am not familiar with China yet as a size of China; it just can not change its society overnight.

 The grass on the other side of the fence may not be greener.  I came to US to study, and then I met my husband here. He is a Chinese-American and grew up here. I do not recommend that Chinese parents send their children to US for school here. Children may be completely challenged in terms of language, customs and daily life and children can be socially isolated by his peers. For example, 18-year-old An Tso Sun, a Taiwanese exchange student in the United States, was arrested for threatening to “shoot up” his school. He may just be joking about the threat he claims. The US criminal justice system can be complex and difficult for individuals to navigate if the accused is unfamiliar with it. The ability of Mr. Sun’s attorney is to effectively cross exam a witness with regards to his character or his credibility. One can read my July articleHow many innocent people have been wrongfully convicted by US misdemeanor Courts? Due to accused is unfamiliar with the law. Posted on July 13, 2018 on my Blog, Facebook and Weibo 609.


Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍, 美國  

This article has been emailed to President Trump, leaders of Taiwan and China as well as most of Chinese media, Voice of America and American human right organization. Article will post on my Blog, Facebook and Weibo 609 on August 22, 2018.

PS.  抱歉!我沒有發布中文版有多少無辜的人被美國輕罪法院判定錯誤? 由於被告不熟悉法律。 因為美國法律的語言和術語很難翻譯和解釋。

( 時事評論政治 )
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