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Why are Taiwan's friend vanishing? Aug 2, 2018, 14:44:58 附黃暐瀚前幾月臉書貼文及紀政更正聲明
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The Economist explains

Why are Taiwan’s friends vanishing?

China is picking off Taiwan’s allies

The Economist explains

Jul 27th 2018

by S.D.


IF THE inauguration of a Paraguayan president next month draws international attention it will be because of one of its attendees: Tsai Ing-wen, the president of Taiwan. Paraguay is one of just 17 countries (plus the Vatican) that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. In doing so they disqualify themselves from having formal relations with China, which considers the island nation a renegade province. They also subject themselves to intense pressure from the Chinese government to abandon Taiwan, in the form of both carrots (large investments) and sticks (tourism restrictions). So why do countries hold on, and how long can they last?

Taiwan had 28 allies in 1990. But that number is declining. China has taken four of them—Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Panama and São Tomé and Príncipe—in the past two years alone. According to the Chinese government, it is impossible to have diplomatic relations with both countries because they are in fact only one country. Taiwan accuses China of using “dollar diplomacy” to poach allies. Shortly before the Dominican Republic switched allegiances earlier this year, China offered it investment and loans worth some $3.1 bn, says the Taiwanese government. Taiwan itself offers enticements too: Paraguay receives money and police vehicles from the island. Shared history also helps. Paraguay and Taiwan established relations in 1957, brought together by their anti-communism. 

The Chinese government has recently stepped up efforts to isolate Taiwan. Tensions rose in 2016, when Ms Tsai came to power. Her party is the more independence-minded of the island’s two main political groups. Since her inauguration the Chinese government has successfully bullied foreign airlines into listing Taiwan as “Taiwan, China” or “Chinese Taipei” on their websites. (American airlines quietly removed any reference to Taiwan on their websites even as the White House called the demands “Orwellian nonsense”.) Wimbledon, the tennis championships, sparked debate online when it tweeted that a tennis victor hailed from “Chinese Taipei”. China has also quietly instructed its travel agencies not to take groups of tourists to Taiwan or to its allied countries, including the Vatican and Palau. And in May it stopped Taiwanese politicians and journalists from taking part in the World Health Organisation’s annual meeting. The Global Times, a nationalist newspaper in Beijing, warned this spring that the mainland should prepare for a military conflict in the Taiwan Strait. 

China will not stop chipping away at Taiwan’s alliances. Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, called this “the general and irresistible trend”. In Paraguay the president-elect, Mario Abdo Benítez, hopes to sign a trade agreement with China through Mercosur, a trade bloc. He has reportedly assured the Taiwanese government that Paraguay will stand with it. But many of Taiwan’s former friends promised not to defect before they did. Burkina Faso once called offers of money from China in exchange for switching loyalties “outrageous” but within two years it had changed its tune. China is raising the opportunity-cost of allying with Taiwan. It hopes that, if no other country recognises the island, that will make what it calls “reunification” easier. 



What Taiwan (T) lost the hosting right of the 2019 East Asian Youth Games proves another time the creaky cross-T Strait relations. Although the “One China Policy” dominates, Taichung mayor Lin Chia-lung appeals to EAOC to withdraw the repeal of hosting qualification. The rupture of consolidation between Chinese (CH’s) mainland (CM) and T is made by a scurrilous recreant ever being in “CH Taipei” ’s Committee’s cadre. Pity how sanctimonious I sounded these days regarding any matter of T’s “nationality”, whether KMT or DPP wins the incoming 2018 9-in-1 election and even 2020 Presidential (PR) Election.


T’s diplomacy (DI) is ostensibly independent of CH, and CH’s ruling Communist Party (CCP) never repudiates the accession to the national unity that refers to T matter as its largest core interest (INT). Any approach of CCP’s fanfare, reconnoiter and insinuation is demagogue’s vandalism by DPP and those who bears the T’s perpetual separatism from CH. During the last week, Tsai Ing-wen, T now President and DPP chairwoman due to a visit to the only South America’s DI ally Paraguay via Los Angeles and Houston, reprimanded then PR Ma Ying-jeou for its iniquity of T national ingression. Like her last visit to Eswatini, the destination of Tsai’s journey is only 1 state unlike her predecessor Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou who took tours via one more allied states each time. Given the poll by pro-DPP online media “My Formosa” shows the 46% high support of the negotiation under the prerequisite of “both sides of T Strait belonging to One CH”, Tsai who’d like to recuperate her effete prestige is essential to meet CH PR Xi Jing-ping like Ma ever doing.


The largest discrepancy of T’s diplomacy is how to pinpoint the island’s belongings between DPP, KMT and CCP. For both CH and T, the extent to which the mutual belief of global DI etiquettes depends on how great the advantage of immaculate cross-T Strait communication. In T the Nanjing-age “defunction” constitution still work that evinces the T’s derangement on the notion of legitimacy. DPP that yet abandoned its independent (IN) mind operates the mechanism of “ROC” politically decried as the historic ashes. Besides US’s pro-T articles ratified these months, the essence of T IN gets DPP and the stronger by its elimination of Chiang Kai-shek’s tyrant shadow.


More T ordinaries, turning to Sinophile, have willing to have a living and earning in CM where Xi supervised the “One Belt, One Road” cooperative framework. Indeed, T people (PE) therein crave for CM’s middle class’s uprisings involving stable reward, amorphous mass infrastructure like the impending 38,000km superhighway and Beijing Daxing airport, and exuberantly sundry amusement backed by the economic-oriented public sectors. On contrary, T economy stagnates since 2012 even if the T Weighed Index breaks the longest 5-digit record.


Undeniably, democracy (DEM), liberty and parity are the common values of the modern states. Yet the international politics always be pertinent to the finance and veneer. T long-time leaning towards the US-oriented INT politics ideas is a big cause of how T has confidence of autonomy, but the CH’s inducement of employment is prior to the ostensible DEM institution (INS). In fact, the bitter subsistence drives T PE CCP claim to stand on whose dignity to risk the INS’s disparity and the chronicle adaptation. In exchange for respective self-achievement, the reticence of political liberty is too compunctious to expose T’s governing DPP to the maladroit status. T’s spirits, or its amorous beauty, is based on the indigenous vitality, fettered by the political neither prejudice nor megalomania.


The notorious DPP in recent years is moreover accused to intervene in Cambodia’s (CA) interior affairs by donating the dismissed CNRP indicted to ally US to overthrow the CA’s government. Yet the CH’s investment is huge enough to support the CA’s development and the ruling PE’s Party. DPP in the name of universal value is unsavorily manipulate the foreigners that hardly succeeds in New Southbound Policy.


As Tsai’s disclosure of easing pique in AFP interview months ago, she may as well resolve the truculent manners to talk with Xi. Her duly magnanimous attitude towards CH assists T PE to opt for the low-risk prospect. Though DPP keeps valiant on the CM and CCP, she and DPP still hold pragmatism in valor and true patriotism chasing after the benevolence she once promised to cross-Strait Chinese. While she conducts the transitional justice mitigating the trauma T was scarred for life by during Chiang’s authoritarian rule, candor helps perspicacity of development with the extenuating circumstances. That is for Tsai, domestically Chen is necessarily exonerated and the integration of global society is oriented to the mutual role and morality. Yesterday Chi Cheng, an Olympic medalist in 1968, renounces the chosen words “culprit” when it comes to an argument with garrulous Yao over the appellation beforehand.





暐瀚 2018-7-30 de 台北

(註:今天的節目有 1400-1600 中天大爆卦 1600-1800 年代向錢看 2200-2300 中天夜問打權 謝謝大家)










原本1948年之前,我們都用「中國」名稱出席奧運,但1956年開始,我們被迫改為「福爾摩沙 - 中國」(編碼:ROC),1960年羅馬奧運,我們變成「福爾摩沙」(編碼:ROC),之後1964、1968兩屆,我們再改用「臺灣」名稱出賽(編碼:TWN),之後1972、1976冬,我們又稱回「中華民國」(編碼:ROC),直到1981年,國際奧會主席薩馬蘭奇,做了一個重大的決定。



1、中華民國放棄使用「中國」或「中華民國」參加奧運,改用「中華台北 - TPE」。










暐瀚 2018-5-23 de 台北

以下摘自Yahoo 奇摩新聞:


「正名運動」紀政再發聲明 向姚元潮道歉

7.6k 人追蹤
2018年8月1日 下午9:30

▲我東亞青主辦權遭拔,傳出是由中華奧會前國際組長姚元潮向國際奧會密告,造成該起局面。對此,「2020東京奧運台灣正名公投運動」領銜人紀政25日表示,她非常生氣。(圖/邱明玉攝 , 2018.7.25)






【我不支持Chinese Taipei,但是TAIWAN或R.O.C我都可以接受】
據我所知,目前所有的公投提案中,沒有一個是「以中華民國(R.O.C)為全名申請參加所有國際賽事」或類似的。我必須要說,我在乎的是「Chinese Taipei不是我們國家的名字」,不論是中華民國(R.O.C)或是台灣(TAIWAN),我都支持。因為運動員時期的我,分別曾經以「TAIWAN」和「R.O.C」出賽,這是我所經歷過的,看見現今運動員只能以Chinese Taipei出賽,我感觸很深,更是難過。

這段期間,我接受各方邀請去宣傳公投行動,說明自己的經驗,幾次之後,我發現我只有一個身體一張嘴,這樣單槍匹馬四處奔走不是辦法,因此在6月份時請同仁幫我做了一張說帖,讓「它」成為我的分身。在這張說帖中,有一段文字的標題寫著「有人說:連署公投=支持台獨 NO」(其餘內容請詳閱說帖)這是我的立場,我相信已經表達非常清楚。我知道,有人質疑目前看來支持公投的人都是所謂的「台獨份子」,我必須要說,台灣是個民主國家,不論是偏統還是偏獨,都應該有表達意見的自由,更何況,身為這項公投提案「領銜人」的我,沒有權利或義務要針對所有支持公投運動的人進行審核,以確保他們的立場或理由都跟我一樣。


許多人以一張舊報導(照片及文字)來質疑我,說我曾經講我是永遠的中國人等等,對此,我必須還原當時的情境。當年,是我運動成績的高峰,屢破世界紀錄,在美國讀書及訓練的我,曾代表學校及所屬俱樂部出賽,因此,當國外媒體問我是否有可能代表美國出賽時,我回答:I’m Chinese, the blood flowing in me is Chinese, my heart is Chinese. It’s impossible for me to compete for USA. 若以中文翻譯來說,我想表達的是華人,因為我是華人女性第一位在奧運田徑項目奪牌的女性,但是,當某些媒體要將Chinese翻譯成中國時,不就像是現在的Chinese Taipei所面臨的狀況一樣,某些國家或媒體翻成「中國台北」,而我們翻成「中華台北」。


【當年的奧會模式不是我四處奔走爭取來的,Chinese Taipei也不是我選的】
很多人不知道,我在田徑協會服務時,曾經到國際法庭控告國際田總撤銷我國田協會籍,最終因為勝訴才得以保有我國田協會籍。而勝訴的關鍵是我親自到倫敦找到當年我國田協申請加入國際田總的文件中,所主張的領域範圍是台澎金馬,而非全中國大陸。在爭取奧會會籍及奧會模式的簽訂過程中,我唯一參與的是與楊傳廣大哥「受邀到日本名古屋以選手身份發言」,會到名古屋是因為當時國際奧會的執委會在那裡舉辦,而相關人員也提供文稿給我做為發言參考。因此,我個人並未奔走爭取奧會模式,但在當時的氛圍下,也是必須接受的,雖然我不知道是誰決定選擇以Chinese Taipei之名,在那個年代,是非常有可能經過總統同意的。

兩年前,日本民間團體在街頭發起連署行動,支持以台灣(TAIWAN)取代中華台北(Chinese Taipei)參加2020東京奧運,據我所知,這是公投提案的起源。實際上,這項公投的發想、文字擬定、推動策略規劃等工作,我都沒有參與,這些事情是由「2020東京奧運台灣正名行動小組」(簡稱行動小組)所負責,我只是在今年初受行動小組邀請,配合中選會規定擔任「公投提案領銜人」,同時,也列名在共同發起人之一。






4.現今運動員只能用Chinese Taipei出賽,並非他們的選擇,我相信他們的國家在心中,我相信他們不會忘記他們來自哪裡。請勿將矛頭指向運動員,但也請勿利用運動員。公投在推動過程中,許多人希望我去找現役運動員,我堅決反對,因為我認為現役運動員應該要專心訓練和比賽。

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