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2009/06/13 06:14:38瀏覽713|回應0|推薦8


寫了一些東西給神~ 也放出來跟大家分享喔~

(不知道為什麼... 每次想寫些比較感性的東西.. 都會變成英文的... :P

然後~ 雖然星期三就寫好了... 可是因為文法很爛... 原本想先找人改過再放的~

不過因為能找的人自己也都在忙... 所以先放啦~

大家如果看到要修改的可以留言跟我說! 謝謝囉! )

I was trembled and wept like a little child, overwhelmed by your great love.

All your teaching, protecting and things you’ve done came to me.

I could do nothing but be thankful.

You always do more than what I did for you.

And you always prepare and give more than I need and ask from you.

What would my world become without you?

It will be like a handicapped life.

Thank you for everything.

Thank you for waiting me 7 years to understand your love.

Now I really realized.

I know the best way to repay your love is let more people understand your great love.

So, I will take up your priceless, endless great love with me forever and I will pass it on.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you~


感謝神 透過天國聖靈運動給了我很多的禮物!

聚會結束以後 我跟希淑牧師說那天是我的七周年

牧師為我禱告當作給我的禮物 - 那真是我所收到最棒的禮物之一!!!

感謝神 透過天國聖靈運動跟牧師的禱告 讓我更深的感受到神的愛還有期待



( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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