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2011/05/27 16:26:20瀏覽421|回應1|推薦5

夜半  杳無人聲  只有呼吸聲  眾人皆睡我獨醒

睡不著  翻來覆去  失眠  一點兒都沒睡意 

頭腦太清楚  我思故我在  只好「夢」遊去

上哪兒  「夢」遊到網路世界

看看聯網  我的部落格文章  有沒有人推薦  回應  留言

拜訪別人的blog  禮貌地回訪


這世界真奇特  不出門  半夜也可以找朋友 

電腦也會挑花生  不稀奇

天下事  無奇不有  就怕你不知道

聽說  未來有雲端  只懂網路已落伍

想念同學  朋友  親友  想歸想  遠在天邊

透過網路  咫尺天涯  近在眼前

聽聽音樂  舒眠心靈  New Age療癒系 

心靈沉澱  返璞歸真  洗滌凡塵  晶瑩剃透  一覺到天亮




( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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love ur jokes
2011/05/28 17:58

The computer will select peanuts ... you really make me laugh this time!!!

Well, the computer here was down for few days as you may notice which made me down and low very mcuh, however, my sister is kind enough to bring me another laptop with Vista system. I can't install Eten Chinese typing system.

I guess, this is the way of life, one cannot always get whatever he(she) wants. I have to accept and find solution for it. No matter how, I am grateful to have computer and internet that I can access to many beautiful music and read articles from it.

As to the day dreamings ... well, not to worry, it is positive and a brilliant thing ... lots of people doing it ...