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2007/05/18 02:06:12瀏覽574|回應0|推薦3 | |
瑞士人的那門課(二) 既然"DYING TO TRAVEL"會被誤會是我個人貪玩,那麼講[瑞士人的那門課]應該比較能下定義。 為了懊惱[失算],第一次上課就踢到大鐵板(不過也不痛),把syllabus貼給大家看好了,讓不怎能玩到的也能[神遊]一下(如果K那些書可以遊的話....)
課程名稱: Dying to Travel: Risk, Pleasure, and the Question of Global ResponsibilityGuest Lecturers: 這些書其實不錯看,如果不用在這麼短時間消化的話,如果有中譯版就可以一目十行了,英文版.....一行十目吧?唉!
p.s.今天請我吃糖我就拿了,不是因為一回生二回熟,是因為我[燒聲]沙啞,薄荷糖。 Amb. Alyson J.K. Bailes, Director, Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Solna Dr. Ann Miller , St. Mary’s College , U.S.A. 前者是一位女大使。 Course Duration: Spring 2007 (3 May – 7 June) Course Location: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Utrikespolitiska Institutet), Drottning Kristinas Väg 37, Stockholm (for map see: www.ui.se) Course Description: The aim of this course is to examine the relationship between travel and questions of risk, pleasure, and, responsibility. Drawing on the literatures of sociology, history, international relations, anthropology, and literary studies, we wish to examine the shifting sociology of travel and, by extension, the metaphorics of travel; that is, what travel means to for and to people as well as how notions of travel and the traveler have changed over time. We will therefore begin by examining the history and development of travel as idea and practice in Western civilization with particular focus on the shift from the act of travel as a uniquely cosmopolitan activity to travel as an exercise in national or individual expression. We will then discuss some of the ramifications of this shift for the contemporary traveler as well as those places and people visited with several questions in mind: what are the risks involved in travel? What are the pleasures? Does the movement from place to place entail any kind of responsibility, global or otherwise? In order to address these questions, we will look at a number of scholarly writings that deal with the relationship between travel, risk(s), pleasure(s), and responsibility. Requirements: 1. Careful preparation of the readings which means that: a) you have read in advance all of the readings assigned for that week; b) you have identified the strengths and weaknesses of the readings; and c) you are prepared to discuss your views as well as to listen actively to the views of others in class. 2. Attendance at all seminars and guest lectures is mandatory 3. A short “think-piece” (3 pages) each week in which you identify some of the main ideas/arguments in the readings, provide a summary of these ideas/arguments, and offer some of your own thoughts on these ideas/arguments. 這就是每個禮拜還要寫的作業!煩死了~ 4. Synopsis (3-4 pages) in which you present a tentative plan for your final research paper. Your synopsis should include the following: your preliminary research question, a proposed outline/structure for the paper, and a brief list of sources (primary and secondary). NOTE: You must be prepared to present and discuss your synopsis with us DURING WEEK 5. 這個咧。。。就是只剩下我要做的啦 唉! 5. Research paper of 10-12 pages for 5-point course option, or 20-25 pages for 10-point course option. Research papers are due Friday, June 22 and must be submitted in person at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs unless otherwise arranged. Grading: In-class participation: 25% Weekly “think-pieces” (3 pp.): 25% Research paper: 50%Total: 100% 以上都不是問題,人這麼少也沒什麼好裝死的,關鍵是那個research paper,雖然6/7之後可以全部對付他,但是10-12頁五學分、20-22 頁才可以拿到10學分,要撐這麼多出來也不是說說廢話就解決的......
Week 1. Course Overview (Thursday, 10-12pm, May 3, 2007) ROOM: N203B Note: Recommended after class seminar “Education as a Gateway to Integration – Debating the U.S. and Swedish Models” (12.45-4.00 pm, May 3, 2007) Nobel Museum , Stortorget ( Old Town ) Stockholm Week 2. Travel as Practice and Idea: Key Concepts (Thursday, 10-12pm, May 10, 2007) ROOM: N203B READINGS FOR WEEKS 1 & 2: a. Jas Elsner and Joan-Pau Rubiés (1999) Voyages and Visions. Towards a Cultural History of Travel. London : Reaktion Books. b. Introduction + Part I (pp. 1-107) in Pratt (1992) Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. *Week 3. Travel and Risk (Wednesday, 10-12pm, May 16, 2007—*Note date change!)ROOM: N203B READINGS: a. Patricia Goldstone (2001) Making the World Safe for Tourism. New Haven and London : Yale University Press. b. Stefan Gössling and C. Michael Hall (2006) Tourism and Global Environmental Change: Ecological, Social, Economic and Political Interrelationships. London : Routledge. 這本可以對照Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" 台灣在SARS被提到。 Week 4. Travel and Pleasure (Thursday, 10-12pm, May 24, 2007) ROOM: N 204A READINGS: a. John Urry (2001) The Tourist Gaze. 2nd revised edition. London : Sage. b. Chris Ryan and Colin Michael Hall (2001) Sex Tourism. Marginal People and Liminalities. London and New York : Routledge.
*Week 5. Travel and Responsibility: A Diplomat’s Tale. Guest Lecture by Ambassador Alyson Bailes, Director of SIPRI (Wednesday, 10-12pm, May 30, 2007—*Note date change!)ROOM: N 203A READINGS: a. Rosaleen Duffy (2003) The Ethics of Tourism Development. London ; New York , N.Y. : Routledge. b. Keith Hamilton and Richard Langhorne (1995) The Practice of Diplomacy: its evolution, theory and administration. London and New York : Routledge. Week 6. When Worlds Collide: Travel as a Metaphor for the State of California . Guest Lecture by Dr. Ann Miller , St. Mary’s College (Thursday, 10-12pm, June 7, 2007) ROOM: N202 READINGS: a. T. C. Boyle (2004) The Tortilla Curtain. Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. b. Tim Cresswell (2006) On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World. New York : Routledge. 對啦!確實這樣可以瓜分到的資源更多,整個安納林圖書館的教課書全送給瑞士人慢慢看了,我可以躺在家裡看。還有大使和美國來的教授講課,只有2+2個聽眾,實在是很....... REQUIRED COURSE READINGS : 1. Jas Elsner and Joan-Pau Rubiés (1999) Voyages and Visions. Towards a Cultural History of Travel. London : Reaktion Books. 2. Mary Louise Pratt (1992) Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. London : Routledge. 3. Patricia Goldstone (2001) Making the World Safe for Tourism. New Haven and London : Yale University Press. 4. Stefan Gössling and C. Michael Hall (2006) Tourism and Global Environmental Change: Ecological, Social, Economic and Political Interrelationships. London : Routledge. 5. John Urry (2001) The Tourist Gaze. 2nd revised edition. London : Sage. 6. Chris Ryan and Colin Michael Hall (2001) Sex Tourism. Marginal People and Liminalities. London and New York : Routledge. 7. Rosaleen Duffy (2003) The Ethics of Tourism Development. London ; New York , N.Y. : Routledge. 8. Keith Hamilton and Richard Langhorne (1995) The Practice of Diplomacy: its evolution, theory and administration. London and New York : Routledge. 9. T. C. Boyle (2004) The Tortilla Curtain. Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. 10. Tim Cresswell (2006) On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World. New York : Routledge. 這些書其實不錯看,如果不用在這麼短時間消化的話,如果有中譯版就可以一目十行了,英文版.....一行十目吧?唉!
p.s.今天請我吃糖我就拿了,不是因為一回生二回熟,是因為我[燒聲]沙啞,薄荷糖。 |
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